Was curious if this was possible. would be pretty huge if it was.
Lets say you're mining/herbing in uldum. Would it be possible to make a plug in (Or anything at all), scan uldum for all the available nodes, and then fly directly to the nearest nodes?
Hopefully you all get what I'm suggesting.
What are your thoughts on this. Possible? If so, I think it'd be great to integrate into GB2
EDIT: This was another idea I thought of while I was in the shower
Lets say you're mining/herbing in uldum. Would it be possible to make a plug in (Or anything at all), scan uldum for all the available nodes, and then fly directly to the nearest nodes?
Hopefully you all get what I'm suggesting.
What are your thoughts on this. Possible? If so, I think it'd be great to integrate into GB2
EDIT: This was another idea I thought of while I was in the shower

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