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Hi if you got baned on accont then create new game on same battel net?? or create new ??? is more risk when you create on same account?
The real bane of that banhammer would be Honorbuddy itself ..
Jokes aside : According to the policy, if your account has been closed permanently, you need to buy a new activation key (read: game) and start a new subscription. In that case, I'd suggest not to use the same email address or credit-card and/or paypal account. You may be flagged for a ban right away, if you do.
That's how I see it.. just to play it (almost) perfectly safe.
Why "almost"? Because be advised that Blizzard *will* keep track of your IP-address and it wouldn't surprise me if they would put some kind of "tap" on those (to them) suspicious IP-addresses.