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Is honorbuddy still around?

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New Member
Dec 29, 2014
It's been like 7 months since I last even looked at honorbuddy, Is it still for the most part undetectable ? Or are most people getting banned nowadays>?
It's been like 7 months since I last even looked at honorbuddy, Is it still for the most part undetectable ? Or are most people getting banned nowadays>?

Well the fact you in the forums would mean yes.

blizzard is hot on botting atm- so HB hasn't been having a good run of late.. but we seem to be in a ban clear wave at the moment
LOL he is muted atm, but will be back firing off at these topics :)
As TheCamel said HB is as hot as an steamy hot fired kitchen! as the saying goes can't take the heat get the f*** out of the kitchen ;) same with botting.
How much would a paid cr, paid pvp base + honor buddy be? and do you need CR for each class? or is there 1 that has all classes
I really don't think even moderate use is advisable right now. Blizzard is onto HB and HB hasn't been successful at countering them. If you bot, you'll get banned. It may take 1 month or 2 before the next wave hits, but they'll get you. There was a time when people got banned in large part due to other players reporting them, but for the last year give or take, it's been software detection. So no matter how careful you are, they'll catch you. Until the honorbuddy team steps up their game, I wouldn't advise using the bot. Just go to the banned section of the forum and see for yourself. Blizzard seems to have made it their goal to destroy HB before the next expansion.
I really don't think even moderate use is advisable right now. Blizzard is onto HB and HB hasn't been successful at countering them. If you bot, you'll get banned. It may take 1 month or 2 before the next wave hits, but they'll get you. There was a time when people got banned in large part due to other players reporting them, but for the last year give or take, it's been software detection. So no matter how careful you are, they'll catch you. Until the honorbuddy team steps up their game, I wouldn't advise using the bot. Just go to the banned section of the forum and see for yourself. Blizzard seems to have made it their goal to destroy HB before the next expansion.
This is simply not true.

The arrival rate of ban reports is about the same as it always is. An analysis of the reports reveals that people simply can't give up their risky behaviors. E.g., botting 20+ hours, BGs and Arenas, etc.

You simply can't go around slapping everyone in the face with "HEY, look at what my bot can do!", and not expect resulting problems. Honorbuddy is a power tool. If you get careless or use it in risky behaviors, it will remove limbs.

Only the OP can answer his own question. As, everyone's risk tolerance and purpose for the bot is different.

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The arrival rate of ban reports is about the same as it always is. An analysis of the reports reveals that people simply can't give up their risky behaviors. E.g., botting 20+ hours, BGs and Arenas, etc.

You simply can't go around slapping everyone in the face with "HEY, look at what my bot can do!", and not expect resulting problems. Honorbuddy is a power tool. If you get careless or use it in risky behaviors, it will remove limbs.

well said, people who have no idea how to bot safely got themselves banned and now they are just trolling the forum to discourage people from using the bot, it's very sad
This is simply not true.

The arrival rate of ban reports is about the same as it always is. An analysis of the reports reveals that people simply can't give up their risky behaviors. E.g., botting 20+ hours, BGs and Arenas, etc.


Please Chinajade, allow me a question that I've always wondered about. When you state that the arrival rate of Ban reports is the same / similar as it has always been, you take into account that the number of people botting with Hb at the moment is so much lower than before?

Point being, if 100000 people were botting a year ago, and 10 people per day reported their bans, it makes a 0,01% probability of being banned per day in an utopical , perfect system;
If the number of people botting atm is 20000 (this is an assumption too) , assuming the same arrival rate of ban reports, probability of being banned per day grows 5 times.

That is not considering the fact of ban waves that clear a huge percentage of the userbase. You gotta live with that and expect BL to do their best to counteract it. Which I think they do.

Small steps could have been taken along time to induce a sense of more security along the userbase. Renaming the .exe? We have been told for years that it wouldn't help at all. Yet now, all of a sudden, it is started to be done in DB and HearthBuddy. So, Blizzard started looking for the executable name right now? Was it that hard to implement? Would it have been that hard to implement 1 year ago?

Transparency and clarity go a long way for ensuring that your customers feel secure. There are some BL employees /collaborators who have frequently been honest with the Userbase. Mainly, Raphus and Hawker, imho. It would be amazing if you could follow that lead!

PD: it would also help not having to read the same fanboy posts from the same peopl of late in every single thread. Every-single-one. Gosh!
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erm me old china? , i was always safe and limited use, never once did i bot for more than couple hours a day and still had 4 accounts banned , didnt even manipulate currency nothing just cc and enyo, so nothing to do with stupid use , i only wish i had manipluated market to become in game millionair multi times , but never did
Please Chinajade, allow me a question that I've always wondered about. When you state that the arrival rate of Ban reports is the same / similar as it has always been, you take into account that the number of people botting with Hb at the moment is so much lower than before?

Point being, if 100000 people were botting a year ago, and 10 people per day reported their bans, it makes a 0,01% probability of being banned per day in an utopical , perfect system;
If the number of people botting atm is 20000 (this is an assumption too) , assuming the same arrival rate of ban reports, probability of being banned per day grows 5 times.

That is not considering the fact of ban waves that clear a huge percentage of the userbase. You gotta live with that and expect BL to do their best to counteract it. Which I think they do.

Small steps could have been taken along time to induce a sense of more security along the userbase. Renaming the .exe? We have been told for years that it wouldn't help at all. Yet now, all of a sudden, it is started to be done in DB and HearthBuddy. So, Blizzard started looking for the executable name right now? Was it that hard to implement? Would it have been that hard to implement 1 year ago?

Transparency and clarity go a long way for ensuring that your customers feel secure. There are some BL employees /collaborators who have frequently been honest with the Userbase. Mainly, Raphus and Hawker, imho. It would be amazing if you could follow that lead!

PD: it would also help not having to read the same fanboy posts from the same peopl of late in every single thread. Every-single-one. Gosh!

If you don't want to read posts by the people you think are fanboys don't read the topics, it's amazing how easy that is.

Just cause someone doesn't agree with you doesn't make them a fan boy.

My opinion, yes HB has had its issues, but every bot will and does. Overall it may or may not be more dangerous to use it currently. As users we cannot really say less people are using it, while the Dev's can by knowing how many authenticate to their servers, with that information they could have an idea of number of ban reports vs that info.

I personally am still using it, but only on an account I use for botting to farm gold for me and and my family, I won't use it on my main as the old rule always said don't use on something you are not willing to lose. I run normally no more than 8 hours a day doing 2 different profiles types between chars and have not seen issues as of yet.

Me and my wife got hit in the ban for the other non mentioned rotation software with Perma Bans, and my Step Son got 6 month for HB. That got us to start over manually and only bot on a specific account that was always a bot to earn us gold.
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