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i got flagged by some antibot bob, help pls!


New Member
May 9, 2012
hi guys, ive got a question , i used this bot now for like 3-4 months, and now while skinning , i was in the kitchen just for 5-10 mins , and at this moment somebody whispered me 4 times

he sent me a few messages and saying he wants to give me gold and stuff, probly even traded me dunno.

after 15 mins then my plugin logged me out , dunno why so late, i had logmeout on 1 whisper received and thought it would logout instantly after the fight or instantly.

but somehow it didnt , maybe i forgot to configure something or it just didnt work.

first time today i had paranoia plugin off -.- , because i saw 6 botters 24/7 botting in twilight , and i grabbed a spot where already only 1 botter is. thats why i had paranoia plugin off cause i thought wow these 6 guys are so bold, at least one of them who had a name like xaqeqweqwrq and farmed there like 1 week already all the time and didnt get busted, so why shouldnt i have this addon off once and farm a bit.

i had grinding bot on with a savage leather profile and singular.

so my question is, whats gonna happen to me, or what should i do, if he bluffed or if he really reported me or wrote a ticket??? pls only experienced answers.
btw i sometimes switch from my pc to laptop i usually bot on my laptop
absolutely nothing will happen as long as when the GM investigates, you aren't botting :)
absolutely nothing will happen as long as when the GM investigates, you aren't botting :)

k thx , but i thought about stopping botting for now like 1-2 days, to dont make it too obvious u know. my friend just said (he bots too :D cause its cool and saves time) he was once caught offguard too , stopped botting for like 4-5 days and only raidbotted with lazyraider.

so can i just bot on my pc with raidbot and nothing should happen? i dont know what a gm checks when he investigates :S, but when i use a pro cc in a raid, i dont know how he could uncover me^^

pls more suggestions , tips, threadlinks or W/E :D anything helps to cure my doubts.
personally, I just wouldn't leave my computer while botting for the next week, and definitely don't use it to farm anything yet, but honestly, you should be just fine.
after 15 mins then my plugin logged me out , dunno why so late, i had logmeout on 1 whisper received and thought it would logout instantly after the fight or instantly.

but somehow it didnt , maybe i forgot to configure something or it just didnt work.

Hi, you mentioned using a "paranoia plugin". Is it my plugin? (http://www.thebuddyforum.com/honorb...ged/51655-plugin-parrots-paranoia-plugin.html)

This plugin doesnt really "play nice" with other plugins and if you had players near you at the time it would have prevented LogMeOut from logging you off.
Ive written a warning about this but I will consider editing my post to make it more clear. When ppp triggers and goes into "afk mode" honorbuddy will essentially be paused.
No other plugins will be running during the duration. If the player left before ppp triggered a shutdown logmeout would have started running again and logged you off.

Right now its a necessary evil, i haven't thought of a way to avoid it but i am considering adding a "logout on whisper" function to the plugin in.
Why are so many people scared of 1 report? You realize how many times people report other players? They need a certain amount of reports on a player to investigate. There's millions of players so stop freaking out like a girl. Geez
Why are so many people scared of 1 report? You realize how many times people report other players? They need a certain amount of reports on a player to investigate. There's millions of players so stop freaking out like a girl. Geez

He is only being a cautious botter...don't flame
I bot on my main account and this is happening to me randomly, sometimes Im there catching the whisper and other times im not, the point is, do you look botish when you bot?

Often there are just people looking for other to report because they are boored, they often enter a high populated area and starts whispering "hi" to everyone. If you answer they will just ask you a silly question like "do you want to join Molten core" (Molten core is soloable and people know that), but if you dont answer they will keep whispering you things like "reported or, you there?".

I pratically dont care so much about what they say because im sure to not look bootish when I bot. Badboy is the best addon ever, just leave it on when you go AFK and no one will bother you and if they report you because of they think badboy is your bot that answer them there will be no problem because blizzard knows that badboy exists. I also use that jump plug in that jumps once in awhile, people loves to jump around instead of running the same path while grinding. And also, only use a profile with a set up you know works so it doesnt get stuck when your not there, make sure that repair and mailbox works etc. When im leaving my bot after having all this I meantioned I feel safer. Ofcourse I have been banned for 72 hours sometimes but thats how I learned and its most for stupid mistakes like leaving it for to long.

If you want my suggestion of what I should do in your situation is:

1. switch toon for some days.
2. If you really have to be on the same toon then, switch zone, tol barad skinning is also good.
3 In worst case if you feel really unsafe then, only log in to check auctions etc for some days.

Hope it helped a little :)
1 report is usually nothing as someone already noted. So I wouldn't be too worried. To be safe, I just wouldn't use that same profile for a while. Grinding profiles as a whole are just typically more risky.