Well tats their own fault then for not being loyal buddies

Thats the other great thing about HB, not only is it the safest bot on the chance you do get banned you only get a 6 month for first offence, thats huge if you care about your account!
are you ever objective? i like to defend hb sometimes when people are trashing it when it is not to do with hb or its fault but your reasoning is just ....
and where are you guys getting fireback got 18month bans? i saw plenty of users report on their forums just getting 6 months. again like on sbr forums, like on fireback forums and here people trash their own bots + competition bots when they mostly got 0 idea wtf they talking about.
now going to the way blizzard bans, normally if they detect others bots which use lua unlockers they normally perm ban them to be honest, we saw it in december and i think january when fb 64 got hit. this ban wave was very odd, seems like they were hitting mainly hb and other bots rotations got caught up in the process since if fireback was truly detected like they were earlier this year it would of been perms straight out due to lua unlockers in blizzard eyes = hacks = perm ban that is the way they go we know this.
now the tripwire seems to be working, like raphus said they are being naughty however you say it is the safest, well maybe they put the most effort into being safe but going to court and fighting them legally and online when the hb team admits they are the no 1 target makes them by default not the safest but not by their own fault and it's great tripwire works but it can only go so far against a superior giant like blizzard the hb team ain't perfect we saw when an update failed and tripwire was offline things can happen.
i've said before you wonder why people attack you and say your blind be objective other softwares are getting popular due to just not having the same ban waves as hb but like i said not by hb fault but due to blizzard why you think raphus said in discord he wants to make the 64bot not just for good pr but so blizzard turn on the 64bit detection to start hurting the competition and you know why because the ban waves are hitting hb more than the comp.
also the routines here are hurting, the new rotation bot may change things but a lot of great cr developers have gone i do hope some may return on the new bot but then again besides the state of hb itself the contracts aren't too appealing but that is something else.