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Info on the possible recent banwave


New Member
Dec 4, 2011
My account recently got perma banned (no previous offenses, been playing on that account for around 5 years) and they ended up not overturning the ban.

Interestingly enough, on my last attempt at unbanning the account, instead of tickets I decided to use the Blizzard live chat service (had 4 tickets denied). In it, the representative GM told me for the last time that the reason I got banned was because "basically, you were botting". I tried to BS my way out of it, saying that I have not (I did supervise my bot 100% of the time, dual monitor so...). I kept the conversation going for a little bit, and he eventually told me that I had an application running in the background which was a bot. Now, I am not sure whether honorbuddy itself is detected or not, or maybe the profiles, but he told me that I was banned because at the time that they suspected me of botting, I had a botting application running on my computer.
if honorbuddy would be detected, they'd probably wipe us all in one go. maybe they just had evidence of you doing bot-like movements or actions, not more. Although there's no evidence to deny your claim, there is none to support it either.
if honorbuddy would be detected, they'd probably wipe us all in one go. maybe they just had evidence of you doing bot-like movements or actions, not more. Although there's no evidence to deny your claim, there is none to support it either.

I totally understand, I kind of wish I screenshotted the conversation that I had with the GM. If you have recently been banned, go to live support and ask them, I'm pretty sure they'll give you a similar response if you deny that you were botting.
I totally understand, I kind of wish I screenshotted the conversation that I had with the GM. If you have recently been banned, go to live support and ask them, I'm pretty sure they'll give you a similar response if you deny that you were botting.

All of my suspensions came from micro-porting/personal GM intervention, or automated warden bans out of the blue, in front of me, when I most probably stepped over the tolerable threshold of player report to uptime ratio.

Since there is no news of HB itself being detected, we can assume that the only way of them getting "evidence" of you botting is GM witnessing it, since even their most robust autoban wardens get false-positives.

Of course we might be all living in denial, and HB is detected even without injecting into WoW's memory, and Blizz is just killing off some of us to keep the legit players happy, but not all of us at once, to keep their shareholders happy. But that's tinfoil hat territory.
Just think about all botters will be banned in one wave is just not only loss of many subscriptions and lots of money but a collapse of all ingame economy for real.
Do you want to see stacks of herbs for 200 gold each on AH ok just ban us all we won't mind, personally I don't it at all. Loss of 10.000 botters is worth for blizzard losing couple of million subscriptions for 100% and there will be loss of 50% and more of servers because no one will join them. So I see in this thread that HB is not that safe at all as I was thinking, I might be wrong, but detection of Lazyraider is unbelievable :) .
Or just sue them for monitoring our running programs and stuff - It's illegal and we have a proof, If only TS could send us a chatlog here.
Just think about all botters will be banned in one wave is just not only loss of many subscriptions and lots of money but a collapse of all ingame economy for real.
Do you want to see stacks of herbs for 200 gold each on AH ok just ban us all we won't mind, personally I don't it at all. Loss of 10.000 botters is worth for blizzard losing couple of million subscriptions for 100% and there will be loss of 50% and more of servers because no one will join them. So I see in this thread that HB is not that safe at all as I was thinking, I might be wrong, but detection of Lazyraider is unbelievable :) .
Or just sue them for monitoring our running programs and stuff - It's illegal and we have a proof, If only TS could send us a chatlog here.

I actually have a ticket open, I'm going to see if blizzard can email me the chat log after I get my issue sorted.
ok look if u dont know this,u NEED to rename ur client to something else,because GMs can check the process running in your machine,if they see a process name Honorbuddy.exe u are screwed,second,here is a 100% unban technique(but can only be used 1 time) and this need to be the first time u account is locked because of different ips,just use a *** and lock your own account,the account will show u some option like what was ur last login etc after u do the password recovey process,,u should pick a month ago or something like that,then an auto item recover and toon recover,and a ticket will be open,then u just need to claim ur account was hacked and u will get your account back,no matter what,boting,gold selling,or anything,sadly this method can only be used once.
(excuse my bad english)

