So as I've seen, and heard. The weapon shadowfang, lvl 19 twink sword.. Best in the game for that level. People are offering to pay upwards of 150k gold for it. Now this item has a 00.1% chance of dropping in Shadowfang keep. It will only drop of level 21+ mobs, and the rare spawn in that instance. Now the drop rate is really unappealing, but it's a level 25 instance, so the bot can just mow through the entire place really quickly. If someone is willing to make this profile, i believe it can make a lot of people gold. If there is a way to run through it kill only the 21+, or just run into all the mobs and kill them at a certain point in the instance, loot all of them and then run out, reset the instance and do it all over again.
Would be cool if someone made this profile, I'd do it but I have no idea how, or time to create it. Good luck, and keep it in mind!
*EDIT* and if there is a way to make it only loot BOE blues, would save a lot of time from having to keep going to a vendor.
Would be cool if someone made this profile, I'd do it but I have no idea how, or time to create it. Good luck, and keep it in mind!
*EDIT* and if there is a way to make it only loot BOE blues, would save a lot of time from having to keep going to a vendor.
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