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I would NOT use Dungeonbuddy


New Member
Jul 22, 2014
This may be obvious to many, but figured I'd post anyway.

Hey all, long time lurker, been botting for a few months.

I made a post a few days ago about a 72 hour ban on one of my accounts. What I didn't mention is I had been running two accounts at once; one was Dungeonbuddy and one was BG/Questing when the Tripwire activated. I had gotten somewhat complacent and was using them both many hours of the day.

Anyway, my Dungeonbuddy acct was suspended and my other one was not.

Dungeonbuddy exposes you way too much. I don't believe people bother reporting bots in BGs mainly because there are too many bots to report. However in a Dungeon it really hits home with other players if you are botting and you are much more likely to be reported. The bot movement is very obvious compared to other players.

It sucks too, because I found it to be faster than questing for leveling.
Kinda the reason I <3 my 5man botting group :) no chance of ban & no chance of human screw ups! also you can use DB for LFR just fine with zero problems unless DB screws up somehow...
As frosty said - DB is pretty safe if you are in LFR, but only if you are not labeled as raidleader in SOO LFR.
Regarding random scenarios/LFD, its pretty obvious for some randoms that you are botting, and they could simply report you several times.
U can just unflag "experienced player" and u will NEVER be flagged as leader! ;)
I've used Dungeonbuddy to level up two toons to 90, on my main account and not even banned or suspended - there's nothing safer in using BG bot, all it takes is a few reports over time and they'll investegate it, so dont bother telling me that BG is safer because people "dont bother" reporting, if they will, they'll do it. Nothing is safe, thats how i think about it! Also, my case might be pure luck!
My opinion is that Dungeonbuddy make very crazy things when you only level one toon in a random group. I am very careful using it.
OKay, I'm sure someone will point out that I'm missing the point of HB & whatnot, and I just recently got one of my chars up to 90... but is there a reason to not run some of the dungeons either by yourself, or with another 1 of your same chars?
I was having fun messing around in Violet Hold by myself, 1 char, using DB. It was fun running a regular dungeon, yes I never had done them until a guildmate got me hooked on Ice Crown (that was by hand, real PITA), so was messing with VH but then couldn't get DB to run heroic version which I now know why.

The only pissy part about DB is that I cant seem to find where to turn the warning part off, "yes I know I'm running by myself & not with others you stupid bot", but that's okay, I just ignore it.

So, why not just run dungeons either by yourself or with either a friend who knows about hb & accepts it or with another char of yours?
Dungeon Buddy on one toon with randoms, you do retarded shit its just as bad as BGBuddy or maybe even worse since the other 4 people will notice it even more and report and kick you. I have 5 man teams for Dungeonbuddy and they have worked wonders together but I would never user db by itself. If you want to use db get 5 accounts as that is what it was really made for.
? Dungeonbuddy is actually good.....bgbuddy is the thing you wanna tell people to stay clear of....
IT is good but everyone knows your botting once you enter a dungeon. 70% of wow players know what a bot looks like now, wow has been out for nearly 10 years. Gotta be dumb if you dont know what a bot looks like ROFL. I use dungeonbuddy in only 5 man teams but I have used it solo but I am always at the pc and I chat in the group so people dont think I am a silent bot.
i'd never run it with random queues with other people
i can spot another bot instantly, and im sure anyone else could too. so with that fact lingering over me, I never ever bot in sight of people unless I have to.

ive only ever ran dungeonbuddy with 5 of my own characters, and have personally never been banned from it (running it 24/7)
i'd never run it with random queues with other people
i can spot another bot instantly, and im sure anyone else could too. so with that fact lingering over me, I never ever bot in sight of people unless I have to.

ive only ever ran dungeonbuddy with 5 of my own characters, and have personally never been banned from it (running it 24/7)

Can i ask you only how can you bot with 5 wows? its like im thinking on it, but 5 acc + pay-month looks insane spensive...how is the deal? thanks.
5 accounts its great :) easy gold but yea you have to find a way to pay for the cost each month. I have never sold gold on my guys but I have done things inside of wow for real cash in helping people out ect. :)
i am runinng bgbuddy with resto druid , nobody reports healer :D botted 5 days in row got all gear :D
I have leveled 4 characters in diferent accoiunt, and when I am leveling it, I just got lvl 15 and this account dont shutdown doing dungeons with dungeonsboddy until the toon get 90 and never got ban for it. but when you are 90 and farm dungeons you got ban. the reason I dont know.
Kinda the reason I <3 my 5man botting group :) no chance of ban & no chance of human screw ups! also you can use DB for LFR just fine with zero problems unless DB screws up somehow...

Got multiple 5-man groups banned, just fyi. So there is definitely a risk.
Dungeon Buddy on one toon with randoms, you do retarded shit its just as bad as BGBuddy or maybe even worse since the other 4 people will notice it even more and report and kick you. I have 5 man teams for Dungeonbuddy and they have worked wonders together but I would never user db by itself. If you want to use db get 5 accounts as that is what it was really made for.

This ^^^^^^^^^ the reason I bought 5 accounts. Leveling my 3rd group now with np :)