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I have 2 account linked: To RAF or to Solo level?


New Member
May 5, 2010
I'm looking to level 1-80 fast and safely. :D Is there ever such a thing?

Using the RAF option scares me. If one gets caught/banned they both do.

However, how much faster do they level using RAF?

What would you all do in my shoes? Level RAF or level solo?

Thanks for reading,
Well it takes around 6 days playing time to reach 60 i believe.
So you can expect with RAF to be hitting 60 in 2 - 3 days.
However once you hit 60 you lose the xp boost. :/
But on the plus side there is the ability to grant levels, which is truely awsome.
Your intending of using honorbuddy with these? If so you need 2 copies of it i believe.
If i was in your shoes i would use RAF, but thats just my opinion.
Good luck xD
Thanks for the advice Robsky. I'll RAF them up to 60.

I've just asked for the GB lifetime upgrade. :D

Thanks again!
Go RAF. Im on my second pair of accounts now, and havent had any issues <60. It goes much better with 2 toons, not just because of the exp boost, but at lower lvls, gear kinda sucks, and you dont have all the spells in your arsenal. Also, in the lower level zones, theres hardly ANYONE there, at most 3-4 others. in the northrend zones, however, theres always a dozen or more people in the zone, so its much "safer" to bot at low lvls, and when you level faster, you have less time for someone to see you and report you, so its win-win IMO.

BTW, you can grant levels no matter how you level a toon, you dont have to ever group them up. Also, since the level granting only works on toons lower level than the one doign the granting, you can easily lvl a toon to 30, then gift to 60 after you get your first pair to 60.