I'm having more fun finding the new profiles, CCs, and plug-ins than I am playing the game...
Welcome to your new addiction.
Welcome to your new addiction.
QFT I purchased a 1 day trial to test out HB, after looking around at all the plugins and profiles (a bit overwhelming at first imo, for me anyway) and saw Inegos DMC profile and decided to give it a shot... I can't even describe the look on my face when that profile emptied my mailbox, milled all my herbs, made inks, made cards, and then did it all over again. This bot and the people who contribute to it are pretty amazing, as long as HB/GB2 stay alive I will be a lifetime customer.You'll find yourself looking at all the marvelous things this bot does![]()
I'm also a pirox refugee and am considering picking up HB. My only question so far is concerning flying gathering with GB2. Is that still a paid plugin or anything of the sort, I keep finding conflicting information. What do I all get with a single client license and are there any paid plugins that are required for basic gathering and what not.