Hey Everyone,
Since a few days ago i decided to get back to wow.
My quistion basicly is if it is safe to bot on wow while playing overwatch?
Would it be suspicious to blizzard in any way that im playing 2 games at once and are my friends able to see im playing 2 games at once?
Also if my friends are able to see im playing 2 games at once is there a way to hide that im playing wow like going in offline mode (if possible) so they would only see me playing overwatch?
And 1 final quistion in the past i mainly used the questbot on my mainaccount i did not use gatherboddy or bgbuddy on my main accout has any changed in 2 years risk wise? is quest bot still as "safe" as 2 years ago?
Thanks in advance everyone.
Since a few days ago i decided to get back to wow.
My quistion basicly is if it is safe to bot on wow while playing overwatch?
Would it be suspicious to blizzard in any way that im playing 2 games at once and are my friends able to see im playing 2 games at once?
Also if my friends are able to see im playing 2 games at once is there a way to hide that im playing wow like going in offline mode (if possible) so they would only see me playing overwatch?
And 1 final quistion in the past i mainly used the questbot on my mainaccount i did not use gatherboddy or bgbuddy on my main accout has any changed in 2 years risk wise? is quest bot still as "safe" as 2 years ago?
Thanks in advance everyone.