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i think kicks 1-90 proflie is detected,please read.


New Member
Feb 11, 2013
im not sure about this but ill share with you my experince with kicks profile for questing:

i started lveling a warlock in my main acc using kicks profile and questing,i normally play for like 10+12 hrs per day,so boting for the exact amount of time,
everything was fine,i was constantly monitoring my bot and after 7-8 hrs the bot was hitting a npc and the npc suddenly dissapeared,i was able to see the portriat of the npc but it was underground,im sure that was a GM testing me because the npc started moving like he was being controled by someone,left to right attacking,stopping etc, so i disabled the bot and start jumping/typing to my guild.

i was like omg that was close,so i decided to test with a SoR account,again kicks profile,but different computer(laptop) and internet connection/ip(i have 2 in my house)
everything was fine for about 2 hrs this time when my toon was running from quest to quest,and suddleny it entered in some kind of "loop" running up and down,i think it was a glitch on kicks profile so i stopped the bot and stoned to origrimar,and started the bot again,the bot was fyling and bam! the loop started again but in the sky!
i stoped the bot inmediatly and then a player appeared right next to me in the sky,so i flyed down and dismount,that player was following me,so i was "playing" with him trying to hide behind trees etc,and typing /laugh /slap and calling him stalker etc in a funny mood,after 3 mins the other player typed cheers have a nice day and fly away,im sure that was a gm.

i have the strong feelings about kicks profile is being monitored because we all use it and all our toons follow the exact path/quest chain ,kicks profile takes and skips the same quests and follows the same paths,i think its very easy for blizzard to keep a track on that,i think kicks profile is "detected? yes,i think its honorbuddy fault? hell no,i just want to warn everybody to even use quest profiles "smart" do a pause every 2-3 hors and port to your main city,talk with other player etc at least for the first 1-40 levels,because at some point a gm will check if you are a human,and i want to thank honorbuddy because i leveled my warlock from 1-85 in 4 days.

and please excuse my bad english
That's the shame and probable cause of eventual downfall of HB - all that meshed territory, but all bots are taking exactly same paths when navigating. We need a randomizer to add mild variation to paths between identical coordinates. Only then one could beat any potential pattern-recognition software Blizzard is or is not running.
Couldn't have been a GM.. Check up online on the worldofwarcraft forums, GM's can't be seen in game anymore. Regardless of what happened, it couldn't have been GM. I have leveled 4 toons with Kick's profile, keeping them on for 14-15+ hours a day and haven't been warned, tracked, or banned.

Oh, I'm also playing on a high pop server!
Couldn't have been a GM.. Check up online on the worldofwarcraft forums, GM's can't be seen in game anymore. Regardless of what happened, it couldn't have been GM. I have leveled 4 toons with Kick's profile, keeping them on for 14-15+ hours a day and haven't been warned, tracked, or banned.

Oh, I'm also playing on a high pop server!

Oh well if you've never been caught or noticed them monitoring you then it must not be real.
Hcorbear is right i have been doing the same and 3 toons recently reached 90 and no warning for me
i am not saying everyone is like this but alot of them talk thrash just to scare people which they are not really helping and should just stfu.
many ppl got banned after using only kicks profiles.
e.g. www.thebuddyforum.com/honorbuddy-fo...spended-72-hours-kicks-leveling-profiles.html
read replys. many got banned, also me(4 accounts at different time)
blizzard is reading your ram and cpu.

W?hrend der World of Warcraft Client (der Client) ausgef?hrt wird, kann der Client den Arbeitsspeicher (RAM) Ihres Computers und / oder die CPU Ihres Computers nach nichtautorisierter Drittanbietersoftware scannen, die zeitgleich mit World of Warcraft ausgef?hrt wird. Dar?ber hinaus wird der Client das Spielinstallationsverzeichnis scannen, um sicherzustellen, dass nur nicht-gehackte Originalsoftware verwendet wird. Der einzige Zweck dieses Scanvorgangs ist es, sicherzustellen, dass unsere Spieler in einer cheat-freien Umgebung spielen. Die Bezeichnung nichtautorisierte Drittanbietersoftware, wie sie hier verwendet wird, bezieht sich auf jegliche Drittanbietersoftware inklusiver s?mtlicher Add-Ons oder Mods, die im eigenen Ermessen von Blizzard Entertainment :

I. Cheaten erm?glichen oder erleichtern;
II. es Spielern erm?glichen, das World of Warcraft Interface auf eine Art und Weise zu modifizieren oder zu hacken, die von Blizzard Entertainment nicht ausdr?cklich erlaubt ist; oder die
III. Informationen aus oder in World of Warcraft abfangen, abbauen oder auf andere Weise sammeln.

