ive been trying to use the profile with questing bot and i press start in stormwind and it just runs back and forth, doesnt say its moving to pick up quests it just aimlessly dismounts and runs about confused ive got a log here...
[9:15:13 PM:022] Starting the bot!
[9:15:13 PM:436] Changing current profile to [A - Fly] QO 68-80 [Kick] Release
[9:15:16 PM:413] Chose Singular v2 $Revision: 605 $ as your combat class!
[9:15:16 PM:414] [Singular] Starting Singular v2.0.0.0
[9:15:16 PM:414] [Singular] Determining talent spec.
[9:15:16 PM:493] [Singular-DEBUG] [Talents] Best Tree: 31
[9:15:16 PM:493] [Singular] Current spec is Enhancement Shaman
[9:15:16 PM:495] [Singular-DEBUG] Creating Combat behavior.
[9:15:16 PM:501] [Singular] Building method list
[9:15:16 PM:504] [Singular] Added 377 methods
[9:15:16 PM:507] [Singular-DEBUG] CreateEnhancementShamanNormalCombat is a match!
[9:15:16 PM:508] [Singular] Using CreateEnhancementShamanNormalCombat for Enhancement Shaman - Combat (Priority: 0)
[9:15:16 PM:531] [Singular-DEBUG] Creating Pull behavior.
[9:15:16 PM:532] [Singular-DEBUG] CreateEnhancementShamanNormalPull is a match!
[9:15:16 PM:532] [Singular] Using CreateEnhancementShamanNormalPull for Enhancement Shaman - Pull (Priority: 0)
[9:15:16 PM:535] [Singular-DEBUG] Creating Rest behavior.
[9:15:16 PM:536] [Singular-DEBUG] CreateEnhancementShamanRest is a match!
[9:15:16 PM:536] [Singular] Using CreateEnhancementShamanRest for Enhancement Shaman - Rest (Priority: 0)
[9:15:16 PM:545] [Singular-DEBUG] Creating CombatBuffs behavior.
[9:15:16 PM:548] [Singular-DEBUG] Creating Heal behavior.
[9:15:16 PM:549] [Singular-DEBUG] CreateEnhancementShamanHeal is a match!
[9:15:16 PM:549] [Singular] Using CreateEnhancementShamanHeal for Enhancement Shaman - Heal (Priority: 0)
[9:15:16 PM:552] [Singular-DEBUG] Creating PullBuffs behavior.
[9:15:16 PM:555] [Singular-DEBUG] Creating PreCombatBuffs behavior.
[9:15:16 PM:556] [Singular-DEBUG] CreateEnhancementShamanPreCombatBuffs is a match!
[9:15:16 PM:556] [Singular] Using CreateEnhancementShamanPreCombatBuffs for Enhancement Shaman - PreCombatBuffs (Priority: 0)
[9:15:16 PM:560] [Singular] Behaviors created!
[9:15:16 PM:590] [Singular-DEBUG] Attached combat log
[9:15:16 PM:675] Cleared POI
[9:15:16 PM:675] Cleared POI - Reason Starting up
[9:15:16 PM:676] Cleared POI
[9:15:18 PM:706] [Singular-DEBUG] Switched targets!
[9:15:18 PM:707] [Singular-DEBUG] Melee Distance: 5
[9:15:18 PM:708] [Singular-DEBUG] Health: 11677
[9:15:18 PM:708] [Singular-DEBUG] Level: 70
[9:15:18 PM:820] Activity: Loading Tile/s
[9:15:18 PM:821] Loading Northrend_22_27
[9:15:19 PM:011] Updating repair cost for current equipped items. New value: [0g74s3c]
[9:15:19 PM:024] Compiling quest behavior from 'C:\Users\\Desktop\Honorbuddy_2.0.0.5883\Quest Behaviors\Message.cs'
[9:15:19 PM:294] [Profile Message]: Compiling Zul'Drak Quests
[9:15:19 PM:299] Compiling expression '(!IsQuestCompleted(12584))' @ line 8756
[9:15:19 PM:522] [Profile Message]: Compiling Quests to Zul'Drak
[9:15:19 PM:522] Compiling expression '((!HasQuest(12770)) && (!IsQuestCompleted(12770)))' @ line 8760
[9:15:19 PM:736] Compiling quest behavior from 'C:\Users\\Desktop\Honorbuddy_2.0.0.5883\Quest Behaviors\RunMacro.cs'
[9:15:19 PM:957] Goal: Running Macro
[9:15:19 PM:959] [RunMacro-v217(debug) @line 8761]: Running macro 1 times
[9:15:19 PM:959] Activity: RunMacro 1/1 Times
[9:15:21 PM:464] Goal: Running Macro
[9:15:21 PM:464] [RunMacro-v217(debug) @line 8762]: Running macro 1 times
[9:15:21 PM:464] Activity: RunMacro 1/1 Times
[9:15:22 PM:968] Goal: Running Macro
[9:15:22 PM:968] [RunMacro-v217(debug) @line 8763]: Running macro 1 times
[9:15:22 PM:968] Activity: RunMacro 1/1 Times
[9:15:24 PM:472] Goal: Running Macro
[9:15:24 PM:472] [RunMacro-v217(debug) @line 8764]: Running macro 1 times
[9:15:24 PM:472] Activity: RunMacro 1/1 Times
[9:15:25 PM:975] Goal: Running Macro
[9:15:25 PM:975] [RunMacro-v217(debug) @line 8765]: Running macro 1 times
[9:15:25 PM:975] Activity: RunMacro 1/1 Times
[9:15:27 PM:479] Goal: Running Macro
[9:15:27 PM:479] [RunMacro-v217(debug) @line 8766]: Running macro 1 times
[9:15:27 PM:479] Activity: RunMacro 1/1 Times
[9:15:28 PM:982] Goal: Running Macro
[9:15:28 PM:982] [RunMacro-v217(debug) @line 8767]: Running macro 1 times
[9:15:28 PM:982] Activity: RunMacro 1/1 Times
[9:15:30 PM:486] Goal: Running Macro
[9:15:30 PM:486] [RunMacro-v217(debug) @line 8768]: Running macro 1 times
[9:15:30 PM:486] Activity: RunMacro 1/1 Times
[9:15:31 PM:991] Goal: Running Macro
[9:15:31 PM:991] [RunMacro-v217(debug) @line 8769]: Running macro 1 times
[9:15:31 PM:991] Activity: RunMacro 1/1 Times
[9:15:33 PM:493] Goal: Running Macro
[9:15:33 PM:493] [RunMacro-v217(debug) @line 8770]: Running macro 1 times
[9:15:33 PM:493] Activity: RunMacro 1/1 Times
[9:15:34 PM:996] Goal: Running Macro
[9:15:34 PM:996] [RunMacro-v217(debug) @line 8771]: Running macro 1 times
[9:15:34 PM:996] Activity: RunMacro 1/1 Times
[9:15:36 PM:499] Compiling quest behavior from 'C:\Users\\Desktop\Honorbuddy_2.0.0.5883\Quest Behaviors\FlyTo.cs'
[9:15:36 PM:741] Goal: Flying to Pickup Quest
[9:15:36 PM:742] [FlyTo-v217(debug) @line 8773]: Flying to 'Pickup Quest': <4593.685, -4225.382, 178.6545>.
