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Community Developer
May 1, 2011
Welcome to your new future

Hopefully mostly all PvE routines will adapt this, if you want the code please PM me here or on skype (if you have me)

All interrupts are random based with Random.Next(700, 2000)

The interrupt list contains following -->

All important trash interrupts in SoO
All Boss interrupts in SoO
All Boss interrupts in ToT
All Boss interrupts in HoF (Jokes there wasn't any, there was one important trash Dispatch ability though)
All Boss interrupts in MSV.

Raiding in the future is looking bright for those with toilfoil hat :)
Raiding, and how about pvp cause i believe pve is server side detected and pvp is pure on player reports.
Welcome to your new future

Hopefully mostly all PvE routines will adapt this, if you want the code please PM me here or on skype (if you have me)

All interrupts are random based with Random.Next(700, 2000)

The interrupt list contains following -->

All important trash interrupts in SoO
All Boss interrupts in SoO
All Boss interrupts in ToT
All Boss interrupts in HoF (Jokes there wasn't any, there was one important trash Dispatch ability though)
All Boss interrupts in MSV.

Raiding in the future is looking bright for those with toilfoil hat :)
This is new to me since I just stumbled upon it. Could you give a little more info on this, alxaw? Is this in your current routine? Will it be in your routines in the future? Is this something being developed? I like the idea of the random interrupts, but there wasn't a whole lot of info given in the post, lol.
--Current Interrupt Methods--

We run the lua variable API UnitCastingInfo - WoWWiki - Your guide to the World of Warcraft

If it's interruptable it returns 1, if it's not interruptable it's returning false (0)

We call this all the time during the interrupt time, which is sort of bad because we run it in a framelock (rotation) and it gets executed a lot.

Sure we can decrease the amount of checks for the UnitCastingInfo by adding Me.CurrentTarget.CastingSpell, but wait there's more..

I don't feel safe running a lua variable each time a boss / mob is casting by checking if It's casting / is interruptable, I believe that Blizzard is logging everything you do on your character even the lua commands. (because you send it to the game server and asks if it returns 1 or 0 on the current mob)

Which is why I have gone back to the old lists for interrupting and adding a random timer, this way Blizzard have no way of detecting if you're actually running a interrupt "hack". (I'm pretty sure they are all hating on me atm)

--New Interrupt Methods--

SpellIds into a list
Check the current spell is being casted
Random timer until we Interrupt.

I explained on the old interrupt method, I feel IMO it's unsafe.


Yes, it's current in all of my routines. I added them yesterday, and I plan on keeping this until the next expension pack. Hence why the enum setting, so you can choose between expension packs / PvP(If the routine wants to support this)
I feel like this is the best option to be safe from "interrupt" hacking bans. It's not instant, it sure as hell not depended on one lua variable to return false or true.
I have missed a couple of interrupts with this! When its a 2 second cast, and the random interrupt timer is at 2000ms, the server lag etc makes the interrupt go of right after the spell is actually cast! Would it help to reduce the max of the random timer from 2000ms to like 1800 or something?
I have missed a couple of interrupts with this! When its a 2 second cast, and the random interrupt timer is at 2000ms, the server lag etc makes the interrupt go of right after the spell is actually cast! Would it help to reduce the max of the random timer from 2000ms to like 1800 or something?
Just my $0.02...
It makes the bot look more 'human like' to miss interrupts occasionally.

I have missed a couple of interrupts with this! When its a 2 second cast, and the random interrupt timer is at 2000ms, the server lag etc makes the interrupt go of right after the spell is actually cast! Would it help to reduce the max of the random timer from 2000ms to like 1800 or something?

I will make the timer adjustable soon(tm)

Standard will be 700 - 2000.
A quick fix for people who don't want this in their routine/plugin yet; To make yourself a bit less botlike

private static Random _random = new Random();

And then add this in your interruptcheck before you actually interrupt
Me.CurrentTarget.CurrentCastTimeLeft.TotalMilliseconds <= _random.Next(250, 1500)

This doesnt solve the massive amount of pulses "Can we interrupt?", but it does make you look alot less botlike with INSTANT interrupts.
Awsome.. i turned all my interupts off and doing them myself instead.
But this makes it a bit more safer to turn it on..
Good jobb.. !!! and i do like the idee of missing some interupts. we are still humans =D