So please offer me some help. I've been on the forums all day today and I've either had no luck or just been blind to the obvious. Could someone please explain to me how to use honorbuddy for RAF leveling. I have 2 pallies. One is a tank, the other is a healer. I play the role of the tank and use the bot for the healer. It worked yesterday from levels 15-45 easily. Today we had the update and it stopped working. I downloaded the older version to try it out, and still no luck. The bot just heals, it doesn't follow us any more. I'm wondering if I'm doing something wrong. I've uninstalled and reinstalled everything from the bot itself to the custom classes I'm using (UPaCCBT). Could someone please tell me specifically which profile to run for dungeons? Or could someone do me a favor and tell me the exact steps (after opening honorbuddy and linking it to the RAF account) to take to make the bot work and follow us automatically in dungeons? Thanks.