[9:15:36 PM:797] Activity: Loading Tile/s
[9:15:36 PM:797] Loading Northrend_39_23
[9:15:36 PM:926] Loading Northrend_22_28
[9:15:36 PM:976] Loading Northrend_21_27
[9:15:37 PM:094] Loading Northrend_21_28
[9:15:37 PM:186] Loading Northrend_22_26
[9:15:37 PM:283] Loading Northrend_23_27
[9:15:37 PM:320] Loading Northrend_23_28
[9:15:37 PM:333] Loading Northrend_21_26
[9:15:37 PM:425] Loading Northrend_23_26
[9:15:37 PM:509] Loading Northrend_22_25
[9:15:37 PM:573] Loading Northrend_21_25
[9:15:37 PM:669] Loading Northrend_23_25
[9:15:37 PM:743] Loading Northrend_24_25
[9:15:37 PM:812] Loading Northrend_20_28
[9:15:37 PM:893] Loading Northrend_24_26
[9:15:37 PM:956] Loading Northrend_20_27
[9:15:38 PM:082] Loading Northrend_24_27
[9:15:38 PM:124] Loading Northrend_21_24
[9:15:38 PM:196] Loading Northrend_22_24
[9:15:38 PM:301] Loading Northrend_20_26
[9:15:38 PM:493] Loading Northrend_22_29
[9:15:38 PM:514] Loading Northrend_24_28
[9:15:38 PM:515] Loading Northrend_23_29
[9:15:38 PM:518] Loading Northrend_23_24
[9:15:38 PM:590] Loading Northrend_25_26
[9:15:38 PM:640] Loading Northrend_20_25
[9:15:38 PM:747] Loading Northrend_21_29
[9:15:38 PM:927] Loading Northrend_24_24
[9:15:39 PM:004] Loading Northrend_25_25
[9:15:39 PM:136] Loading Northrend_22_23
[9:15:39 PM:256] Loading Northrend_21_23
[9:15:39 PM:395] Loading Northrend_19_27
[9:15:39 PM:459] Loading Northrend_25_24
[9:15:39 PM:659] Loading Northrend_23_23
[9:15:39 PM:768] Loading Northrend_26_25
[9:15:39 PM:862] Loading Northrend_20_29
[9:15:39 PM:936] Loading Northrend_24_29
[9:15:39 PM:940] Loading Northrend_27_25
[9:15:40 PM:080] Loading Northrend_26_26
[9:15:40 PM:083] Loading Northrend_28_25
[9:15:40 PM:207] Loading Northrend_19_28
[9:15:40 PM:268] Loading Northrend_28_24
[9:15:40 PM:391] Loading Northrend_27_24
[9:15:40 PM:558] Loading Northrend_25_27
[9:15:40 PM:576] Loading Northrend_29_25
[9:15:40 PM:661] Loading Northrend_24_23
[9:15:40 PM:738] Loading Northrend_20_24
[9:15:40 PM:873] Loading Northrend_26_24
[9:15:41 PM:006] Loading Northrend_30_25
[9:15:41 PM:100] Loading Northrend_31_25
[9:15:41 PM:289] Loading Northrend_21_22
[9:15:41 PM:416] Loading Northrend_25_28
[9:15:41 PM:418] Loading Northrend_29_24
[9:15:41 PM:523] Loading Northrend_29_23
[9:15:41 PM:654] Loading Northrend_32_25
[9:15:41 PM:729] Loading Northrend_20_23
[9:15:41 PM:836] Loading Northrend_22_22
[9:15:41 PM:954] Loading Northrend_19_26
[9:15:42 PM:063] Loading Northrend_30_24
[9:15:42 PM:142] Loading Northrend_23_22
[9:15:42 PM:276] Loading Northrend_31_24
[9:15:42 PM:385] Loading Northrend_30_23
[9:15:42 PM:496] Loading Northrend_32_24
[9:15:42 PM:580] Loading Northrend_27_26
[9:15:42 PM:620] Loading Northrend_19_25
[9:15:42 PM:738] Loading Northrend_24_22
[9:15:42 PM:839] Loading Northrend_24_21
[9:15:42 PM:951] Loading Northrend_30_26
[9:15:43 PM:060] Loading Northrend_29_26
[9:15:43 PM:183] Loading Northrend_32_26
[9:15:43 PM:329] Loading Northrend_33_25
[9:15:43 PM:464] Loading Northrend_33_26
[9:15:43 PM:562] Loading Northrend_25_21
[9:15:43 PM:684] Loading Northrend_28_26
[9:15:43 PM:773] Loading Northrend_34_25
[9:15:43 PM:908] Loading Northrend_31_26
[9:15:44 PM:020] Loading Northrend_25_22
[9:15:44 PM:127] Loading Northrend_23_21
[9:15:44 PM:278] Loading Northrend_22_30
[9:15:44 PM:291] Loading Northrend_23_30
[9:15:44 PM:294] Loading Northrend_34_26
[9:15:44 PM:413] Loading Northrend_26_27
[9:15:44 PM:433] Loading Northrend_30_22
[9:15:44 PM:544] Loading Northrend_29_22
[9:15:44 PM:678] Loading Northrend_35_26
[9:15:44 PM:843] Loading Northrend_35_25
[9:15:44 PM:992] Loading Northrend_33_24
[9:15:45 PM:136] Loading Northrend_31_23
[9:15:45 PM:212] Loading Northrend_20_22
[9:15:45 PM:315] Loading Northrend_22_21
[9:15:45 PM:458] Loading Northrend_25_29
[9:15:45 PM:463] Loading Northrend_24_30
[9:15:45 PM:466] Loading Northrend_21_30
