*NEW* IB will now leave dungeons that are not selected in the GUI (blacklisted dungeons) while doing randoms.
*NEW* Added an option to loot or not in instances. IB will only loot if tank's distance is lower then 40 yards. It is not suggested to turn looting on.
*FIX* IB will now properly leave dungeon when its completed.
*FIX* IB will now properly detect the expansion pack owned and queue for necessary dungeons according to that.
*FIX* A bug where IB stops following the tank
*FIX* A bug where IB selects wrong party member as tank
*FIX* A bug where IB doesn't reset the corpse run timer resulting in an instant "Corpse run is failed" message.
*FIX* Area spell detection works properly now.
*FIX* IB will not try to change spec when you don't have dual spec specilization (for low level hybrid classes to heal/dps in dps/heal spec)
*CHANGE* Increased the range to the tank where IB cancels resting to catch up the tank for dps classes.
View attachment Instancebuddy v2.1.1.3 for HB
Coded by Raphus
*FIX* Once LVL 68 and having only WOW + BC Key you will be still able to queue for old BC dungeons instead of not being able to queue for LK dungeons
*NEW* Added an option to loot or not in instances. IB will only loot if tank's distance is lower then 40 yards. It is not suggested to turn looting on.
*FIX* IB will now properly leave dungeon when its completed.
*FIX* IB will now properly detect the expansion pack owned and queue for necessary dungeons according to that.
*FIX* A bug where IB stops following the tank
*FIX* A bug where IB selects wrong party member as tank
*FIX* A bug where IB doesn't reset the corpse run timer resulting in an instant "Corpse run is failed" message.
*FIX* Area spell detection works properly now.
*FIX* IB will not try to change spec when you don't have dual spec specilization (for low level hybrid classes to heal/dps in dps/heal spec)
*CHANGE* Increased the range to the tank where IB cancels resting to catch up the tank for dps classes.
View attachment Instancebuddy v2.1.1.3 for HB
Coded by Raphus
*FIX* Once LVL 68 and having only WOW + BC Key you will be still able to queue for old BC dungeons instead of not being able to queue for LK dungeons