Im Fall, dass der Client eine nichtautorisierte Drittanbietersoftware entdeckt, kann der Client die folgenden Informationen an Blizzard Entertainment weiterleiten :

a) Details zu der unautorisierten Drittanbietersoftware;
b) Zeitpunkt und Datum, zu dem die unautorisierte Drittanbietersoftware entdeckt wurde;
c) Ihre IP-Adresse; und
d) Identifikationsnummern von PC-Komponenten, z.B. Festplatten, Hauptprozessor und Betriebssystem.

Die Nutzung derartiger Software oder Dateien ist ohne Frage sehr unfair gegen?ber der regul?r spielenden World of Warcraft Gemeinschaft und wird auf unseren Servern nicht geduldet.

Nach einer erneuten Untersuchung Ihres Falles k?nnen wir die mehrmalige Nutzung derartiger Software von Ihrem Account aus best?tigen und halten daher die gegen Ihren Account getroffenen Ma?nahmen f?r angemessen. Auf eine weitere Nachfrage in dieser Sache werden wir nicht antworten und betrachten diesen Fall als abgeschlossen.

In diesem Zusammenhang m?chten wir Sie darauf hinweisen, dass die Ma?nahmen die in diesem Fall getroffen wurden nicht auf neue Accounts angewendet werden, sollten Sie sich entschlie?en diese zu erstellen. Jedoch werden z.B. Charaktere des gesperrten Accounts weiterhin gesperrt bleiben. Wenn Sie einen neuen Account erstellen m?chten, werden Sie einen neuen CD-Key und ein neues Spiel ben?tigen.

Wenn Sie sich unsere aktuellen Nutzungsbestimmungen und Regelungen ansehen wollen, so finden Sie diese unter folgendem Link: http://eu.blizzard.com/de-de/company/about/termsofuse.html


Sollten Sie dazu oder zu anderen Themen noch Fragen haben, z?gern Sie bitte nicht uns erneut zu kontaktieren.

Mit freundlichen Gr??en,

Game Master Team
Blizzard Entertainment Europe

N?tzliche Video-Guides und Anleitungen:
Ofc the gm's are tracking you, they planted a nonclick able quest item in Duskwood and watched all the bots try to click and click and click. I was monitoring my screen and woops, I was teleported to GM island. Had a quick chat with the gm. Also got SS of it, but won't share it due to my accounts security.
Got banned on 3 / 5 accs today all of the 3 accs were leveling from 85-90 using 85-90 kickes questing profiles. One were a SoR acc the other were regular. I also have a acc that i have been leveing with kickes grinding profiles that has not been banned. Id recommed not using kickes leveling profikes for now since they are prob detected.
My kicks account is safe yet the gathering accounts I have has been banned. Kicks is safe out of anything.
More randomization on pathing, timing, etc is definitely needed throughout the bot.

Randomizing complex profiles like Kicks and the Mega gathering profiles needs to be there, too.

For quests ... allow the profile to randomize the order of any quests that aren't part of a chain. Profile author would have to add the appropriate hints.

For gathering, allow the profile to randomize SKIPPING some nodes "like a player didn't see them" and do more around the concept of bouncing / reversing / circling.

BG Buddy has some interesting concepts starting to be implemented, but those concepts need more implementation in other areas. "Heatmaps" for questing so that the bot can randomize (if able) the next quest and if not AFK / hearth / etc if there are too many players nearby (or the same players on the same course).

Gatherbuddy could use similar concepts ... not enough nodes in the area? Assume another active gatherer nearby and re-randomize (going to another zone if available in the profile). Too many players near a node? Skip over that area.