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I wonder if this guy BOTS or knows i might


New Member
Oct 21, 2011
i mostly grab my own mats and never get nuts on the auction house

But this time i decided to Go into trade and say WTB bulk... 1 person said I have 60 ore, clearly not what i meant by bulk so i just ignorned and another whisper same thing but was selling 95g/stack.

No point buying in trade without a discount right?

Anyways a couple hours later i decided to try again, WTB BULK BULK Ele ore/ Whiptail
almost immediately this guy whispers. I ask him how much you got? he says around 2guild bank full, and to boot @ 50g/stack. He said later next time ill sell u for 40g/stack
I got excited, 13k later and we had a sweet thing happening here TOO MUCH ORE i got kinda nervous about dropping it all and wondering it might cause some blizz flags...(we'll see)

Anyways this guy sold me a shit ton of ore, i owe this dude a brofist (i did unload the ore to my surprise in like 4 hours and made a sweet profit)
1. This is a lot of ore and as far as i know the only people who make their own guild for mats like that are some srs botters , i have one for my alt but i just have as a just in case
2. My guild name is directly related to HB , i'd say the name but as i'm typing this a flag went off in my head so i won't.

Either way thanks bro, if you're here :)
people can farm faster than a bot so having a lot isn't unusual, so he probably doesn't know you bot.
I don't understand why he may think you may bot... having the gold to buy 2 bank tabs of ore doesn't take a botter, it takes a marketer. If you were purely a botter, you wouldn't be buying the mats yourself cause you'd already have them from your bots.

Of course whether he's a botter... maybe. Or he has a guild/lots of friends/kids that like to farm for profit. The fact that he had so much and willing to let it go so cheaply... I'd lean towards botter... but in the end, who cares, right? You got REALLY cheap mats.
Does he have any Bamboo for sale?

Well he might not know but If you know HB then my guild name would make you wonder,
Earlier i had wanted to unite botters in my realm under a guild without having to worry about raising guildies suspicions but at the same time attaining the wicked G-Perks.

But i abandoned this idea quiet fast mostly b/c it could result in a giant /facepalm banhammer, i do still like the idea of talking to fellow botters in game but it goes against the essence of secrecy bottin in general.

I just looked at what i made 40k from such an easy transaction + i havent even disenchanted all the uncommon gems from the rings/amulets ive made.
Alchy(transmute master Carnellians) + JC + Enchanting = WIN

With the amount of Miners out there, i'm thinking about dropping mining and picking up Skinning on my droood

2. Ya it was supposedly his "Leftover" from his JC
lol w/e i dont mind you got it on the button I got really cheap mats, on AH ele ore goes for 130g

As far as botting goes, i bot around 20hrs/day -7days a week pratically.
If im not Getting BG's done, its Archy and if its not Archy its Gathering around a couple of stacks of things if nothing else mass prospecting/disenchanting/milling or leveling. I've madde 4 level 85's with this glorious BOT.

/brofist HBStaff
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Nice prices for ele ore on your server on mine its around 45-60g a stack, leather is a real money maker on my server as no one seems to do it...
Nice prices for ele ore on your server on mine its around 45-60g a stack, leather is a real money maker on my server as no one seems to do it...
Yeah man

i havent checked Cata Skinning but i know for WOTLK Still goes for very sweet coinage
Sometimes those chinese farmer will sell those mats really cheap....