[9:15:45 PM:480] Loading Northrend_36_26
[9:15:45 PM:617] Loading Northrend_25_20
[9:15:45 PM:699] Loading Northrend_19_29
[9:15:45 PM:704] Loading Northrend_21_21
[9:15:45 PM:872] Loading Northrend_32_23
[9:15:45 PM:986] Loading Northrend_31_22
[9:15:46 PM:163] Loading Northrend_24_20
[9:15:46 PM:254] Loading Northrend_36_25
[9:15:46 PM:432] Loading Northrend_34_24
[9:15:46 PM:572] Loading Northrend_20_21
[9:15:46 PM:664] Loading Northrend_37_26
[9:15:46 PM:786] Loading Northrend_18_27
[9:15:46 PM:850] Loading Northrend_20_30
[9:15:46 PM:857] Loading Northrend_35_24
[9:15:47 PM:041] Loading Northrend_28_23
[9:15:47 PM:226] Loading Northrend_36_24
[9:15:47 PM:375] Loading Northrend_37_24
[9:15:47 PM:518] Loading Northrend_26_28
[9:15:47 PM:520] Loading Northrend_37_25
[9:15:47 PM:654] Loading Northrend_33_23
[9:15:47 PM:728] Loading Northrend_30_27
[9:15:47 PM:745] Loading Northrend_38_25
[9:15:47 PM:850] Loading Northrend_38_26
[9:15:48 PM:008] Loading Northrend_18_26
[9:15:48 PM:082] Loading Northrend_27_27
[9:15:48 PM:107] Loading Northrend_38_24
[9:15:48 PM:290] Loading Northrend_38_23
[9:15:48 PM:435] Loading Northrend_36_23
[9:15:48 PM:590] Loading Northrend_31_27
[9:15:48 PM:630] Loading Northrend_39_25
[9:15:48 PM:723] Loading Northrend_23_20
[9:15:48 PM:813] Loading Northrend_21_20
[9:15:49 PM:015] Loading Northrend_28_27
[9:15:49 PM:046] Loading Northrend_39_24
[9:15:49 PM:216] Loading Northrend_32_27
[9:15:49 PM:275] Loading Northrend_37_23
[9:15:49 PM:415] Loading Northrend_32_22
[9:15:49 PM:513] Loading Northrend_34_23
[9:15:49 PM:617] Loading Northrend_34_27
[9:15:49 PM:665] Loading Northrend_28_22
[9:15:49 PM:763] Loading Northrend_20_20
[9:15:49 PM:828] Loading Northrend_29_27
[9:15:49 PM:863] Loading Northrend_25_30
[9:15:49 PM:874] Loading Northrend_22_20
[9:15:49 PM:993] Loading Northrend_35_27
[9:15:50 PM:074] Successfully generated path from {2259.079, 5194.691, 11.56496} to {4593.685, -4225.382, 178.6545} in 13.147 seconds
[9:15:55 PM:965] Successfully generated path from {2315.439, 5243.741, 13.14282} to {4593.685, -4225.382, 178.6545} in 213 milliseconds
[9:15:58 PM:660] [STUCK] Got stuck at <2314.139, 5244.96, 19.68575> on map 571
[9:15:58 PM:674] [STUCK][HITTEST] LD/LU: False
[9:15:58 PM:674] [STUCK][HITTEST] Left: True
[9:15:58 PM:674] [STUCK][HITTEST] RD/RU: False
[9:15:58 PM:674] [STUCK][HITTEST] Right: True
[9:15:58 PM:674] [STUCK][HITTEST] Behind: True
[9:15:58 PM:674] [STUCK][HITTEST] Behind Left: True
[9:15:58 PM:674] [STUCK][HITTEST] Behind Right: True
[9:15:58 PM:675] Stop and dismount... Reason: [STUCK] Dismounting
[9:15:59 PM:925] [STUCK] Moving Forward for 750ms.
[9:16:00 PM:680] [STUCK][DISMOUNT] Moved 5.223392. Need: 2.25. Result: True
[9:16:00 PM:680] [STUCK] Dismount Worked
[9:16:00 PM:962] [Singular] Imbuing main hand weapon with Windfury
[9:16:00 PM:967] Spell_C::CastSpell(8232, 0, 0x0, 0) [1]
[9:16:01 PM:442] Successfully generated path from {2308.969, 5244.435, 13.12617} to {4593.685, -4225.382, 178.6545} in 211 milliseconds
[9:16:02 PM:149] [Singular] Imbuing off hand weapon with Flametongue
[9:16:02 PM:151] Spell_C::CastSpell(8024, 0, 0x0, 0) [2]
[9:16:02 PM:367] Spell_C::CastSpell(8024, 0, 0x0, 0) [3]
[9:16:03 PM:686] [Singular] Casting Lightning Shield on Myself
[9:16:03 PM:688] Spell_C::CastSpell(324, 0, 0x580000007E95169, 0) [4]
[9:16:05 PM:623] [STUCK] Got stuck at <2314.097, 5245.28, 19.08886> on map 571
[9:16:05 PM:639] [STUCK][HITTEST] LD/LU: True
[9:16:05 PM:639] [STUCK][HITTEST] Left: True
[9:16:05 PM:639] [STUCK][HITTEST] RD/RU: False
[9:16:05 PM:639] [STUCK][HITTEST] Right: True
[9:16:05 PM:639] [STUCK][HITTEST] Behind: True
[9:16:05 PM:639] [STUCK][HITTEST] Behind Left: True
[9:16:05 PM:639] [STUCK][HITTEST] Behind Right: False
[9:16:07 PM:898] [STUCK] Couldn't get unstuck.. Adding blackspot.