(BTW a gm will contact u and tell u "we dont find any evidence of your account being hacked or something like that,u just need to stick saying no,my account was hacked,and keep saying that and they will unban you,i have been unbanned like 4 times,but again this is a 1 time only per account.)
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ok look if u dont know this,u NEED to rename ur client to something else,because GMs can check the process running in your machine,if they see a process name Honorbuddy.exe u are screwed,second,here is a 100% unban technique(but can only be used 1 time) and this need to be the first time u account is locked because of different ips,just use a *** and lock your own account,the account will show u some option like what was ur last login etc after u do the password recovey process,,u should pick a month ago or something like that,then an auto item recover and toon recover,and a ticket will be open,then u just need to claim ur account was hacked and u will get your account back,no matter what,boting,gold selling,or anything,sadly this method can only be used once.
(excuse my bad english)

(BTW a gm will contact u and tell u "we dont find any evidence of your account being hacked or something like that,u just need to stick saying no,my account was hacked,and keep saying that and they will unban you,i have been unbanned like 4 times,but again this is a 1 time only per account.)

i dont get thi so you're saying i can unban my account that has been banned for 72hours?
ok look if u dont know this,u NEED to rename ur client to something else,because GMs can check the process running in your machine,if they see a process name Honorbuddy.exe u are screwed,second,here is a 100% unban technique(but can only be used 1 time) and this need to be the first time u account is locked because of different ips,just use a *** and lock your own account,the account will show u some option like what was ur last login etc after u do the password recovey process,,u should pick a month ago or something like that,then an auto item recover and toon recover,and a ticket will be open,then u just need to claim ur account was hacked and u will get your account back,no matter what,boting,gold selling,or anything,sadly this method can only be used once.
(excuse my bad english)

(BTW a gm will contact u and tell u "we dont find any evidence of your account being hacked or something like that,u just need to stick saying no,my account was hacked,and keep saying that and they will unban you,i have been unbanned like 4 times,but again this is a 1 time only per account.)

in case your theoretical is true, if I have two accounts, one clean and one with which I use the "bot", they ban the 2? Or what?
ok look if u dont know this,u NEED to rename ur client to something else,because GMs can check the process running in your machine,if they see a process name Honorbuddy.exe u are screwed,second,here is a 100% unban technique(but can only be used 1 time) and this need to be the first time u account is locked because of different ips,just use a *** and lock your own account,the account will show u some option like what was ur last login etc after u do the password recovey process,,u should pick a month ago or something like that,then an auto item recover and toon recover,and a ticket will be open,then u just need to claim ur account was hacked and u will get your account back,no matter what,boting,gold selling,or anything,sadly this method can only be used once.
(excuse my bad english)

(BTW a gm will contact u and tell u "we dont find any evidence of your account being hacked or something like that,u just need to stick saying no,my account was hacked,and keep saying that and they will unban you,i have been unbanned like 4 times,but again this is a 1 time only per account.)

So you know that renaming a application is the equevlent of drawing a carton face on your ID..

Process have unique id's and hash values.. I dosnt matter what you rename the file to.. They have no idea what is running on your computer.. They might say they can, and technicaly may be able to.. But i assure you there legal department is telling them dont even think about it. Its a law minefield..I suggest you stick with your games and leave the technical stuff to those who know what they are talking about.
So you know that renaming a application is the equevlent of drawing a carton face on your ID..

Process have unique id's and hash values.. I dosnt matter what you rename the file to.. They have no idea what is running on your computer.. They might say they can, and technicaly may be able to.. But i assure you there legal department is telling them dont even think about it. Its a law minefield..I suggest you stick with your games and leave the technical stuff to those who know what they are talking about.

kid pls,i suggest you to read more,it has been said and confirmed that gms look to ur running process,they can check anything running on your computer because u allowed them to do that by accepting the TOS. ill share with u the subsection "E" of the section "17. Monitoring and Enforcement; Restrictions on Use." of the ToS so u can quicly shut up and go away in shame:

E. WOW! automatically measures and monitors network performance and the performance of your Internet connection and our network. We may also monitor and record information about your computer, equipment profile or settings and the installation of software we provide. You agree to permit us to monitor your computer and equipment and to record such data, profiles and settings for the purpose of providing the Service. We do not share information collected for the purpose of network or computer performance monitoring or for providing customized technical support outside of WOW! or its authorized vendors, contractors and agents. WOW! reserves the right to modify the password(s) for the router(s) used with the Service in order to safeguard Internet security, the security and privacy of Customer information, where required by law, and/or for other good cause to provide, upgrade and maintain the Service, protect the network, other users of the Internet, or our Customers. Should WOW! change such password(s), we will use reasonable means to notify the Customers affected, which may include notice by email and/or through notice on our website.

