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I think I got ported, not shure though what do you think?


New Member
Oct 30, 2012
I probably got ported last night, no ban though... yet.

Mi toon was doing skinning in the Vale of Eternal Blossoms (thundermaw wolves). I used my own profile covering a pretty small area, to look like a human camping and grinding skins and motes oh harmony. The profile was set to run for 4h. I randomly change my hotspots on all my skining&grinding profiles once every 2-3 uses. And I also use the <RandomizeHotspots>True</RandomizeHotspots> function.

When I woke up wow was down, but I soon found out the toon was sitting at the golden pagoda and the LogMeOut plugin had done it's thing. Nothing else seems to have happened.
Here is a log extract:

[COLOR="#0000FF"]Looting Thundermaw Guid:0xF130E458002641D0  <--bot started looting latest kill[/COLOR]
[01:00:11.561 V] Blacklisting F130E458002641D0 for 00:15:00 [Type: Loot]
[01:00:11.561 V] Blacklisting F130E458002641D0 for 00:00:02 [Type: Loot]
[01:00:11.561 V] Blacklisting F130E45800263048 for 00:00:02 [Type: Loot]
[01:00:11.603 D] ItemId: 89112, IsCurrency: 0, IsCoinage: 0, Byte6: 0, Byte7: 0, TextureId: 113402, Quantity: 1, Int10: 2060300160, Int14: 0, Status: 7
[01:00:11.604 D] ItemId: 81194, IsCurrency: 0, IsCoinage: 0, Byte6: 0, Byte7: 0, TextureId: 108838, Quantity: 2, Int10: 2060300160, Int14: 0, Status: 7
[01:00:11.972 D] Enabling Check because Loot Ended
[01:00:12.071 D] EnableCheck was Passed!
[01:00:12.072 D] Turning off Check Since Done!
[01:00:12.672 D] Cleared POI - Reason Waiting for loot flag
[01:00:12.672 D] Cleared POI
[COLOR="#0000FF"]Changed POI to:Type: Skin, Name: Thundermaw  <--bot started skinning the wolf[/COLOR]
[01:00:13.522 D] InteractDebug:732036988
[01:00:13.561 D] Interact Done:732036988
[01:00:13.604 D] [Lua.Events] Attached to event LOOT_OPENED with handler 
[COLOR="#FF0000"][01:00:13.950 N] [LogMeOut!]: Starting logout process...
[01:00:13.950 N] [LogMeOut!]: Reason : The player was moved for about 1012.056 yards. Previous position: <649.0166, 1879.371, 367.0139>; Actual position: <1223.52, 1048.27, 425.967>
[01:00:13.954 N] [LogMeOut!]: Log out in 20 secondes...
[01:00:44.051 N] [LogMeOut!]: Goodbye  <-- toon got moved, it set off the LogMeOut tripwire, and wow closes [/COLOR]
[01:01:01.071 D] System.InvalidOperationException: Cannot run injection routine on address 0

Here's the full log for reference: View attachment 2724 2013-05-31 04.56.txt

So I'm gonna lay low on this account for a few days, do some Dailies and babysit some auctions - all manually, and hope for the best.

Anyone got an opinion on this? Did I get ported? WTF happened?
These blizz ports sound so wierd, what are you supose to do? If you babysit your bot and you get ported should you start typing wtf or something? open a ticket asking why?

Don't know if its a good idea, but i would maybe try contacting a gm, saying the wierdest thing happend yesterday my character got moved to another spot in game, i freaked out and logged out am I hacked or something?

Now you confirm that you were the one playing during the port and that you think you have been hacked (good reason when trying to appeal for bans later)
Dude, tickets are never a good ideea. If you ticket the gm that picks it up might decide to look at your logs, and then he might decide that you bot and ban you straight away or keep an eye on you until he bans you.
It's strange that it wasn't like all the port reports i've read around here. It was just 1000 yards away, in an open place. If LogMeOut wasn't activated the bot could just have gone back to whatever he was doing. I don't even think it would have gotten stuck.
But, hey, as they say in my country: we'll live and see!
If you already got ported by a gm to check if you are boting you then you are already have a mark on your character, and by not even noticing that you ended up on a random place all of the sudden is typical bot behavior you need to think how a normal player even a semi retarded player would act.
And the gm you talk to through the ticket systems are not bot hunters.

But hey that is what I would have done, there is always a risk boting!
Hmm, I don't know... My honest reaction if something like this would have happened in a game I was playing manually and if I didn't know anything about botting would have been: "WTF happened!?!... meh, oh well, let's continue, probably a bug." And yes I would have probably reloged or something.
definitely looks like a teleport.

[01:00:13.604 D] [Lua.Events] Attached to event LOOT_OPENED with handler 
[COLOR=#FF0000][01:00:13.950 N] [LogMeOut!]: Starting logout process...

It's impossible that within 0.300 after the loot event you could have used hearthstone, so that rules out hearthstone.

I hope HBRelog didn't log you back in lol.
Ha! I don't use relog for this very reason! ever since this teleport business started...
On the other hand LogMeOut does get a lot of false positives, like if you die and tp to the graveyard, or if there's a cutscene or you go through a inter-continent gate... none seem to apply here though.

yup.looks like GM porting.

no ban, no warning, no nothing yet. I'll lay low for a while though.