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I just got banned, help!


New Member
Oct 15, 2012
Hello guys. I am searching help in getting my account back.
For a few days ago I was suspended for 72 hours for the exact same thing "third party program"
I waited till the 72 hours had passed and logged in yesterday night. Played some myself, and today I logged in, did a few bg's and then I got disconnected. With account closure error coming up when trying to login

mail from blizz:


This is to inform you that action has been taken against your account. Please read on for further information about the action taken, and more details regarding the reason:

Battle.net Account Name: xxx
World of Warcraft Account Name: WoW1

Account Action: Account Closure

Circumventing normal game mechanics has a negative impact on the game experience of other customers.

Type of Violation: Exploitation
Category of Violation: Third Party Program
Character Name Involved: xxx

If any1 could assist me getting this account back I would really apprecuate.
comment here, or contact me at skype:
skypename: real9031

Need all the help I can get.
So you got banned for botting in BGs for 72 hours, as soon as your account ban ended you ran BGbuddy again and are wondering why they closed your account?

So you botted BG right after your 72h suspension for botting BG, that's interesting.
is there anything I can do?

Honestly, if you haven't said anything to them yet then you're better off not and just appealing the ban in a few weeks saying you got haxzord n stuff because I have heard from a few people that this is the most effective way to get unbanned. Try also going to one of your friends houses and attempt to logon and sign into your bnet account from a different country.

That helped me before when I was on holidays in germany.
Was botting OFC ^^ and they banned me for exploitation of economy.

Once I got back to my home country 2-3 weeks later I appealed it and said I got hacked.
Got my account back within 24 hours and this was from a perma ban.

Not sure how often this works but if you get your account back and get banned again, rinse and repeat and give an excuse that you are an addon tester and you often get keyloggers blah blah blah ^^

Well I hope you can find something useful here and let us know how it turns out.


PS. this isn't a guaranteed method but it is something that I've heard has worked for a few people.
Botting on your main, shameful

Not sure who you're speaking to, me or the OP ^^ but I only have 1 account which is my main and is also the one I bot on. I've had at least 4-5 bans at this stage going from 8 hour ban for a bad name to a perma ban (which was later revoked due to being "hacked")

I have set my goal to finish the game by completing all achievements one by one and have been grinding reps these past few days finally getting my 'Insane in the Membrane" FoS too :) Since the last time I got banned I have been botting a lot more than before but I keep a closer eye on it too from work and I talk a lot to friends and guildies during the day as I am the GM of a guild with 10 members in it ^^

I know that I shouldn't bot on anything I don't want to lose but if I lose it then I'll start over simple as, not like botting is taking up my time :P