and btw,wow is only allowed to "watch(record)" information already being available in your system(ex task manager) but they are NOT allowed to run any debugging commands on your pc to get any hash,id,or any other info about anything,so changing the cleint name actually helps!
in case your theoretical is true, if I have two accounts, one clean and one with which I use the "bot", they ban the 2? Or what?

i know that banning an account for "collateral damage" is not allowed,they will only ban the account involved on any violation and the client will be allowed to buy and make another account,or play with a existing one,but in the case that your infraction is very strong(like hacking the game,glitching the server etc) they will put a flag on your ip and ban all of your accounts,but no i was stating that maybe the kicks profile is being monitored because i got caught for using it very fast in a very similar way the same day.(excuse my bad english)
i dont get thi so you're saying i can unban my account that has been banned for 72hours?

u can unban any account,72 hrs or permaban by doing this,but as said before it will only work if this is the first time ur account gets locked for diferent ips login,
i know that banning an account for "collateral damage" is not allowed,they will only ban the account involved on any violation and the client will be allowed to buy and make another account,or play with a existing one,but in the case that your infraction is very strong(like hacking the game,glitching the server etc) they will put a flag on your ip and ban all of your accounts,but no i was stating that maybe the kicks profile is being monitored because i got caught for using it very fast in a very similar way the same day.(excuse my bad english)

Ok, because I had thought in the near future to buy another account to avoid compromising the original mine put it at risk. So if they put the flag in the IP and ban me the two accounts is not worth buying another account as it was intended.
In the hypothetical case of the PC to share with my brother or a Cyber ​​embers, they ban all accounts that only one has even used hacks? Rarely while sucks, because for example if I drug trafficking and the police stopped me, can not miss it for all my family traffics and also stop. So will the Hack, if I hack with an account and the other keep clean, should not ban me 2. This is a topic a little hard to verify, we have to go to someone to confirm this guess.
And what they say to change the client name you mean the account name when you enter WoW, right?
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im im talking about changing ur honorbuddy client name,mine is Winamp.exe,and to be honest i asked a blizz emplyee about the account ban thing,and he told me they never ban 2 accounts,they only ban the account involved in the infraction but guess what? my main account got banned without any reason,they just decided to ban my farming accounts and my main account,they didnt even acused a character on my main account they just send me this



Nombre de cuenta: WoW1
Nombre de reino:
Nombre de personaje:

all fields blank,exepr account name wow1 but reign and character name in blank,they just decided to punish me banning my main acc for gold selling(i never sold or buy gold on my main)so i called them,and blizz answer was,"this is a decision made after a large investigation,and we dont need to give u any reason"something like that
in conclusion they can ban u whenever they want? yes,be smart and dont give them any obv reason to do that.

ill stop posting now,because at the end everything is based on our actions,if we are goin to get banned son or later it only depends on our skillz to keep a low profile,but hoping that u will never be caught is just stupid,if u dont want to lose ur main account,dont bot with it,if u dont want to get banned,dont bot at all,if u feel u are being lucky and have that strange feeling"omg im goin to get banned"STOP BOTING at least a couple of days,because its YOU and only YOU who can decide if youre goin to get banned.
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ITT; People who have no clue on how honorbuddy and warden works or what a "banwave" is.
I watch the ban forum fairly regularly. The frequency is mildly higher but not ridiculous, and most seem to be obvious player reports. All you have to do is count the number of new threads that are posted "yesterday" or "today". If the first screen is full of "today" then I worry. If I see a "yesterday" or 5 on the first page ... then I feel pretty confident no massive increase has happened.

Unless there are a couple pages worth of "today" by noon my time? THERE WAS NO BANWAVE.

I kind of wish the bot makers would give -estimates- on how many licenses were active in the last 2 months. I think it would clue people in that when there are X -thousand- people who botted and a few dozen got caught ... that the bot is safe when managed properly. I doubt they'll want to release this information ... and honesty I doubt it would stop people screaming "BANWAVE!".

If you feel botting should allow completely AFK unattended operation ... thank you ... you are the decoy that allows the rest to bot relatively safely.

PS. Want to be safe? Check for new releases before each session as well as refuse to bot just after a new patch. It is just common sense.