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Combat Range is the radius that your bot will check for monsters to determine if it is in combat. For instance if you set the combat range to crazy.. 300 (note that the visible screen is about 70-80 radius) then the bot will likely always be in combat, so it will not loot or open chests etc. Try between 60 and 120. You can use less than 60 but your bot will then ignore mobs, rush through areas.
Max Melee Range is the range that the bot considers it is within range of a monster to attack it with the melee skill you have setup. the main thing here is to just consider the Melee Range as a radius that will trigger the skill if a monster is within it (and being targetted). So.. you can put lighting tendrils in the melee slots (both single and aoe) and set the max melee range to that of lightning tendrils, which is 25(?), perhaps try 20. Naturally you can add melee skills, just check out their range on Path of Exile Wiki
Max Range Range is to stop the bot using targetable skills that fall outside of the 70 screen range. this is to prevent skills being targeted on the Flaskpanel or on other GUI panels. This clicking on flasks can cause the bot to be stuck trying to cast or fire a ranged weapon on the flasks panel. I suggest leaving this at 70. you can set it to 300 and watch what happens well, only if playing a ranged targetted build like.. Tornado shot.