Like it was said earlier... it really depends on what you want to get out of the bot. I would do yourself a huge favor and try to search around a bit on here first to see if the functionality you want in the bot is available, including what classes work and what ones don't.
In a very generalized way here's what I can tell you to expect:
-- Bot handles questing 1-50 pretty well, as long as you are prepared to babysit it and check up on it every 10 minutes or so
-- Bot handles grinding well. It takes some time investment to create grinding profiles that function well and are in ideal locations to make a good haul.
-- Most classes function, on a very basic level (some don't, however) but as far as I know there isn't a spec out there that has an optimal rotation. Most are just functional at a very basic level. If you really want the bot to function optimally, be prepared to learn basic coding and edit your own routines.
-- Bot does not function in in Warzones. Bot will fight for you, but you have to handle the movement yourself
-- Bot doesn't run crewskill missions, but will hit nodes if you use the "Joe's" routines.
-- Bot doesn't run space missions, because that's a super fast way to get banned.
-- Bot can run Ilum dailies AFK, however there currently is not a functioning profile for Belsavis or Black hole dailies. The Belsavis dailies are broken at Mesh level, making it impossible to create a Belsavis profile that is 100% afkable until the mesh is fixed.
-- Sub-optimal DPS rotations.
-- As far as I know, some people are working on raiding utility from the bot. If it's not functioning now, I would be it will be soon. I've heard a little bit about Lazy raider and it sounds like it works well, but I'm not familiar with that at all.
^^ That's what you're looking at with the bot. You need to ask yourself what you're hoping the bot will do for you, and what you hope to gain out of it.