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Intentional Suicide Ban


New Member
Apr 17, 2010
Hi everyone,

I got bored with WoW and I figured that I might as well quit it a few years ago but I didn't, I was still hooked so I tried quitting again not more than a month ago but that failed... so this drove me crazy and I decided just to set up a little experiment. I have three accounts with over 20 90's and all of them were geared via dungeonbuddy, and the average gold I had combined totalized up to 1.4 million gold, not including how much gold I've spent into BMAH (T3, mounts, pets, etc). This tells you how much I'm addicted to WoW and I have a lifetime account (I can bot up to 4 accounts).

First account is just a herb/ore farmer that farms the shit out of everything, then mail everything to a bank alt. (to test the theory that the abuse of economy is possible) For this experiment, I used a decently geared pally toon in a guild, with nothing special.

Second account is set to dungonbuddy 24/7 to farm "VP" and "JP", including enchanting materials disenchanted from gear. This experiment, I used a well geared warrior that pulled at least +60k in dungeons, whom is also in a guild as well.

Third account were set to farm leathers and cooking supplies from specific mobs. I used a 90 rogue in full blue pvp gear for this one since its a pvp server and never got killed once.

The first account to go was the second account, PERMA BANNED under 8 hours. The other two accounts lasted for a full week, until I started posting over 1k stacks of mats for reasonable price on a large server on my first account which got me PERMA BANNED in under 9 hours after posting everything. The third account never went away so I switched the toon and set it to BG mode just to get banned faster, it took only 5 hours to get PERMA BANNED. So... in 5 years of me botting on those three very same accounts, including using variety of hacks (duping, wowinfinity, etc), I got banned only because I pushed my accounts to impossible limits.

Ciao World of Warcraft, you have been a wonderful but terrible addiction. Its time for me to walk away and focus into my 100k government job, good luck all of you World of Warcraft players. Tis a wonderful feeling to finally feel freed from a curse, and I am unsure about what to do with this lifetime Honorbuddy account except to give it to a good friend who still plays WoW.

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P.S. I've made a couple of tickets to GMs, emailed them, phoned them, and even asked a friend of mine who works for the GM department to see if I could play the "victim" story. They all said that this is a ban that will NEVER be overturned :D

Ban Email;
***Notice of Account Closure***

Account Name: ????????

Reason for Closure: Terms of Use Violation -- Exploitative Activity: Unauthorized Cheat Programs ("Hacks")

This account was closed because one or more characters were identified using an unauthorized cheat program, also known as a "hack." These programs provide character benefits normally not achievable in the World of Warcraft. Such benefits include, but are not limited to, increased speed, teleportation, or running through walls/boundaries. Use of these unauthorized programs harms the game environment because they offer an unfair advantage over other players and supersede the intended limits of the game.

Even if this is the result of account sharing, the account owner can still be held responsible for the penalty because of the impact it had on the game environment.

We've found the above behavior is many times directly related to groups responsible for compromising World of Warcraft accounts; we take these issues very seriously. To better understand our position against exploitative activity and the risks involved, please review this article: http://us.battle.net/wow/en/services/anti-gold/

The exploitative activity that took place on this account violates the World of Warcraft Terms of Use. We ask you take a moment to review these terms at http://us.blizzard.com/company/legal/index.html. Note that additional Terms of Use violations may result in more severe actions against this account, up to and including permanent closure.

If you believe your account was compromised, please go to the following website https://us.battle.net/account/support/account-recovery.html. Our support staff will assist you as soon as possible. If you are unable to access your account due to the password being changed, please visit our Login Support site here:https://us.battle.net/account/support/password-reset.html

For any disputes of this action or further information on exploitive activity, please visit the Account Administration Overview and contact page here: http://us.battle.net/support/en/article/300515


Customer Services
Blizzard Entertainment

My first email to them with the victim story, their response was;
Thank you for your follow-up contact regarding the account ???????. This account was closed after evidence was produced indicating one or more characters on the account were found to be using an unauthorized cheat program. These programs provide character benefits that are not achievable in the World of Warcraft through normal means. Such benefits include, but are not limited to, character automation (also known as "botting"), increased speed, teleportation, or running through walls/boundaries. These types of programs offer an unfair advantage over other players and supersede the intended limits of the game.

