With as many 72 hour and perma bans that are being reported. I wanted to pose the question, how is the community taking this? What I mean is from reading the last week on here during my breaks at work. There seems to be alot more reports of bans from people who have been smart about their botting or have just logged on and ran their not for the first time with no reason for getting caught. So do we think blizzard has finally found a way to tag hb and gb when ran? Also what do you out there who are serious botters, who have done this for a long time successfuly think about this? I have been botting since wotlk with no issues and have always played it better safe then sorry. I have leveled a 85 rogue, Dk, warrior , and Druid with Max herb, mining, jc, enchanting, skinning, blacksmithing, inscription, and leather working plus a hand full of other toond at various levels. So I am a seasoned botter but Don't know how to feel about the recent bans. This is a serious question.