[9:16:07 PM:902] [STUCK] Moving backwards for 3 seconds.
[9:16:10 PM:921] [STUCK] Clearing current path to regenerate it around our stuck location.
[9:16:11 PM:002] Flushing timed movement. Direction: AllAllowed
[9:16:11 PM:393] Successfully generated path from {2312.336, 5254.104, 11.40135} to {4593.685, -4225.382, 178.6545} in 220 milliseconds
[9:16:19 PM:154] Successfully generated path from {2368.008, 5256.386, 7.435912} to {4593.685, -4225.382, 178.6545} in 215 milliseconds
[9:16:20 PM:573] Successfully generated path from {2366.401, 5256.969, 7.611488} to {4593.685, -4225.382, 178.6545} in 214 milliseconds
[9:16:21 PM:956] Successfully generated path from {2367.462, 5256.086, 7.489089} to {4593.685, -4225.382, 178.6545} in 210 milliseconds
[9:16:23 PM:508] Successfully generated path from {2367.21, 5256.858, 7.545423} to {4593.685, -4225.382, 178.6545} in 208 milliseconds
[9:16:25 PM:034] Successfully generated path from {2366.631, 5256.186, 7.58834} to {4593.685, -4225.382, 178.6545} in 213 milliseconds
[9:16:26 PM:273] [STUCK] Got stuck at <2367.984, 5256.825, 12.5343> on map 571
[9:16:26 PM:289] [STUCK][HITTEST] LD/LU: False
[9:16:26 PM:289] [STUCK][HITTEST] Left: False
[9:16:26 PM:289] [STUCK][HITTEST] RD/RU: True
[9:16:26 PM:289] [STUCK][HITTEST] Right: True
[9:16:26 PM:289] [STUCK][HITTEST] Behind: False
[9:16:26 PM:289] [STUCK][HITTEST] Behind Left: False
[9:16:26 PM:289] [STUCK][HITTEST] Behind Right: False
[9:16:27 PM:560] [STUCK] Jumping worked!
[9:16:28 PM:010] Successfully generated path from {2360.256, 5256.77, 7.643536} to {4593.685, -4225.382, 178.6545} in 215 milliseconds
[9:16:30 PM:333] Successfully generated path from {2366.764, 5256.765, 7.596329} to {4593.685, -4225.382, 178.6545} in 217 milliseconds
[9:16:31 PM:717] Successfully generated path from {2367.826, 5256.13, 7.448269} to {4593.685, -4225.382, 178.6545} in 214 milliseconds
[9:16:32 PM:971] Successfully generated path from {2367.807, 5256.855, 7.475479} to {4593.685, -4225.382, 178.6545} in 214 milliseconds
[9:16:34 PM:203] Successfully generated path from {2367.378, 5257.96, 7.554187} to {4593.685, -4225.382, 178.6545} in 227 milliseconds
[9:16:35 PM:740] Successfully generated path from {2366.597, 5257.088, 7.618771} to {4593.685, -4225.382, 178.6545} in 210 milliseconds
[9:16:37 PM:329] Successfully generated path from {2366.537, 5256.112, 7.585274} to {4593.685, -4225.382, 178.6545} in 211 milliseconds
[9:16:38 PM:768] Successfully generated path from {2367.767, 5256.653, 7.472579} to {4593.685, -4225.382, 178.6545} in 215 milliseconds
[9:16:39 PM:954] Successfully generated path from {2367.497, 5256.075, 7.484975} to {4593.685, -4225.382, 178.6545} in 215 milliseconds
[9:16:41 PM:523] Successfully generated path from {2367.34, 5256.801, 7.527761} to {4593.685, -4225.382, 178.6545} in 213 milliseconds
[9:16:43 PM:114] Successfully generated path from {2366.509, 5256.218, 7.586963} to {4593.685, -4225.382, 178.6545} in 214 milliseconds
[9:16:44 PM:475] Successfully generated path from {2367.645, 5257.046, 7.50138} to {4593.685, -4225.382, 178.6545} in 224 milliseconds
[9:16:45 PM:736] Successfully generated path from {2368.014, 5256.287, 7.43078} to {4593.685, -4225.382, 178.6545} in 215 milliseconds
[9:16:46 PM:953] Successfully generated path from {2367.504, 5256.871, 7.511528} to {4593.685, -4225.382, 178.6545} in 213 milliseconds
[9:16:48 PM:163] Successfully generated path from {2367.068, 5256.238, 7.542619} to {4593.685, -4225.382, 178.6545} in 219 milliseconds
[9:16:49 PM:393] [STUCK] Got stuck at <2368.443, 5256.843, 12.63411> on map 571
[9:16:49 PM:410] [STUCK][HITTEST] LD/LU: False
[9:16:49 PM:410] [STUCK][HITTEST] Left: False
[9:16:49 PM:410] [STUCK][HITTEST] RD/RU: False
[9:16:49 PM:410] [STUCK][HITTEST] Right: True
[9:16:49 PM:410] [STUCK][HITTEST] Behind: False
[9:16:49 PM:410] [STUCK][HITTEST] Behind Left: False
[9:16:49 PM:410] [STUCK][HITTEST] Behind Right: False
[9:16:50 PM:698] [STUCK] Jumping worked!
[9:16:51 PM:061] Stopping the bot!
[9:16:51 PM:062] Stop called!
[9:16:51 PM:074] Activity: Honorbuddy Stopped
[9:16:51 PM:157] Successfully generated path from {2360.265, 5256.77, 7.641181} to {4593.685, -4225.382, 178.6545} in 223 milliseconds
[9:16:51 PM:186] System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
at Bots.Quest.Actions.ForcedBehaviorExecutor.#h.#nF.MoveNext()
at (Object )
at TreeSharp.Composite.Tick(Object context)
at TreeSharp.PrioritySelector.#h.#nF.MoveNext()
at (Object )
at TreeSharp.Composite.Tick(Object context)
at TreeSharp.PrioritySelector.#h.#nF.MoveNext()
at (Object )
at TreeSharp.Composite.Tick(Object context)
at Styx.Logic.BehaviorTree.TreeRoot.Tick()
[9:16:51 PM:186] Cleared POI - Reason Exception in Root.Tick()
[9:16:51 PM:186] Cleared POI
[9:15:13 PM:022] Starting the bot!
