The easiest, safest way to do it is to grind it out, people always complain about Grinding having the highest ban-rate, well I disagree, I have 7 85's now and I've not even a warning email from Blizzard, 100% through grinding.
The highest percentage of HB Bans come from player reports, so lets look through here:
Gatherbuddy2 - At max level people report mining/herbing bots like its their job;
Instancebuddy - You get stuck running into one wall in one dungeon, odds are you get a report;
BGBuddy - While updated, it still has it's quirks, you'll see it running into walls a lot, again, dead giveaway of a bot.
So that leaves the Quest Bot, and the Grind Bot.
From my experiences (again, 7 - 85's) Quest bot has given me way more trouble than it's worth, unless you're literally going to sit there and babysit it for hours on end, it's non-efficient, the Grind Bot however, has crashed or gotten stuck MAYBE 10 times, through 7 toons, and still turns out some very nice numbers in terms of XP/hour.
I'm currently at 83 on my 8th toon, and it's pulling EDIT: 800k xp/hr on a grinding profile, so thats 83-84 in roughly ~13 hours. Which at that level, is not a bad grind.
Verdict: Grind it out.