Look tony you might be a cool guy, or whatever I dont know.
But you simply cannot post that link as an answer to a question like "Is it safe to bot now, can I run your program without getting caught?"
I'm sure you're a smart guy and know that he is implying if the bot is undetectable by Blizzard and not whether or not the mere action of botting is generaly safe to do.. Understand?
If you post a link with a broad answer like that, "Is Botting Safe?", then you might as well post links to your competitors, because you are giving an answer for all botting software, not only yours.
Do you see it now?
And can you tell us if we were to run the bot right now and be careful not to get caught via reports, etc ( the oldschool methods, which WE are responsible for ) and not helplessly be banned via detection of using (paid) software.
thnx tony