[9:15:13 PM:436] Changing current profile to [A - Fly] QO 68-80 [Kick] Release
[9:15:16 PM:413] Chose Singular v2 $Revision: 605 $ as your combat class!
[9:15:16 PM:414] [Singular] Starting Singular v2.0.0.0
[9:15:16 PM:414] [Singular] Determining talent spec.
[9:15:16 PM:493] [Singular-DEBUG] [Talents] Best Tree: 31
[9:15:16 PM:493] [Singular] Current spec is Enhancement Shaman
[9:15:16 PM:495] [Singular-DEBUG] Creating Combat behavior.
[9:15:16 PM:501] [Singular] Building method list
[9:15:16 PM:504] [Singular] Added 377 methods
[9:15:16 PM:507] [Singular-DEBUG] CreateEnhancementShamanNormalCombat is a match!
[9:15:16 PM:508] [Singular] Using CreateEnhancementShamanNormalCombat for Enhancement Shaman - Combat (Priority: 0)
[9:15:16 PM:531] [Singular-DEBUG] Creating Pull behavior.
[9:15:16 PM:532] [Singular-DEBUG] CreateEnhancementShamanNormalPull is a match!
[9:15:16 PM:532] [Singular] Using CreateEnhancementShamanNormalPull for Enhancement Shaman - Pull (Priority: 0)
[9:15:16 PM:535] [Singular-DEBUG] Creating Rest behavior.
[9:15:16 PM:536] [Singular-DEBUG] CreateEnhancementShamanRest is a match!
[9:15:16 PM:536] [Singular] Using CreateEnhancementShamanRest for Enhancement Shaman - Rest (Priority: 0)
[9:15:16 PM:545] [Singular-DEBUG] Creating CombatBuffs behavior.
[9:15:16 PM:548] [Singular-DEBUG] Creating Heal behavior.
[9:15:16 PM:549] [Singular-DEBUG] CreateEnhancementShamanHeal is a match!
[9:15:16 PM:549] [Singular] Using CreateEnhancementShamanHeal for Enhancement Shaman - Heal (Priority: 0)
[9:15:16 PM:552] [Singular-DEBUG] Creating PullBuffs behavior.
[9:15:16 PM:555] [Singular-DEBUG] Creating PreCombatBuffs behavior.
[9:15:16 PM:556] [Singular-DEBUG] CreateEnhancementShamanPreCombatBuffs is a match!
[9:15:16 PM:556] [Singular] Using CreateEnhancementShamanPreCombatBuffs for Enhancement Shaman - PreCombatBuffs (Priority: 0)
[9:15:16 PM:560] [Singular] Behaviors created!
[9:15:16 PM:590] [Singular-DEBUG] Attached combat log
[9:15:16 PM:675] Cleared POI
[9:15:16 PM:675] Cleared POI - Reason Starting up
[9:15:16 PM:676] Cleared POI
[9:15:18 PM:706] [Singular-DEBUG] Switched targets!
[9:15:18 PM:707] [Singular-DEBUG] Melee Distance: 5
[9:15:18 PM:708] [Singular-DEBUG] Health: 11677
[9:15:18 PM:708] [Singular-DEBUG] Level: 70
[9:15:18 PM:820] Activity: Loading Tile/s
[9:15:18 PM:821] Loading Northrend_22_27
[9:15:19 PM:011] Updating repair cost for current equipped items. New value: [0g74s3c]
[9:15:19 PM:024] Compiling quest behavior from 'C:\Users\\Desktop\Honorbuddy_2.0.0.5883\Quest Behaviors\Message.cs'
[9:15:19 PM:294] [Profile Message]: Compiling Zul'Drak Quests
[9:15:19 PM:299] Compiling expression '(!IsQuestCompleted(12584))' @ line 8756
[9:15:19 PM:522] [Profile Message]: Compiling Quests to Zul'Drak
[9:15:19 PM:522] Compiling expression '((!HasQuest(12770)) && (!IsQuestCompleted(12770)))' @ line 8760
[9:15:19 PM:736] Compiling quest behavior from 'C:\Users\\Desktop\Honorbuddy_2.0.0.5883\Quest Behaviors\RunMacro.cs'
[9:15:19 PM:957] Goal: Running Macro
[9:15:19 PM:959] [RunMacro-v217(debug) @line 8761]: Running macro 1 times
[9:15:19 PM:959] Activity: RunMacro 1/1 Times
[9:15:21 PM:464] Goal: Running Macro
[9:15:21 PM:464] [RunMacro-v217(debug) @line 8762]: Running macro 1 times
[9:15:21 PM:464] Activity: RunMacro 1/1 Times
[9:15:22 PM:968] Goal: Running Macro
[9:15:22 PM:968] [RunMacro-v217(debug) @line 8763]: Running macro 1 times
[9:15:22 PM:968] Activity: RunMacro 1/1 Times
[9:15:24 PM:472] Goal: Running Macro
[9:15:24 PM:472] [RunMacro-v217(debug) @line 8764]: Running macro 1 times
[9:15:24 PM:472] Activity: RunMacro 1/1 Times
[9:15:25 PM:975] Goal: Running Macro
[9:15:25 PM:975] [RunMacro-v217(debug) @line 8765]: Running macro 1 times
[9:15:25 PM:975] Activity: RunMacro 1/1 Times
[9:15:27 PM:479] Goal: Running Macro
[9:15:27 PM:479] [RunMacro-v217(debug) @line 8766]: Running macro 1 times
[9:15:27 PM:479] Activity: RunMacro 1/1 Times
[9:15:28 PM:982] Goal: Running Macro
[9:15:28 PM:982] [RunMacro-v217(debug) @line 8767]: Running macro 1 times
[9:15:28 PM:982] Activity: RunMacro 1/1 Times
[9:15:30 PM:486] Goal: Running Macro
[9:15:30 PM:486] [RunMacro-v217(debug) @line 8768]: Running macro 1 times
[9:15:30 PM:486] Activity: RunMacro 1/1 Times
[9:15:31 PM:991] Goal: Running Macro
[9:15:31 PM:991] [RunMacro-v217(debug) @line 8769]: Running macro 1 times
[9:15:31 PM:991] Activity: RunMacro 1/1 Times
[9:15:33 PM:493] Goal: Running Macro
[9:15:33 PM:493] [RunMacro-v217(debug) @line 8770]: Running macro 1 times
[9:15:33 PM:493] Activity: RunMacro 1/1 Times
[9:15:34 PM:996] Goal: Running Macro
[9:15:34 PM:996] [RunMacro-v217(debug) @line 8771]: Running macro 1 times
[9:15:34 PM:996] Activity: RunMacro 1/1 Times
[9:15:36 PM:499] Compiling quest behavior from 'C:\Users\\Desktop\Honorbuddy_2.0.0.5883\Quest Behaviors\FlyTo.cs'
[9:15:36 PM:741] Goal: Flying to Pickup Quest
[9:15:36 PM:742] [FlyTo-v217(debug) @line 8773]: Flying to 'Pickup Quest': <4593.685, -4225.382, 178.6545>.
