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I wouldn't say this is support, but I have no idea where to put it (Questions)


New Member
Dec 20, 2011
Few questions about this bot, since, I'm still very new to it:

Does it get mounts automatically? I know it automatically got a mount for my pally and warlock because they have class mounts you learn as 'spells', but, if I was on a class like a mage which doesn't get a class mount would it go and get both the riding skill set (I know it does that) AND the mount from it's race's location (Human: Stormwind/Gnome or Dwarf: Ironforge/Night elf: Darnassus) or do I have to stop it and go get my mount for it then start the bot again?

When selecting "Automatic" (What I presume this does is if you haven't filled out a mount name/id in the text box, it chooses one for you, but if you have, it doesn't touch it) or "Random" (what I presume this does is it chooses a different mount to ride each time it mounts up (I'm not using this because it seems bot like, most people don't have every mount bound to their actionbars)) does it only choose from your best mounts? Like for a ground mount, does it only choose 100% mounts (if you have them) and for flying mounts only 310%/280% mounts (if you have them, if not, 150%)? Or does it just pick any mount at all no matter it's speed? Oh, and does automatic replace your old mount (60% ground speed) to your new mount (100% ground speed) when you level to level 40?

Third, when does it choose to use a flying mount and when does it choose to use a ground mount? I've seen it use my brown armoured bear around stomewind when I have a 310% flying drake that can easily fly around stormwind in a couple of seconds. Why?

Fourth, If you can fly in the location, but it chooses to use a ground mount for whatever reason, is there a way to set it to use the flying mount like 20 feet above the ground to boost your speed up by 220% (310% + 10% (guild bonus) - 100% (ground speed)?

Fifth, what's the highest level of professions/skill sets (Like Mining/Riding/etc) it will get to? Does it automatically learn master riding if you have 5,000G or does it ask you/let you do it (Because it costs quite a bit if you're doing it on all your characters)? Same thing for professions, does it level to 525 or wait at a lower point because it's dangerous?

Thanks for taking the time to read this and (if you reply) reply the answers. Sorry if any grammatical errors, I was speed typing this because I have to go out. Bye!
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Few questions about this bot, since, I'm still very new to it:

Does it get mounts automatically? I know it automatically got a mount for my pally and warlock because they have class mounts you learn as 'spells', but, if I was on a class like a mage which doesn't get a class mount would it go and get both the riding skill set (I know it does that) AND the mount from it's race's location (Human: Stormwind/Gnome or Dwarf: Ironforge/Night elf: Darnassus) or do I have to stop it and go get my mount for it then start the bot again?

When selecting "Automatic" (What I presume this does is if you haven't filled out a mount name/id in the text box, it chooses one for you, but if you have, it doesn't touch it) or "Random" (what I presume this does is it chooses a different mount to ride each time it mounts up (I'm not using this because it seems bot like, most people don't have every mount bound to their actionbars)) does it only choose from your best mounts? Like for a ground mount, does it only choose 100% mounts (if you have them) and for flying mounts only 310%/280% mounts (if you have them, if not, 150%)? Or does it just pick any mount at all no matter it's speed?

Third, when does it choose to use a flying mount and when does it choose to use a ground mount? I've seen it use my brown armoured bear around stomewind when I have a 310% flying drake that can easily fly around stormwind in a couple of seconds. Why?

Fourth, If you can fly in the location, but it chooses to use a ground mount for whatever reason, is there a way to set it to use the flying mount like 20 feet above the ground to boost your speed up by 220% (310% + 10% (guild bonus) - 100% (ground speed)?

Fifth, what's the highest level of professions/skill sets (Like Mining/Riding/etc) it will get to? Does it automatically learn master riding if you have 5,000G or does it ask you/let you do it (Because it costs quite a bit if you're doing it on all your characters)? Same thing for professions, does it level to 525 or wait at a lower point because it's dangerous?

Thanks for taking the time to read this and (if you reply) reply the answers. Sorry if any grammatical errors, I was speed typing this because I have to go out. Bye!
1.it wont automaticly learn your mount skills unless your profile supports learning them from the vender or for the class. the questing profile MUST support this.
2.when set to automatic it will automatically go though your learn spells, and pick a ground mount to use. if you have it set to random, then it will randomly pick a ground mount that you have learned, regardless of speed.
3.by default all questing, grinding, and pvp will use the ground mount, the only time it flys is if the questing profile tells it to, or if your running instance buddy or archeology buddy.
4. no theres no way to make it magicly fly.
5. if your using profession buddy with the right profile it can take you from 1 - max with 1 profile, otherwise your have to find a pack and change out the profile ever tier, and learn the new skills.
1.it wont automaticly learn your mount skills unless your profile supports learning them from the vender or for the class. the questing profile MUST support this.
2.when set to automatic it will automatically go though your learn spells, and pick a ground mount to use. if you have it set to random, then it will randomly pick a ground mount that you have learned, regardless of speed.
3.by default all questing, grinding, and pvp will use the ground mount, the only time it flys is if the questing profile tells it to, or if your running instance buddy or archeology buddy.
4. no theres no way to make it magicly fly.
5. if your using profession buddy with the right profile it can take you from 1 - max with 1 profile, otherwise your have to find a pack and change out the profile ever tier, and learn the new skills.

