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I get a lot of PMs when I bot, asking me if I'm there at times.
But if they don't mention anything of me botting, should I just ignore them? Or should I consider the chance of them reporting me and take the precautions?
my favourite excuse for not answering people is that I have all my guild/party/battleground chat in a different window, so if someone whispers me asking if Im there and I dont see it straight away then I just say "Ohh sorry man I keep my chat window in guild and stay away from gen/trade chat so I didnt see ya message, Whats up?" lol seems kinda drawn out but it works lol
I wouldn't worry about it. If real worried get mod like badboy and make reply something like "watching netflix miss chat most times"
I have replied back with "what?" then if they ask why I didn't reply before, I say "sorry fighting with wife atm and not in good mood" that ussually stops questions. lol
Most times people ask if your there its someone in the zone that is having troubles with a quest and needs help. They do /who on zone, then whisper all high lvls asking for help.
I had guy ask me other day why I was grinding in all pvp gear. Just replied back with "its free and easy to get why not?"
Yeah, I always look the people up in armory afterward. I can't seem to find the toon there. It must have been a level 1 that got deleted shortly after.
I'm just worried that its a fellow botter who is trying to blackmail me. Its reasonable that he would do it on a level 1 alternate rather than his botting toon.
I get whispers all the time from guilds and random ppl asking me to do heroics and such and i just tell them that i watch tv as i play so i don't always see my whispers. Everyone seems to accept it
Just use badboy addon, change response to "Only people on my friends list can whisper me.", or if it's low levels bothering ya, change min level to 20 or something.