A bit off topic as this isn't related to botting at all.
I was just chilling in Org waiting for a PUG or something and I see in chat "wts 30 day gamecards 6k."
So I just said, eh why not? and said "i'll take one"
So he invites me to group, I SHOW him 6000, and he just whispers me the code.
I try the code out and it actually works. It says that a 30 day gamecard was added.
I seriously didn't think it would work, so I was panicking and disconnected since I wan't to keep my gold.
Sooooo, I pretty much scammed someone of their gamecard.
I'm pretty sure that dudes gonna go report me and all, but can blizz really close my account for this?
I was just gonna say that the game card doesn't work, but of course blizz is gonna check all chat logs, and my account payment history.
Should I just log back in and pay him for the super over price time card? Or just sit on this and think of it as a free 30 day card?
I was just chilling in Org waiting for a PUG or something and I see in chat "wts 30 day gamecards 6k."
So I just said, eh why not? and said "i'll take one"
So he invites me to group, I SHOW him 6000, and he just whispers me the code.
I try the code out and it actually works. It says that a 30 day gamecard was added.
I seriously didn't think it would work, so I was panicking and disconnected since I wan't to keep my gold.
Sooooo, I pretty much scammed someone of their gamecard.
I'm pretty sure that dudes gonna go report me and all, but can blizz really close my account for this?
I was just gonna say that the game card doesn't work, but of course blizz is gonna check all chat logs, and my account payment history.
Should I just log back in and pay him for the super over price time card? Or just sit on this and think of it as a free 30 day card?