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I'm sorry but I have to ask (and i will not be the only one)


Jul 28, 2011
I started botting with Glider. Moved onto Piroxbots and now i am looking for something new. I do have some questions:

1) Has there ever been a HB ban wave? I am not some scrub botter, i expect to be banned when i bot but i am not going out of my way to get banned. I went to Piroxbots because when Glider was shut down people said Piroxbots was were most people are going. The problem here is the Piroxbots forums shut down so I have no idea where people are moving too.

2) a) What are hotspots? Are they just basically waypoints?
b) How come i dont see a PvP section to download load custom profiles for BG's?

3) I am seeing a lot of raid farming and instance farming but not a lot on Honor farming. I don't PvE...at all. I have 6 lvl85 characters and not one of them has completed an Heroic instance, all i am concerned about is PvP. Is this the right bot for me?

Is there post about how HB works, generally speaking. Sort of used to making profiles and macro's but judging from the Profile/CC sections it looks like HB is way more sophisticated (and honestly that may not be a good thing) then Piroxbots.
Hotspots are almost waypoints, but waaay better. Uses a mesh/navigation system.
HB pathing is amazing!
Far beyond pirox/glider.

BG Bot is being reworked over the next couple weeks.
It will allow for customized profiles a lot better.

HB hadn't had any banwaves in like over a year.
Correction, 2 years. Basically a while before my join date.

It's the safest bot available really.

The pvp side is not as good as pirox was, but it'll be getting better.

See wiki for new user stuff.
See index page for a link to kickazz's new user blog post. Has a lot of good info!
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There is profiles for pvp by w00ts I'll have to find the link, but like the panda said BG Bot is getting an amazing work over so hopefully its going to make everything else look bad by comparison.
i hope someone is still reading this but quick question, does HB use Click to Move? I'n Piroxbots you don't have to use Click to Move but the bot does run smoother when Click to Move is selected. I would very much like to get away from Click to Move.
Im pretty sure it has to use CTM. Also there wasn't a banwave per se... as in it wasn't targeting hb but it was caught up in the crossfire (so to speak).
To resume very simple terms:
1. HB uses a different type of movement (not like pirox using injections) that is more smoother, advance.
2. HB uses CTM.
3. HB is way better than Mimic and AIO. Why? Community is more active. Mimic I try it and never convince me, something doesn't feel right about it.
4. While PvP is moving to higher levels, it still bring home good numbers, and as you know they are working to make it the next big thing.
5. If you really want to bot, have fun, profit, and have a real active community. HB it is. Give it a spin. Enough said.
HB hadn't had any banwaves in like over a year.
Correction, 2 years. Basically a while before my join date.
I haven't heard about an HB banwave since the beginning of WotLK, and it was only because Blizzard happened to stumple upon a script HB was using while trying to find a script that a hack program was using.
I haven't heard about an HB banwave since the beginning of WotLK, and it was only because Blizzard happened to stumple upon a script HB was using while trying to find a script that a hack program was using.

It's why i asked my question, i remember there being a HB ban wave and i wanted a little more info on it. As for this bot i think i will hold off until I see some of those PvP changes because that is what i need from my bot. From the sounds of how HB works it reminds me a lot of PPanther back in those Gliding days. I LOVE that you have AIML and after a little shopping around i really do believe HB will be the best bot out there...only if those PvP updated happen! :)
I am more concerned about the legal situation, alot of pirox purists would have never thought they would lose legal battles with Blizzard. The fact that HB seems to be "fighting" legality with Blizzard means they may be under heavy pressure. Let's face it, it's David vs Goliath; who here thinks HB will be around this time next year?

Either way I am finally taking the plunge, as a pirox loyalist I am looking forward to what HB has to offer! Let's hope it lasts forever! :)
I am more concerned about the legal situation, alot of pirox purists would have never thought they would lose legal battles with Blizzard. The fact that HB seems to be "fighting" legality with Blizzard means they may be under heavy pressure. Let's face it, it's David vs Goliath; who here thinks HB will be around this time next year?

Either way I am finally taking the plunge, as a pirox loyalist I am looking forward to what HB has to offer! Let's hope it lasts forever! :)

Pirox had no choice but to close, or lose everything.

He made his bot available to private servers.
I'd have done the same as him, in shutting down.
I just would have been more, sorry guys but I g2g. There's no chance I could win this case.

Maybe he was limited in the settlement of what he could tell you guys about it.

Most likely Blizz added that he just had to shut down. No specifics released to the pvpTool community about why. They do shady business when it comes to court.

The more questions, the more the botting community will start to worry and get nervous.

Pirox had no choice but to close, or lose everything.

He made his bot available to private servers.
I'd have done the same as him, in shutting down.
I just would have been more, sorry guys but I g2g. There's no chance I could win this case.

Maybe he was limited in the settlement of what he could tell you guys about it.

Most likely Blizz added that he just had to shut down. No specifics released to the pvpTool community about why. They do shady business when it comes to court.

The more questions, the more the botting community will start to worry and get nervous.

Interesting, the way they have handled it would seem like Blizzard had them by the balls. This again worries me because of the legal firepower they can throw at anyone; I hate to see what they will eventually do with the remaining reliable bots. It's no secret that PiroX and HB were the top two and they have both been running far more flawless than MMOGlider ever was which is why I am sure HB is in Blizzard's crosshairs right now. I guess i'm just worried about the botting community, I have no desire to ever touch wow if I can't bot. :)

Not sure what you mean about Piro making bots available for private servers....
Don't worry about the private server thing then.
It's not important, Pirox is closed.

And this case with GmbH vs Activision Blizzturd will take at least another year before it really starts to take shape.
Honorbuddy has never had a banwave.

the only banwave we have had is people using gatherbuddy, but that was way before honorbuddy was even created, and even then, blizzard was targeting a "Hack" Called LuaFoo and gatherbuddy just got caught up in the mix.