What is everyone's experience with guild bans? if I have 5 accounts running, and 4 are bots, while the 5th is my own main account.... but i have one toon from my main as GM. other 4 are bots and deposit shit every day almost into guild bank.. main withdraws and makes shit out of it.
So what has anyone ACTUALLY HAD EXPERIENCE with on bans? this isnt a poll, this isnt what you know from your cousin's bro's sister's mom's aunt who knew a guy with the same situation.
Anyone actually have experience with this situation? all accounts and toons from same IP/Comp.
So what has anyone ACTUALLY HAD EXPERIENCE with on bans? this isnt a poll, this isnt what you know from your cousin's bro's sister's mom's aunt who knew a guy with the same situation.
Anyone actually have experience with this situation? all accounts and toons from same IP/Comp.