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I got 1 for yall - Perma ban for LazyRider


New Member
Dec 23, 2012
Yes, you got that right perma banned for using a CR and Tyrael!!! Isn't that some news?
No, im not going to fill the useless form..
I was only using what I said I was using. As I said long time ago GB2 is done and I am not attempting that anymore since last account i tried it on got banned in 2 hours. Yes, 2 hours!
I was feeling safe using only Tyrael, since we are waiting for a week after each patch for bot to get updated. Reason for waiting is to make sure the bot is safe, yep thats right, safe!

Since yall so tense now, relax a bit. I had to do some research to see how the hell Blizz could set an eye on me. Figured that! I has doing only pve and tyrael...aaaand I was farming sky shards with Tyrael.
Well, guess what, someone actually decided to make a profile to bot those mobs. And turns out there are tons of people using it. And Blizz aint no dumbasses. They need a little time to figure out every profile, but they always do!
I havent used any profile, but now I am 100% sure Blizz is checking the activity of everyone that sold Alani.

Am I pissed, oh yeah! I lost another valuable account that wasnt compromised with GB2, AutoAngler or whatever other bot. I don't mention Tyrael in that list. Since if I add Tyrael, what is left from HB to use and feel relatively safe?
Oh and lets not forget that 1 week we have to wait after each patch cause the security of the bot is being checked and doublechecked!
What is the next level of security I have to implement? Now if I decide to bot using the least risky HB bot (Tyrael), I have to read the whole HB forum to check if some "contributor" decided to make a profile to bot-kill the mobs I am grinding?
Thats just embaracing!!!

Just a heads up for Tyrael and CR users:
If the CR does something that looks like bot it is not only you noticing that. Clear examples being: interrupting on the second a spell is being cast, casting Blood Horror as soon as it is off CD and even when you dps a dummy, and some more. If you notice it. other players will notice it and Blizz will notice it. Think about it!

Edit: 1 more
I am lazy to make another post.. Why the freaking forum keeps logging me out every 5 minutes when I have set it to remember me?! This bull was not happening 2 weeks ago..
I guess my next post will "WTS 4 HB sessions half price" so I find my rest.
people say they only use LazyRaider, and suddenly say that they farmed Skyshards "but that was yesterday".

keep in mind I'm referring to another post, and on this line I was still reading your post and saw you were farming them too. ;)

lots of recent bans were to do with skyshards, it's not blizzard scanning profiles because that cost money and they just wouldn't do it... it's all usually player report even by other botters, sadly I think other botters have reported you because I see a lot of people get banned more when using a public profile and are surrounded by other botters in a popular area.
people say they only use LazyRaider, and suddenly say that they farmed Skyshards "but that was yesterday".

keep in mind I'm referring to another post, and on this line I was still reading your post and saw you were farming them too. ;)

I do find some difference in "farming sky shards with a profile" and "farming sky shards using Tyrael". The second one actually requires that you are doing some things by hand, not going to selap and letting the bot do it for you. I would also think that while me farming I am also chatting with people, using a Potion of Luck when I want to, opening boxes when I want to and a ton of other stuff a dumb profile does not do..

This tread is not written as pure bashing on HB developers, or profile developers. It is written so people know how to protect their accounts.

Bro do you still not get it? I was not botting that shit! I had my hands on the freaking keyboard 100% of the time. And those other players in the area. I was chatting with them or I was picking on them when they were entering "my area". None would suspect I had a bot running..thats not the case.
"If you use the bot, you will get banned."

whats so hard to understand 'bout that? Using tyrael + cc is also botting.
"If you use the bot, you will get banned."

whats so hard to understand 'bout that? Using tyrael + cc is also botting.

for years I've seen people get banned and then sometimes scream detection even when botting for a few hours only (although obviously less likely to be banned depending on location), even one of the devs confirmed a ban that only took 45 minutes... this is why you see such a strong response from people only botting for a few hours because they care about their acccount and never thought that botting just a few hours would ever get their account banned.

I can bot 12 hours a day in some areas because there are no players to report you, it's sometimes down to luck.

if the bot was running = you take the risk, even if you were running Combat Bot doing nothing in Dalaran you can still get banned for standing still.
"If you use the bot, you will get banned."

whats so hard to understand 'bout that? Using tyrael + cc is also botting.