[9:15:36 PM:797] Activity: Loading Tile/s
[9:15:36 PM:797] Loading Northrend_39_23
[9:15:36 PM:926] Loading Northrend_22_28
[9:15:36 PM:976] Loading Northrend_21_27
[9:15:37 PM:094] Loading Northrend_21_28
[9:15:37 PM:186] Loading Northrend_22_26
[9:15:37 PM:283] Loading Northrend_23_27
[9:15:37 PM:320] Loading Northrend_23_28
[9:15:37 PM:333] Loading Northrend_21_26
[9:15:37 PM:425] Loading Northrend_23_26
[9:15:37 PM:509] Loading Northrend_22_25
[9:15:37 PM:573] Loading Northrend_21_25
[9:15:37 PM:669] Loading Northrend_23_25
[9:15:37 PM:743] Loading Northrend_24_25
[9:15:37 PM:812] Loading Northrend_20_28
[9:15:37 PM:893] Loading Northrend_24_26
[9:15:37 PM:956] Loading Northrend_20_27
[9:15:38 PM:082] Loading Northrend_24_27
[9:15:38 PM:124] Loading Northrend_21_24
[9:15:38 PM:196] Loading Northrend_22_24
[9:15:38 PM:301] Loading Northrend_20_26
[9:15:38 PM:493] Loading Northrend_22_29
[9:15:38 PM:514] Loading Northrend_24_28
[9:15:38 PM:515] Loading Northrend_23_29
[9:15:38 PM:518] Loading Northrend_23_24
[9:15:38 PM:590] Loading Northrend_25_26
[9:15:38 PM:640] Loading Northrend_20_25
[9:15:38 PM:747] Loading Northrend_21_29
[9:15:38 PM:927] Loading Northrend_24_24
[9:15:39 PM:004] Loading Northrend_25_25
[9:15:39 PM:136] Loading Northrend_22_23
[9:15:39 PM:256] Loading Northrend_21_23
[9:15:39 PM:395] Loading Northrend_19_27
[9:15:39 PM:459] Loading Northrend_25_24
[9:15:39 PM:659] Loading Northrend_23_23
[9:15:39 PM:768] Loading Northrend_26_25
[9:15:39 PM:862] Loading Northrend_20_29
[9:15:39 PM:936] Loading Northrend_24_29
[9:15:39 PM:940] Loading Northrend_27_25
[9:15:40 PM:080] Loading Northrend_26_26
[9:15:40 PM:083] Loading Northrend_28_25
[9:15:40 PM:207] Loading Northrend_19_28
[9:15:40 PM:268] Loading Northrend_28_24
[9:15:40 PM:391] Loading Northrend_27_24
[9:15:40 PM:558] Loading Northrend_25_27
[9:15:40 PM:576] Loading Northrend_29_25
[9:15:40 PM:661] Loading Northrend_24_23
[9:15:40 PM:738] Loading Northrend_20_24
[9:15:40 PM:873] Loading Northrend_26_24
[9:15:41 PM:006] Loading Northrend_30_25
[9:15:41 PM:100] Loading Northrend_31_25
[9:15:41 PM:289] Loading Northrend_21_22
[9:15:41 PM:416] Loading Northrend_25_28
[9:15:41 PM:418] Loading Northrend_29_24
[9:15:41 PM:523] Loading Northrend_29_23
[9:15:41 PM:654] Loading Northrend_32_25
[9:15:41 PM:729] Loading Northrend_20_23
[9:15:41 PM:836] Loading Northrend_22_22
[9:15:41 PM:954] Loading Northrend_19_26
[9:15:42 PM:063] Loading Northrend_30_24
[9:15:42 PM:142] Loading Northrend_23_22
[9:15:42 PM:276] Loading Northrend_31_24
[9:15:42 PM:385] Loading Northrend_30_23
[9:15:42 PM:496] Loading Northrend_32_24
[9:15:42 PM:580] Loading Northrend_27_26
[9:15:42 PM:620] Loading Northrend_19_25
[9:15:42 PM:738] Loading Northrend_24_22
[9:15:42 PM:839] Loading Northrend_24_21
[9:15:42 PM:951] Loading Northrend_30_26
[9:15:43 PM:060] Loading Northrend_29_26
[9:15:43 PM:183] Loading Northrend_32_26
[9:15:43 PM:329] Loading Northrend_33_25
[9:15:43 PM:464] Loading Northrend_33_26
[9:15:43 PM:562] Loading Northrend_25_21
[9:15:43 PM:684] Loading Northrend_28_26
[9:15:43 PM:773] Loading Northrend_34_25
[9:15:43 PM:908] Loading Northrend_31_26
[9:15:44 PM:020] Loading Northrend_25_22
[9:15:44 PM:127] Loading Northrend_23_21
[9:15:44 PM:278] Loading Northrend_22_30
[9:15:44 PM:291] Loading Northrend_23_30
[9:15:44 PM:294] Loading Northrend_34_26
[9:15:44 PM:413] Loading Northrend_26_27
[9:15:44 PM:433] Loading Northrend_30_22
[9:15:44 PM:544] Loading Northrend_29_22
[9:15:44 PM:678] Loading Northrend_35_26
[9:15:44 PM:843] Loading Northrend_35_25
[9:15:44 PM:992] Loading Northrend_33_24
[9:15:45 PM:136] Loading Northrend_31_23
[9:15:45 PM:212] Loading Northrend_20_22
[9:15:45 PM:315] Loading Northrend_22_21
[9:15:45 PM:458] Loading Northrend_25_29
[9:15:45 PM:463] Loading Northrend_24_30
[9:15:45 PM:466] Loading Northrend_21_30
