I am saying to you without any joke in my text , I believe buying Warcraft to replace a botted account closure is without a doubt the worst investment in time and money you can make. BOTs are Detected and you will throw your money away.
I have been botting for only a couple of years but the last 2 bans I wasnt able to sidestep, and believe me my footprint in WOW was very small. I had less than 500 gold on any of my characters because I didnt want to automate my movements and be reported.
If you guys buy another copy of Wow and boost characters etc etc you will just play into the hands of the Stock watching greedy $$ collectors the designers and makers of wow have become.
Just look at all of the activities you see at endgame...Garrisons, piles of effin time wasted planning and harvesting, using daily CD's etc to prolong your subscription, even professions gutted and meaningless..that at least used to be fun and somewhat profitable.
Now all we do is log from one alt to the next to clear all our chores and rinse and repeat. BORING not to mention expensive.
The accounts we do care about have also been hit because of association with botted accounts even tho they hadn't had any bot attached to them, I see several today stating that fact.
Do as you wish polackpl, but I am very dissapointed in the game itself and am glad this happened actually, it has finally broken my desire to throw my money away on a game that has become garbage.