Yes, you got that right perma banned for using a CR and Tyrael!!! Isn't that some news?
No, im not going to fill the useless form..
I was only using what I said I was using. As I said long time ago GB2 is done and I am not attempting that anymore since last account i tried it on got banned in 2 hours. Yes, 2 hours!
I was feeling safe using only Tyrael, since we are waiting for a week after each patch for bot to get updated. Reason for waiting is to make sure the bot is safe, yep thats right, safe!
Since yall so tense now, relax a bit. I had to do some research to see how the hell Blizz could set an eye on me. Figured that! I has doing only pve and tyrael...aaaand I was farming sky shards with Tyrael.
Well, guess what, someone actually decided to make a profile to bot those mobs. And turns out there are tons of people using it. And Blizz aint no dumbasses. They need a little time to figure out every profile, but they always do!
I havent used any profile, but now I am 100% sure Blizz is checking the activity of everyone that sold Alani.
Am I pissed, oh yeah! I lost another valuable account that wasnt compromised with GB2, AutoAngler or whatever other bot. I don't mention Tyrael in that list. Since if I add Tyrael, what is left from HB to use and feel relatively safe?
Oh and lets not forget that 1 week we have to wait after each patch cause the security of the bot is being checked and doublechecked!
What is the next level of security I have to implement? Now if I decide to bot using the least risky HB bot (Tyrael), I have to read the whole HB forum to check if some "contributor" decided to make a profile to bot-kill the mobs I am grinding?
Thats just embaracing!!!
Just a heads up for Tyrael and CR users:
If the CR does something that looks like bot it is not only you noticing that. Clear examples being: interrupting on the second a spell is being cast, casting Blood Horror as soon as it is off CD and even when you dps a dummy, and some more. If you notice it. other players will notice it and Blizz will notice it. Think about it!
Edit: 1 more
I am lazy to make another post.. Why the freaking forum keeps logging me out every 5 minutes when I have set it to remember me?! This bull was not happening 2 weeks ago..
I guess my next post will "WTS 4 HB sessions half price" so I find my rest.
No, im not going to fill the useless form..
I was only using what I said I was using. As I said long time ago GB2 is done and I am not attempting that anymore since last account i tried it on got banned in 2 hours. Yes, 2 hours!
I was feeling safe using only Tyrael, since we are waiting for a week after each patch for bot to get updated. Reason for waiting is to make sure the bot is safe, yep thats right, safe!
Since yall so tense now, relax a bit. I had to do some research to see how the hell Blizz could set an eye on me. Figured that! I has doing only pve and tyrael...aaaand I was farming sky shards with Tyrael.
Well, guess what, someone actually decided to make a profile to bot those mobs. And turns out there are tons of people using it. And Blizz aint no dumbasses. They need a little time to figure out every profile, but they always do!
I havent used any profile, but now I am 100% sure Blizz is checking the activity of everyone that sold Alani.
Am I pissed, oh yeah! I lost another valuable account that wasnt compromised with GB2, AutoAngler or whatever other bot. I don't mention Tyrael in that list. Since if I add Tyrael, what is left from HB to use and feel relatively safe?
Oh and lets not forget that 1 week we have to wait after each patch cause the security of the bot is being checked and doublechecked!
What is the next level of security I have to implement? Now if I decide to bot using the least risky HB bot (Tyrael), I have to read the whole HB forum to check if some "contributor" decided to make a profile to bot-kill the mobs I am grinding?
Thats just embaracing!!!
Just a heads up for Tyrael and CR users:
If the CR does something that looks like bot it is not only you noticing that. Clear examples being: interrupting on the second a spell is being cast, casting Blood Horror as soon as it is off CD and even when you dps a dummy, and some more. If you notice it. other players will notice it and Blizz will notice it. Think about it!
Edit: 1 more
I am lazy to make another post.. Why the freaking forum keeps logging me out every 5 minutes when I have set it to remember me?! This bull was not happening 2 weeks ago..
I guess my next post will "WTS 4 HB sessions half price" so I find my rest.