The last couple of weaks i had some troubles with my internet started from a small problem to a big problem.
1 ouf of the 2 times i click any link no mather what link ( for instance above here Forum>Buddy Downloads>Buddy auth) Any link it opens a random website either saying i won a ipad and its no joke! or my jave or flashdriver is outdated or a "professional cleaner" that fix my computer.
Also these links are not opended in a different tab instead they open in the page where im currently browsing in and sometimes i even get such java update error if i did not even click a site yet.
Ive runned windows defender ive always used that as virus protection never realy had any problems with it but i never had something even remotely anoying as this because sometimes it downloads something if i don't react quick.
My quistion is whats the best way to investigate/remove this i don't know or it is a populair virus with a name or what it is called if running.
The last couple of weaks i had some troubles with my internet started from a small problem to a big problem.
1 ouf of the 2 times i click any link no mather what link ( for instance above here Forum>Buddy Downloads>Buddy auth) Any link it opens a random website either saying i won a ipad and its no joke! or my jave or flashdriver is outdated or a "professional cleaner" that fix my computer.
Also these links are not opended in a different tab instead they open in the page where im currently browsing in and sometimes i even get such java update error if i did not even click a site yet.
Ive runned windows defender ive always used that as virus protection never realy had any problems with it but i never had something even remotely anoying as this because sometimes it downloads something if i don't react quick.
My quistion is whats the best way to investigate/remove this i don't know or it is a populair virus with a name or what it is called if running.