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I don't usually give tips...but...ill make an exception this time


New Member
Dec 3, 2011
Tip of the day:


I run circa 50 bots, all non-SOR (use a multitude of different bots). But for some reason I bought 5 SOR-accounts 3 days ago. They are all banned now whilst all my other accounts are intact.


Buy SOR for your friends that wanna get back into the game, but never bot on em. And also forget about getting "leet stuff" on a SOR-account. People with L33t stuff take their accounts back when they get hacked by the chinese.

I've bought maybe in total 50 SOR-accounts over the last year. The best I've gotten was an account which actually had a level 70 on it, granted it had no special mounts or any decent achivs. Some accounts dont even have characters on em.
I has nothing to do with botting.

Dont buy sor accounts.

They get always (99%) banned.
I am only buying SOR accounts. They only get banned after several months when i bot too much.
Nothing wrong buying SOR accounts imo. I have got an account with Classic CE and another one with TBC CE.

- You have to bot carefully though.
i'm currently running 4 SoR accs at this very moment..
the oldest one i have is 2 months old, newest is 3 days old..

only gotten 1 banned, and bought like.. 10 in total :P (botting 24/7)
Do you guys use your own names for the Battle.net you merge the SoR account into, or do you match the name of the account?
Do you guys use your own names for the Battle.net you merge the SoR account into, or do you match the name of the account?

Nobody will give you the "real" name of a SOR account, since they are hacked accounts and all they do is reset their password.
Nobody will give you the "real" name of a SOR account, since they are hacked accounts and all they do is reset their password.
You can see the account details such as the name before you merge it into a Battle.net account, atleast I could when I bought one.

Was just curious about what other people do, that's all.
You can see the account details such as the name before you merge it into a Battle.net account, atleast I could when I bought one.

Was just curious about what other people do, that's all.

My using the same name and account info for all the accounts (My own personal info). I use that info on both my "legit" accounts and SOR accounts.

Back in Cata i had about 60 active accounts. Nearly all of them had the same account info in it. All but one of friend's account and my brother's account. All but my friend's and brother's accounts were permanently banned.
Tip of the day:


I run circa 50 bots, all non-SOR (use a multitude of different bots). But for some reason I bought 5 SOR-accounts 3 days ago. They are all banned now whilst all my other accounts are intact.


Buy SOR for your friends that wanna get back into the game, but never bot on em. And also forget about getting "leet stuff" on a SOR-account. People with L33t stuff take their accounts back when they get hacked by the chinese.

I've bought maybe in total 50 SOR-accounts over the last year. The best I've gotten was an account which actually had a level 70 on it, granted it had no special mounts or any decent achivs. Some accounts dont even have characters on em.

lol that isnt a great tip people already know that ofcourse i would never buy sor account with lvl 80 on it if i buy cdkeys it wil be just cdkeys:)
Well considering that I'm running like 20 accounts and that the 4-5 SOR I bought got banned almost instantly compared to the regular accounts which have the same expansion (cataclysm) are all running fine.

you can draw your own conclusions since tbh I really dont care if you bot on SOR or not. Just trying to do the community a favor.
SoR accounts are really risky just by themselves
I wouldnt say 99% but its a pretty high chance they get banned
Had one for 1 day, no botting or anything and I was banned for economy abuse
Same with a friend, only thing different with him was he transferred the SoR toon over to his main account and his main got banned the next day
well everyone is like they get them all from same place i disagree with that and also it depends on the seller you get them from i have had SOR accounts running since SOR came out never a problem one.
i will also throw this in the one time any of my SOR accounts got banned is when i added like 8 of them to different bnet emails called blizzard up the gm was like yea we seen it was added onto different bnet accounts and we locked them sent my id they merged them all onto one bnet and unbanned them
If you are dumb enough to merge 5 sor accounts at the same time from the same ip, and you still dont know why you got banned, all I can say is : Keep it up!
It was worth buying SoR accounts maybe 6 months ago. I got some extremely nice stuff from them, but yeah...they're worthless now.