0. Here's a tip for you, I'm not saying this in a aggressive manner (People online always think I'm yelling at them) but if you're replying to the thread (First post, by me) then don't quote at all. It by default means "I'm replying to the first post (OP) of this thread"
1. Fair enough
2. Will automatic replace the old spell if you have a better, faster mount?
3. Fair enough
4. I wouldn't call it "Magically", I'd call it "Follow the exact same path, but, a few feet more positive on the Z axis so you get the flying mount", but, I see where you're coming from. Fair enough.
5. Well, the profile I'm using does go and buy the Riding skill (It just uses the <vender> tags), but, I want to know if it'll stop at any riding level or just continue buying till it hits "Master riding"? Reason why I'm asking it because I agree with the two ground levels + A single flying level to get around faster, but, not all users want to be flying at 280%/310% due to the fact it costs a lot.

Thanks for reading, hope you'll get around to answering the questions you missed/didn't explain very well.
for your round 2 questions:

2- theres no such thing as a 'faster' mount. they changed mounts to work with riding skill, if you have 310 flying all your flying mounts go 310 speed.

4- No, by default all things are on the ground, unless told to do otherwise by the profile, as he said. Depending on the profile, some might go '20 feet above the ground'
5- you'd need a specific profile to go and buy the training, so, by that means, you'd need one that is told specifically to go buy master riding. in said profile, if there is one, i'd imagine there'd be an option to not buy say 'master riding'

My suggestion : learn the riding stuff on your own, certain profiles can train professions for you which, considering you're botting to make gold (i'm assuming) should not be an issue as it would be >500g 1-525
for your round 2 questions:

2- theres no such thing as a 'faster' mount. they changed mounts to work with riding skill, if you have 310 flying all your flying mounts go 310 speed.

4- No, by default all things are on the ground, unless told to do otherwise by the profile, as he said. Depending on the profile, some might go '20 feet above the ground'
5- you'd need a specific profile to go and buy the training, so, by that means, you'd need one that is told specifically to go buy master riding. in said profile, if there is one, i'd imagine there'd be an option to not buy say 'master riding'

My suggestion : learn the riding stuff on your own, certain profiles can train professions for you which, considering you're botting to make gold (i'm assuming) should not be an issue as it would be >500g 1-525

2. I'm talking about if I'm on a new toon and I level from 39 to 40 and I'm either a warlock/paladin and it gets my new, FASTER, ground mount.
4. Fair enough, I was agreeing with him I was just not calling it magic since I don't really think he understood me.
5. Sorry, ignore this question. I see what you mean, I was ignorant.

I'm not botting to make gold, I have enough gold from just doing random shit. I'm botting for levels (Overall/combat levels, not profession. I just wondering about that) but I don't want master riding on my other toons. Anyway, after reading through the xml I see I was being an idiot with question five, sorry.
the spell mounts fall under Class Training, so if your questing profile is setup to train, then it will learn the new mount spell, and as long as "Automaticly find mount" is checked it should immediately start using the new mount it just learned from the trainer without any user input. as far as upgraded mounts if you have a mount you want it to use then just type the name in the box, since im pretty sure theres no way for the bot to tell what mounts are faster then other mounts, while it MIGHT pick the fastest mount available using the automatic setting. ive seen it use lesser mounts when "Use Random Mounts" is on.
the spell mounts fall under Class Training, so if your questing profile is setup to train, then it will learn the new mount spell, and as long as "Automaticly find mount" is checked it should immediately start using the new mount it just learned from the trainer without any user input. as far as upgraded mounts if you have a mount you want it to use then just type the name in the box, since im pretty sure theres no way for the bot to tell what mounts are faster then other mounts, while it MIGHT pick the fastest mount available using the automatic setting. ive seen it use lesser mounts when "Use Random Mounts" is on.

Fair enough, almost level 40 on my new toon and I'll reply here when I get to level 40 what happens if anyone is wondering. I know my profile (Kick's script) learns the new riding in human (Ctrl + f "Human", "<if human"), but, the spell (Paladin) should also be added even if not human (learns spells fine).

I've set it to "Automatic" but not "Random".