That is some great insight you got there! There was some saying from some philosopher "If what you are saying is not news, don't bother saying it". We all know Tyrael is a BOT! Thats not the point. The point is that Tyrael is the safest operation this bot can do. If this is getting you banned, whats left of it?
sure sometimes its bad luck. I would say in my case partially it was bad luck. So what should I do to go around it next time? Became HB forum rat to make sure there is no profile killing my mobs? Hell NO! Disable every suspicious CR option? Hell NO!
Following this logic soon I'd be playing with my hands as Blizz requires. Than where is the return on the investment I made in HB?

Cause its a matter of time before Blizz run a script detecting who interrupted on Horridon with less than 0,5 sec from the start of the spell. Than they will have a shortlist of candidates for the ban, for again the "safest" part of the HB bot. Sounds eazy doesnt it?
you over estimate how much resources blizzard would be willing to put into catching botters, it's mostly the player reports... it's very effective.

"So what should I do to go around it next time?"" - you need to look on your server to see what sells (you can use theunderminejournal for this), then make a profile for it and farm.. this is what I did and I find no other botters (barely any) in the area and no reports either (as far as I'm aware using my plugin to see who targeted you).. I'm currently doing this on a more popular server and should get a nice 5,000 gold a day which is enough to fund my raf and other game keys etc.

It's best to look at standard deviation, volatility(you can see graphs for that), market price, availability etc. to see if it's a good thing to farm and sell.
it's mostly the player reports... it's very effective.
I agree with above said post, player reports are really effective. My friend non-botter bought an alleged duped spectral kitty then tried reselling it, got perm banned for abuse of economy, appealed np. Not sure if that's even relevant as the Philospher says.
There was some saying from some philosopher "If what you are saying is not news, don't bother saying it".

Not sure if what I mentioned is relevant as the Philosopher says.
I would like to inquire, wouldn't it be extremely easy to appeal if you didn't bot, and if it didn't get detected?
Stoyo, bot smart, and ... play smart too!

If you read ban reports enough you would got the picture:
Recently, Blizzard are banning fellow non-botted characters too, who play bot-like for extensive ammount of time - like your shardfarming.

After you get reported, and if flagged for only for review (not autobanned like many before) im 99% sure, the GM check only what you do, for howmany hours etc., and after seeing sessions for 5-6 hours farming the same mobs over and over again, he will not even need to check if you have chatted or anything, just action you!

Even after you appeal, the GM not always check the logs, and overtune, but just autoreply you ... so its up to you to play smart.

The game changes, GM policies changes, we must change, or ...

"WTS 4 HB sessions half price" so I find my rest.
I was only using what I said I was using. As I said long time ago GB2 is done and I am not attempting that anymore since last account i tried it on got banned in 2 hours. Yes, 2 hours!

Have you considered the possibility that due to your previous bans your ip / hardware sig has been flagged? Getting a ban in 2 hours is a pretty good sign that you are on a shitlist. I would suspect this has absolutely nothing to do with LazyRaider and everything to do with your previous botting activities. Each one of your accounts don't operate in a vacuum, linking accounts via ip/hardware ids is trivial and a great way to catch a troublesome botter who keeps getting new accounts everytime the previous ones are banned.

Edit: Another great sign that you are flagged is if you are perma banned immediately with no chance for appeal for an offense that would normally be given a 72 hour suspension
Another great sign that you are flagged is if you are perma banned immediately with no chance for appeal for an offense that would normally be given a 72 hour suspension