As a result of this determination and the harmful nature of unauthorized programs on the game environment, the action taken against this account will not be reversed. Please understand that we do not reach this decision lightly. This action has been taken in accordance with our Terms of Use (http://us.blizzard.com/en-us/company/legal/wow_tou.html).

In addition, you are responsible for any unauthorized cheat software found to be running in conjunction with World of Warcraft, regardless of the location and ownership of the computer used to log into the service. Please remember to keep your login information confidential. Any account that is registered to your name may not be shared with anyone except for one minor of whom you are a parent or guardian. The security of your account rests with you.

As a reminder, only the Account Administration department can address disputes or questions about this account action. To learn more about how we are able to assist you, please visit us at http://us.battle.net/support/en/article/300515.

We apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused and hope we have addressed any concerns you may have had. Please let us know if we can be of further assistance to you.

Last ticket submitted, "desperately" asking for an overturn, which a response was made;
This is the latest response from Customer Support:
Thank you for your follow-up contact. An additional review of the previously communicated action taken against the World of Warcraft account (?????) on (?????) has been completed. Unfortunately, we have confirmed our initial findings. The account action will not be reversed or amended.

We base all of our actions on the severity of the violation, and take previous violations into consideration. This action has been taken in accordance with the Terms of Use (http://us.blizzard.com/en-us/company/legal/wow_tou.html) and our In-Game Policies (http://us.battle.net/support/en/article/policy), which all players acknowledge and agree to prior to participation.

While we understand that you may disagree with some of the policies or conditions, the bottom line is that they allow us to maintain a fun and safe game environment.

We hope this has resolved any concerns you may have had. Please let us know if we can be of further assistance.
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P.S. I've made a couple of tickets to GMs, emailed them, phoned them, and even asked a friend of mine who works for the GM department to see if I could play the "victim" story. They all said that this is a ban that will NEVER be overturned :D

Ask your GM friend if they would accept payment to unban an account and PM me please
1. You could have just sold all the gold and then accounts
2. "and focus into my 100k government job" - I think you're lying.
Ask your GM friend if they would accept payment to unban an account and PM me please

It doesn't work like that way sadly, also he said he would need to ask his manager for an approval to overturn my perma ban. That would mean I would need to bribe both of them and have them both be on my side. I've also used to temporarily work in Austin site near Blizzard's GM center, which is how I made a GM friend :D and that temp job was a part of a software engineering job related to support in customer relations... I've learned a lot about how things worked in between the customer (you) and the GM. They can do things and have the powers to do it, but they rarely abuse it because it would be noticed, and it would look bad on them (who wants to lose a job in a bad economy anyway?).

Yeah, those tickets feedback in-game DO affect the GM's bonuses (though, it is small, but its something). Anyway, enough rambling, the answer is no.

1. You could have just sold all the gold and then accounts
2. "and focus into my 100k government job" - I think you're lying.

1. I don't give a flying fuck about money (selling accounts) if the 100k government job is real? Besides, selling the accounts is just waste of a time when nobody has the money.
2. Fort Meade, that is all I'm saying.
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Ah alright ty for the info got to say i would have just sold the gold to a chinese seller for a few hundred dollars out of principal
he is lying you just dont get banned in 5 hours from BG thats some bull shit iv bg for weeks straight and havent got banned.

100k a year isnt shit i feel sorry for you
he is lying you just dont get banned in 5 hours from BG thats some bull shit iv bg for weeks straight and havent got banned.

100k a year isnt shit i feel sorry for you

I guess its that someone reported me fairly quickly, its a stroke of luck on each one to their own. Plus, having two banned accounts under one email would just make it easier for me to get banned on other accounts as well.