I started botting with Glider. Moved onto Piroxbots and now i am looking for something new. I do have some questions:
1) Has there ever been a HB ban wave? I am not some scrub botter, i expect to be banned when i bot but i am not going out of my way to get banned. I went to Piroxbots because when Glider was shut down people said Piroxbots was were most people are going. The problem here is the Piroxbots forums shut down so I have no idea where people are moving too.
2) a) What are hotspots? Are they just basically waypoints?
b) How come i dont see a PvP section to download load custom profiles for BG's?
3) I am seeing a lot of raid farming and instance farming but not a lot on Honor farming. I don't PvE...at all. I have 6 lvl85 characters and not one of them has completed an Heroic instance, all i am concerned about is PvP. Is this the right bot for me?
Is there post about how HB works, generally speaking. Sort of used to making profiles and macro's but judging from the Profile/CC sections it looks like HB is way more sophisticated (and honestly that may not be a good thing) then Piroxbots.
1) Has there ever been a HB ban wave? I am not some scrub botter, i expect to be banned when i bot but i am not going out of my way to get banned. I went to Piroxbots because when Glider was shut down people said Piroxbots was were most people are going. The problem here is the Piroxbots forums shut down so I have no idea where people are moving too.
2) a) What are hotspots? Are they just basically waypoints?
b) How come i dont see a PvP section to download load custom profiles for BG's?
3) I am seeing a lot of raid farming and instance farming but not a lot on Honor farming. I don't PvE...at all. I have 6 lvl85 characters and not one of them has completed an Heroic instance, all i am concerned about is PvP. Is this the right bot for me?
Is there post about how HB works, generally speaking. Sort of used to making profiles and macro's but judging from the Profile/CC sections it looks like HB is way more sophisticated (and honestly that may not be a good thing) then Piroxbots.