It's not as "safe" as usual because there was ton of bans in last 8-10days. I think bliz is clearing the servers a bit and as I am kinda new to botting (2-3months now) I haven't encountered sth like this before. I am 100% positive that they will ease a bit after some time, just dunno how long. I need to get prepaidsits as "safe" as usual
its as "safe" as usual
biggest bullshit ever and it even comes from a moderator lol..
my gatherers used to have a life span of 1 month and half, sometimes even 2 months.. now they don't last a week.
frickin' admit that something is wrong already.
biggest bullshit ever and it even comes from a moderator lol..
my gatherers used to have a life span of 1 month and half, sometimes even 2 months.. now they don't last a week.
frickin' admit that something is wrong already.
The world is changing every moment!biggest bullshit ever and it even comes from a moderator lol..
my gatherers used to have a life span of 1 month and half, sometimes even 2 months.. now they don't last a week.
frickin' admit that something is wrong already.
you can have your opinion but being rude is unacceptable
3 days ? Well server side it is not so safe anymore atm, what Tony ment was the HB is as safe as usual..
Lost 7 accounts this week, all SoR's mates of me lost alot of normals but they can be appealed to 72h bans.
Im just wondering why blizzard is actually doing this, if they continue that it would ruin the game economy alot.
And since they care about the game economy alot i dont understand it.
you can have your opinion but being rude is unacceptable
Dont bot if you dont want to get banned. How hard is that to understand?
Stop hiding and tell us what you know.
Warning! Blizz staff....
read my posts then,simple enough