INFO Logging started [Pokefarmer -]
INFO <b><font color="#0094FF">[09:49:28]</font></b> Welcome to Pokefarmer.
INFO <b><font color="#0094FF">[09:49:28]</font></b> <font color="orange">This is the very first test release after the recent 0.31 update. Please be careful. Do not teleport around.</font>
INFO <b><font color="#0094FF">[09:49:28]</font></b> Connecting to map
INFO <b><font color="#0094FF">[09:49:28]</font></b> Connection established successfully on port 53488
INFO <b><font color="#0094FF">[09:49:28]</font></b> Checking version
INFO <b><font color="#0094FF">[09:49:29]</font></b> Current version is
View attachment 2016-08-07_T09_49_28.log
INFO <b><font color="#0094FF">[09:49:28]</font></b> Welcome to Pokefarmer.
INFO <b><font color="#0094FF">[09:49:28]</font></b> <font color="orange">This is the very first test release after the recent 0.31 update. Please be careful. Do not teleport around.</font>
INFO <b><font color="#0094FF">[09:49:28]</font></b> Connecting to map
INFO <b><font color="#0094FF">[09:49:28]</font></b> Connection established successfully on port 53488
INFO <b><font color="#0094FF">[09:49:28]</font></b> Checking version
INFO <b><font color="#0094FF">[09:49:29]</font></b> Current version is
View attachment 2016-08-07_T09_49_28.log