^ This....all of this! Be smart please, your poor southern english shows me and possibly others that you aren't thinking with your brain on the situation and rather with your piss poor anger. On the off chance you did think of the possibility of, "OH! maybe my IP was flagged!" (highly doubt you did) then you could've changed your IP constantly (if its static) or used a program that makes WoW use a different IP than your normal default IP (if it were still a static IP). Don't expect that because you paid 15 dollars for just your 1 key that you used for this 1 account that you will be immune to Blizzard. You also have to use your brain and some outside sources besides HB to make yourself have extra protection. Its out there, find it.
u can say whatever u want auto rotations are not banable dont waste your time lying on the forum for the reason u got banned my only opinion is use gatherbuddy = ban rest its not detectable or they choose to ignore it i used questing bgs combat bot lazy rider still not banned if u choose to make money out of wow "gold" u get an easy ban just so u know choose the wise path no booting after ban (that if u get account back)
p.s easy money means booting eggs :)
u can say whatever u want auto rotations are not banable dont waste your time lying on the forum for the reason u got banned my only opinion is use gatherbuddy = ban rest its not detectable or they choose to ignore it i used questing bgs combat bot lazy rider still not banned if u choose to make money out of wow "gold" u get an easy ban just so u know choose the wise path no booting after ban (that if u get account back)
p.s easy money means booting eggs :)

Biggest bullshit I have ever seen on this forum (uhmm, maybe after the posts following a new patch "Yeeey developers we are so happy that you take a week to make the bot safer"...). Do yourself a favor and enlighen yourself before posting bullshit.
I have mentioned 2 examples where you easily will get reported and banned for rotations: 1. Demonic casting Blood Horror on CD while dpsing a dummy in OG..odd isnt it? 2. Guildie reporting you cause your rotation always interrupts before him (in PVP that is just too obvious)..possible? Im sure you can think of many other odd things a rotation does.

My IP being flagged? Defo a possibility. Im not arguing on this. However, I had no problems until I run into something that many others are exploiting and obviously Blizz is now aware of that.

Me being smart when botting? Bro what are you talking about. Did I write it a bit earlier that LR is the safest bot in game? I did. So, even if I want to use only the safest bot I have to read the ban section all the time? I was thinking that a bot is supposed to make my in-game life a bit easier, not more complicated.

Reading the ban section. I did that. And I found out that there are enough people banned for rotations.

Am I wasting my time as this foul is saying? I might be wasting my time, but I am doing it for a reason - So you all dont loose your accounts so easy.

You want to prove me wrong. I dare you, do that! Go kill some tricksters, farm and sell Alani. Dont use any profile. Just LR and a class rotation. The profile will get you banned in 2 hours! With LR you should last untill you sell Alani. It doest take as long as you would think - 1-2 hrs/day for 3-4 days and you have it. Kill Alani and come back crying.

If you want to prove me wrong, do that! Prove me wrong and I will give you for free some of my HB keys, I have spent a bit more than $15 on that.

You have to disable as many as possible of the odd behaviors that combat routines do = decrease the chance of reports = lower chance to get detected = better chance to get away with it if you get banned!

If you don't find this helpful, you are either mentally challanged or you are a hidden moderator. I don't buy any of it.
Have you considered the possibility that due to your previous bans your ip / hardware sig has been flagged? Getting a ban in 2 hours is a pretty good sign that you are on a shitlist. I would suspect this has absolutely nothing to do with LazyRaider and everything to do with your previous botting activities. Each one of your accounts don't operate in a vacuum, linking accounts via ip/hardware ids is trivial and a great way to catch a troublesome botter who keeps getting new accounts everytime the previous ones are banned.

Edit: Another great sign that you are flagged is if you are perma banned immediately with no chance for appeal for an offense that would normally be given a 72 hour suspension

You are right and you are not right. I have had enough bans already to know what Blizz is doing. I have been banned in EU, in US, for GB2, for gold selling, for using grind profiles, and more. Blizz is not flagging IPs and monitoring activity of flagged IPs. Blizz is saving your offense history and is using it against you when they catch you again. That is why I got instant perma ban and no apealing works.

You might commit an offense, get suspended and bot for a good amount of time after it without any problems. Until you run into one of the checking scripts they are running, or get reported.
Here is a case if you don't believe me. I got banned on this account. Appealed and got it back. Botted for a few months after that (months!!! after offense). Sold a very good amount of gold via a safe method. No problems. However, as soon as I killed Alani, ban! Why? Because a ton of people are using a grinding profile to do this, and Blizz knows. So they ran their script of who killed Alani. Close activity inspection. Obviously no profile was used, but some actions are way too odd and bot-like. BAN! Good bye!
If you ever been banned before and now You wonder why are you again banned with the same IP/PC... u are doing it wrong lol