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i want to use honor buddy but im afraid of being banned


New Member
Jan 23, 2013
how safe is honor buddy to use?? because im only 16 and i cant afford to pay for all the stuff again i have up to cataclysm and im thinking about buying mop if i can successfull bot to 85 then do 85-90 legit how long would 85 take without risking ban to much
Once you start botting there is a 95% chance that you will get banned eventually .. like most people said .. if you don't want to loose an account dont BOT on it... use an extra account or something
Heey xPersistantx

If you love your account. Dont bot! But if you use this bot for questing there is a small chance that you will get banned.
I have been Botting on my main account for 3 years now. I do not use it to flood the AH. I farm for self use only. I do use the quest bot. I check on my account hear and there to make sure its not stuck or something. I do use the add on WIM. That way if someone does pst me I can reply back. I will leave it run threw the night when server pop is low. Last of all. THINK what you are doing b4 you run a BOT.
what do u mean by an extra account lol...

Alot of players here are using another account to bot on, with like.. a totally different battlenet, mail, name etc and just use the account to bot for money on.

In that way, if the account gets banned, it's not connected at all to your main-account(well they share ip etc but it can be fixed if you want to be 100%)
I'd just bot but check on it now and again, don't leave it going for ages,. just incase you get stuck on something or someone whispers you and you get reported.
if your questing the chance of being ban is extreamly low but if you bot 24/7 farming / grinding a ban will eventuly occure
Your chance of being banned is a complex formula.

First you start with the chance of using a bot on an established game that does not allow bots, then you add the high probability that your bot will get stuck at some point when you won't be able to get it unstuck fast enough, then add in a high risk factor for every minute you aren't watching your bot to stop it from doing stupid bot things, add in the amount of auctions you post beyond the safe limit, add in how often you post these auctions and on what toon, don't forget to add the percentage of jealous botters out there that report botters because they are simpleton greedy jews, then multiply the entire formula by the amount of hours you bot in a day and then divide it 7 and multiply that number by how many days you bot.

That is the super accurate formula for figuring out if you are going to be banned for using a bot. I hope you're good at math and determining unknown variables because no one knows.

The rule of thumb is if you are doing something wrong, you have to be ready for the consequences. Keep that in mind young one.
ive been botting for a couple years now on my main account. I love this account. But every single day I login expecting to be banned. It hasn't happened to me. I use it for myself. The most ive ever made in a week is like 60k gold. Thats conservative compared to the 6 figure ballers here.

Anyways I love this bot. And its probably why I still play WoW.
I would say pretty much the reason why people get banned by boting is because they do it reckless. And the people who don't use statics and their brain when they bot. Read thread and posts on this forum and learn about the plugins!

You are the doll master. let the game begin!
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It depends on how you bot, I've botted since 2010 (questing, grinding & some gathering and a little BG's) and I have never been banned once.
I have it on good authority that you have exactly 63.7% chance of being banned exactly 2.4 weeks after your start.
if you bot right you wont be banned i do it for long time now just questbot and use lazyraider once ur 90 wel i have 5 accounts so i keep questbotting on my farm acc and deleting them then quest all 11 again on them its mutch safer then farming gold and if you have 4 5 accounts 1 main for using lazyraider you can have evrymonth 800k just by questing also bot like 8 hours 10 hours a day then let it rest for a few hours
I'd advise to reading this: HB Usage: How do I keep from getting banned? - Buddy Wiki

I can also advise to only bot when you'd play normally, and always keep an eye on the bot.
Will you level faster than normal? No.
But if you don't have the patience to level all your characters to max level its a good solution.

If this is your first account id also advise to level one character to max level on your own. Feels good man.
I have been boting for a couple of years now, if u dont get greedy u will be fine. Make enough gold to buy whatever u need or want, save the rest. I use a family guild bank to store my extra gold incase i have to start over. Put enough away that if u have to start over u can do it without boting 24/7. Those that get banned usually run the bot 24/7 or dominate the ah.

PS. Dad always said " If u find a pile of poop and get a stick and play in it, u will eventually get some on u if u play in it long enough and it will stink."
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Unfortunately you can't do something which is considered against the T&C's and not expect your account to vanish at any time, that's just the risk you take.