There are millions of people playing WoW
US Realm Pop
Blizzard does not have the time/money/employees to spend all day watching Uldum with scripts and responding or looking into every ticket they receive about a botter. Consider that they probably get over 500k+ tickets in any given week. Do they even read them all? probably not. To think that they even give a shit in the first place is stretching it. They know that botters will always be apart of online gaming. Have you forgotten about Diablo II? That game had items hacked into it regularly. If any gaming company knows about cheats/bots/hacks it is Blizzard. It will never end, they know this, and the idea is to use scare tactics to prevent more botting, not eliminate current botters.
If you honestly believe that botting certain areas increase your chance of ban, you are crazy. What increases your chance of bans is being online a lot and botting around other people. It doesn't matter where you are. I have had my own guild tag me as a bot just for being online days in a row without talking to anyone. I was there playing, and afking regularly but doing heroics and BGs, only botting 3-4 hours a night, in different zones gathering different mats. Just the fact that I was online for so long aroused suspicion. You see, it doesn't matter where you are or what you are doing all that matters is other people noticing you.. Notice you doing something specific? no. Notice you. Period. What you are doing is irrelevant to the fact that you are online nearly 24/7, but only bot 4 hours a night. You could bot 20 hours/day and it'd be the exact same thing. You are being noticed.
Common sense:
Join a small, chill and active guild that has a regular weekly schedule. Tag along in a 25 man maybe once a week.
Stay away from the 500+ member L25 guilds that allow anyone to invite anyone. You will~ be ratted out and reported by at least one person. I promise.
Do BGs and heroics every now and then to keep yourself looking like a progression player.
MAKE FRIENDS! Once again, make chill, laid back friends. These kinds of relationships can take a couple weeks to develop, but if you can meet a few good people to throw on your friends list and contact regularly, your account will look normal.
Randomize hot spots? YES. But don't stop there if you're seriously paranoid make your own profile for your regular farming zones...
Personally, I don't think it matters what profile you use. In the end, botting is botting and all of it is obvious.. yes all of it. Going down 1 road or the other doesn't make you look like any less of a botter. Seriously. Even someone using the same profile as you is not going to end up on the same nodes as you are.. so it doesn't really matter. It's not like a xerox copy or something. The bot flys around and gathers nodes within range if it detects it... The path you took to get to where you are doesn't matter in the slightest because the bot will fly wherever it needs to gather said node.