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I think I got reported


New Member
Sep 26, 2012

Was using some private profile to farm heavy junkboxes, been farming for like 3 hours and finally got my insane title. In the last 3 minutes, some wackojacko reported me. Just a simple /w that he reported me. Immediately replied him back cuz I was supervising it.

Anyway, what do you guys think? Will 1 report be enough? When can I expect the ban incoming?

Please share me your opinions on whats best now..

Thanks all
You think I am flagged or something? Will I be watched or something?
I mean, can I keep it on for some lockpicking or better not take the risk?

You think I am flagged or something? Will I be watched or something?
I mean, can I keep it on for some lockpicking or better not take the risk?


If 1 report would be enough to get a ban inc. Then it probably wouldn't so many players left :P and they would have more reports to handle than they can manage
Generally a rule of thumb is to lay low for a few days if someone tells you they're reporting you. It's possible that this is the first guy who told you he reported, but not the first player to actually report you. Whether he actually reported or not, who knows.
1- That's why you try to Junkbox Farm LBRS, no one to report you.

2- Grat's on Insane, I'm only like 230 junkboxes away and i cant find a rogue to farm for the life of me.
Thanks for the replies guys, gonna lay low for a while.
The rogue was on a other account anyway, but these days I see so many people getting banned.. just was a little scared

Thanks again :)
i see the single messages about being reported usually once a week. maybe more if the game crashes and i don't see them. They only seem to matter when they get to a certain number in a certain time. I get the feeling that is true for whatever triggers they can monitor. I'd just back off a bit or even take a few days off if you're really concerned.
Since when is a player answerable to another. I've been threatened with been reported for botting heaps. Whether I'm botting or not, mainly cause I refuse to answer to other players I don't know. Most times they will /whisper and because I don't reply to them I am accused of botting and threatened with reports. I never AFK Bot, always supervise. I even run around mimicking bad bot behaviour just to get bites, since the only in game entity we answer to are game masters. If I feel the threat is genuine I turn off the bot and continue doing what I am doing as if the bot was still in control. If you are smart and doing it right, let them cry wolf and look like an idiot.
Since when is a player answerable to another. I've been threatened with been reported for botting heaps. Whether I'm botting or not, mainly cause I refuse to answer to other players I don't know. Most times they will /whisper and because I don't reply to them I am accused of botting and threatened with reports. I never AFK Bot, always supervise. I even run around mimicking bad bot behaviour just to get bites, since the only in game entity we answer to are game masters. If I feel the threat is genuine I turn off the bot and continue doing what I am doing as if the bot was still in control. If you are smart and doing it right, let them cry wolf and look like an idiot.
Player reports are what lead to investigations, though, which is what leads to a GM watching you. Advising OP to lay low for a week or two should be ample time for the investigation to clear the GM's queue so OP doesn't get busted. I'm pretty sure GMs don't respond to reports immediately, so shutting the bot off right that second seems kinda silly. Then again, people don't always report even when they say they will.

My question is why bring the whole thing upon yourself by not sending them a whisp back like "lol" to shut them up? After all, you said you supervise the bot... technically you're not "answering to them", just making them think that because they received a reply, you're not actually botting.