[9:15:45 PM:480] Loading Northrend_36_26
[9:15:45 PM:617] Loading Northrend_25_20
[9:15:45 PM:699] Loading Northrend_19_29
[9:15:45 PM:704] Loading Northrend_21_21
[9:15:45 PM:872] Loading Northrend_32_23
[9:15:45 PM:986] Loading Northrend_31_22
[9:15:46 PM:163] Loading Northrend_24_20
[9:15:46 PM:254] Loading Northrend_36_25
[9:15:46 PM:432] Loading Northrend_34_24
[9:15:46 PM:572] Loading Northrend_20_21
[9:15:46 PM:664] Loading Northrend_37_26
[9:15:46 PM:786] Loading Northrend_18_27
[9:15:46 PM:850] Loading Northrend_20_30
[9:15:46 PM:857] Loading Northrend_35_24
[9:15:47 PM:041] Loading Northrend_28_23
[9:15:47 PM:226] Loading Northrend_36_24
[9:15:47 PM:375] Loading Northrend_37_24
[9:15:47 PM:518] Loading Northrend_26_28
[9:15:47 PM:520] Loading Northrend_37_25
[9:15:47 PM:654] Loading Northrend_33_23
[9:15:47 PM:728] Loading Northrend_30_27
[9:15:47 PM:745] Loading Northrend_38_25
[9:15:47 PM:850] Loading Northrend_38_26
[9:15:48 PM:008] Loading Northrend_18_26
[9:15:48 PM:082] Loading Northrend_27_27
[9:15:48 PM:107] Loading Northrend_38_24
[9:15:48 PM:290] Loading Northrend_38_23
[9:15:48 PM:435] Loading Northrend_36_23
[9:15:48 PM:590] Loading Northrend_31_27
[9:15:48 PM:630] Loading Northrend_39_25
[9:15:48 PM:723] Loading Northrend_23_20
[9:15:48 PM:813] Loading Northrend_21_20
[9:15:49 PM:015] Loading Northrend_28_27
[9:15:49 PM:046] Loading Northrend_39_24
[9:15:49 PM:216] Loading Northrend_32_27
[9:15:49 PM:275] Loading Northrend_37_23
[9:15:49 PM:415] Loading Northrend_32_22
[9:15:49 PM:513] Loading Northrend_34_23
[9:15:49 PM:617] Loading Northrend_34_27
[9:15:49 PM:665] Loading Northrend_28_22
[9:15:49 PM:763] Loading Northrend_20_20
[9:15:49 PM:828] Loading Northrend_29_27
[9:15:49 PM:863] Loading Northrend_25_30
[9:15:49 PM:874] Loading Northrend_22_20
[9:15:49 PM:993] Loading Northrend_35_27
[9:15:50 PM:074] Successfully generated path from {2259.079, 5194.691, 11.56496} to {4593.685, -4225.382, 178.6545} in 13.147 seconds
[9:15:55 PM:965] Successfully generated path from {2315.439, 5243.741, 13.14282} to {4593.685, -4225.382, 178.6545} in 213 milliseconds
[9:15:58 PM:660] [STUCK] Got stuck at <2314.139, 5244.96, 19.68575> on map 571
[9:15:58 PM:674] [STUCK][HITTEST] LD/LU: False
[9:15:58 PM:674] [STUCK][HITTEST] Left: True
[9:15:58 PM:674] [STUCK][HITTEST] RD/RU: False
[9:15:58 PM:674] [STUCK][HITTEST] Right: True
[9:15:58 PM:674] [STUCK][HITTEST] Behind: True
[9:15:58 PM:674] [STUCK][HITTEST] Behind Left: True
[9:15:58 PM:674] [STUCK][HITTEST] Behind Right: True
[9:15:58 PM:675] Stop and dismount... Reason: [STUCK] Dismounting
[9:15:59 PM:925] [STUCK] Moving Forward for 750ms.
[9:16:00 PM:680] [STUCK][DISMOUNT] Moved 5.223392. Need: 2.25. Result: True
[9:16:00 PM:680] [STUCK] Dismount Worked
[9:16:00 PM:962] [Singular] Imbuing main hand weapon with Windfury
[9:16:00 PM:967] Spell_C::CastSpell(8232, 0, 0x0, 0) [1]
[9:16:01 PM:442] Successfully generated path from {2308.969, 5244.435, 13.12617} to {4593.685, -4225.382, 178.6545} in 211 milliseconds
[9:16:02 PM:149] [Singular] Imbuing off hand weapon with Flametongue
[9:16:02 PM:151] Spell_C::CastSpell(8024, 0, 0x0, 0) [2]
[9:16:02 PM:367] Spell_C::CastSpell(8024, 0, 0x0, 0) [3]
[9:16:03 PM:686] [Singular] Casting Lightning Shield on Myself
[9:16:03 PM:688] Spell_C::CastSpell(324, 0, 0x580000007E95169, 0) [4]
[9:16:05 PM:623] [STUCK] Got stuck at <2314.097, 5245.28, 19.08886> on map 571
[9:16:05 PM:639] [STUCK][HITTEST] LD/LU: True
[9:16:05 PM:639] [STUCK][HITTEST] Left: True
[9:16:05 PM:639] [STUCK][HITTEST] RD/RU: False
[9:16:05 PM:639] [STUCK][HITTEST] Right: True
[9:16:05 PM:639] [STUCK][HITTEST] Behind: True
[9:16:05 PM:639] [STUCK][HITTEST] Behind Left: True
[9:16:05 PM:639] [STUCK][HITTEST] Behind Right: False
[9:16:07 PM:898] [STUCK] Couldn't get unstuck.. Adding blackspot.
[9:16:07 PM:902] [STUCK] Moving backwards for 3 seconds.
[9:16:10 PM:921] [STUCK] Clearing current path to regenerate it around our stuck location.
[9:16:11 PM:002] Flushing timed movement. Direction: AllAllowed
[9:16:11 PM:393] Successfully generated path from {2312.336, 5254.104, 11.40135} to {4593.685, -4225.382, 178.6545} in 220 milliseconds
[9:16:19 PM:154] Successfully generated path from {2368.008, 5256.386, 7.435912} to {4593.685, -4225.382, 178.6545} in 215 milliseconds
[9:16:20 PM:573] Successfully generated path from {2366.401, 5256.969, 7.611488} to {4593.685, -4225.382, 178.6545} in 214 milliseconds
[9:16:21 PM:956] Successfully generated path from {2367.462, 5256.086, 7.489089} to {4593.685, -4225.382, 178.6545} in 210 milliseconds
[9:16:23 PM:508] Successfully generated path from {2367.21, 5256.858, 7.545423} to {4593.685, -4225.382, 178.6545} in 208 milliseconds
[9:16:25 PM:034] Successfully generated path from {2366.631, 5256.186, 7.58834} to {4593.685, -4225.382, 178.6545} in 213 milliseconds
[9:16:26 PM:273] [STUCK] Got stuck at <2367.984, 5256.825, 12.5343> on map 571
[9:16:26 PM:289] [STUCK][HITTEST] LD/LU: False
[9:16:26 PM:289] [STUCK][HITTEST] Left: False
[9:16:26 PM:289] [STUCK][HITTEST] RD/RU: True
[9:16:26 PM:289] [STUCK][HITTEST] Right: True
[9:16:26 PM:289] [STUCK][HITTEST] Behind: False
[9:16:26 PM:289] [STUCK][HITTEST] Behind Left: False
[9:16:26 PM:289] [STUCK][HITTEST] Behind Right: False
[9:16:27 PM:560] [STUCK] Jumping worked!
[9:16:28 PM:010] Successfully generated path from {2360.256, 5256.77, 7.643536} to {4593.685, -4225.382, 178.6545} in 215 milliseconds
[9:16:30 PM:333] Successfully generated path from {2366.764, 5256.765, 7.596329} to {4593.685, -4225.382, 178.6545} in 217 milliseconds
[9:16:31 PM:717] Successfully generated path from {2367.826, 5256.13, 7.448269} to {4593.685, -4225.382, 178.6545} in 214 milliseconds
[9:16:32 PM:971] Successfully generated path from {2367.807, 5256.855, 7.475479} to {4593.685, -4225.382, 178.6545} in 214 milliseconds
[9:16:34 PM:203] Successfully generated path from {2367.378, 5257.96, 7.554187} to {4593.685, -4225.382, 178.6545} in 227 milliseconds
[9:16:35 PM:740] Successfully generated path from {2366.597, 5257.088, 7.618771} to {4593.685, -4225.382, 178.6545} in 210 milliseconds
[9:16:37 PM:329] Successfully generated path from {2366.537, 5256.112, 7.585274} to {4593.685, -4225.382, 178.6545} in 211 milliseconds
[9:16:38 PM:768] Successfully generated path from {2367.767, 5256.653, 7.472579} to {4593.685, -4225.382, 178.6545} in 215 milliseconds
[9:16:39 PM:954] Successfully generated path from {2367.497, 5256.075, 7.484975} to {4593.685, -4225.382, 178.6545} in 215 milliseconds
[9:16:41 PM:523] Successfully generated path from {2367.34, 5256.801, 7.527761} to {4593.685, -4225.382, 178.6545} in 213 milliseconds
[9:16:43 PM:114] Successfully generated path from {2366.509, 5256.218, 7.586963} to {4593.685, -4225.382, 178.6545} in 214 milliseconds
[9:16:44 PM:475] Successfully generated path from {2367.645, 5257.046, 7.50138} to {4593.685, -4225.382, 178.6545} in 224 milliseconds
[9:16:45 PM:736] Successfully generated path from {2368.014, 5256.287, 7.43078} to {4593.685, -4225.382, 178.6545} in 215 milliseconds
[9:16:46 PM:953] Successfully generated path from {2367.504, 5256.871, 7.511528} to {4593.685, -4225.382, 178.6545} in 213 milliseconds
[9:16:48 PM:163] Successfully generated path from {2367.068, 5256.238, 7.542619} to {4593.685, -4225.382, 178.6545} in 219 milliseconds
[9:16:49 PM:393] [STUCK] Got stuck at <2368.443, 5256.843, 12.63411> on map 571
[9:16:49 PM:410] [STUCK][HITTEST] LD/LU: False
[9:16:49 PM:410] [STUCK][HITTEST] Left: False
[9:16:49 PM:410] [STUCK][HITTEST] RD/RU: False
[9:16:49 PM:410] [STUCK][HITTEST] Right: True
[9:16:49 PM:410] [STUCK][HITTEST] Behind: False
[9:16:49 PM:410] [STUCK][HITTEST] Behind Left: False
[9:16:49 PM:410] [STUCK][HITTEST] Behind Right: False
[9:16:50 PM:698] [STUCK] Jumping worked!
[9:16:51 PM:061] Stopping the bot!
[9:16:51 PM:062] Stop called!
[9:16:51 PM:074] Activity: Honorbuddy Stopped
[9:16:51 PM:157] Successfully generated path from {2360.265, 5256.77, 7.641181} to {4593.685, -4225.382, 178.6545} in 223 milliseconds
[9:16:51 PM:186] System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
at Bots.Quest.Actions.ForcedBehaviorExecutor.#h.#nF.MoveNext()
at (Object )
at TreeSharp.Composite.Tick(Object context)
at TreeSharp.PrioritySelector.#h.#nF.MoveNext()
at (Object )
at TreeSharp.Composite.Tick(Object context)
at TreeSharp.PrioritySelector.#h.#nF.MoveNext()
at (Object )
at TreeSharp.Composite.Tick(Object context)
at Styx.Logic.BehaviorTree.TreeRoot.Tick()
[9:16:51 PM:186] Cleared POI - Reason Exception in Root.Tick()
[9:16:51 PM:186] Cleared POI