heres the log
[04:23:57.209 N] Starting Buddy Wing v1.0.1074.472
[04:28:06.695 N] Logging in...
[04:28:11.464 N] Login Success!
[04:28:13.389 D] First CPU: Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-4700MQ CPU @ 2.40GHz
[04:28:13.391 D] OS Version: Windows NT 6.2.9200.0
[04:28:13.391 D] App Path: C:\Users\choco_000\Desktop\New folder (4)\Buddywing.exe
[04:28:14.140 D] Current build number: 987086
[04:28:14.142 D] Loading client.gom..
[04:28:14.372 D] Loaded client.gom!
[04:28:15.136 D] Took 622ms to get the nodes list.
[04:28:15.136 D] There are 32817 nodes.
[04:28:15.136 D] DomList has 33084/49157
[04:28:15.329 D] spnOracle handled.
[04:28:15.329 D] ablOracle handled.
[04:28:15.329 D] cnvOracle handled.
[04:28:15.330 D] ctlOracle handled.
[04:28:15.331 D] _InputHandler handled.
[04:28:15.344 D] mapOracle handled.
[04:28:15.344 D] scSpaceCombatOracle handled.
[04:28:15.345 D] Debug Draw Oracle added.
[04:28:15.345 D] dbgDrawOracle handled.
[04:28:15.698 D] ablTrainerOracle handled.
[04:28:15.700 D] prfOracle handled.
[04:28:16.379 D] guiApiGfx handled.
[04:28:16.493 D] Adding input layer ctlInputCamera - 3BA75C93
[04:28:16.494 D] sysInputLayer handled.
[04:28:16.495 D] Adding input layer ctlInputMouse - 3BA75CA0
[04:28:16.495 D] sysInputLayer handled.
[04:28:16.496 D] Adding input layer ctlInputMovement - 3BA75CA4
[04:28:16.496 D] sysInputLayer handled.
[04:28:16.498 D] Adding input layer ctlInputVehicle - 3BA75CB9
[04:28:16.498 D] sysInputLayer handled.
[04:28:16.500 D] Adding input layer ctlInputTargetting - 3BA75CC8
[04:28:16.500 D] sysInputLayer handled.
[04:28:16.504 D] Adding input layer ctlInputGame - 3BA75CEB
[04:28:16.504 D] sysInputLayer handled.
[04:28:16.515 D] Adding input layer ctlInputUI - 3BA75D4A
[04:28:16.515 D] sysInputLayer handled.
[04:28:16.520 D] Adding input layer ctlInputConvo - 3BA75D7C
[04:28:16.520 D] sysInputLayer handled.
[04:28:16.522 D] Adding input layer ctlInputCharacterSelection - 3BA75D8E
[04:28:16.522 D] sysInputLayer handled.
[04:28:16.523 D] Adding input layer ctlInputCreditsScreen - 3BA75D94
[04:28:16.523 D] sysInputLayer handled.
[04:28:16.523 D] Adding input layer ctlInputUtility - 3BA75D96
[04:28:16.523 D] sysInputLayer handled.
[04:28:16.524 D] Adding input layer ctlInputLoadingScreen - 3BA75DA1
[04:28:16.525 D] sysInputLayer handled.
[04:28:16.525 D] Adding input layer ctlInputMacroBinoculars - 3BA75DA3
[04:28:16.525 D] sysInputLayer handled.
[04:28:16.526 D] Adding input layer ctlInputSCFFVehicle - 3BA75DAF
[04:28:16.526 D] sysInputLayer handled.
[04:28:16.850 D] _BaseClient handled.
[04:28:16.850 D] utlStaticDefinitions handled.
[04:28:16.852 D] strOracle handled.
[04:28:16.852 D] gmOracle handled.
[04:28:16.853 D] chrOracle handled.
[04:28:16.853 D] qstOracle handled.
[04:28:16.866 D] Took 1729ms to process the node list
[04:28:18.520 N] User is a Trooper
[04:28:18.522 V] Routine Path: Routines
[04:28:21.908 D] Reloading AssemblyLoader<Buddy.CommonBot.ICombat> - Initializing
[04:28:26.975 D] Reloading AssemblyLoader<Buddy.CommonBot.ICombat> - RoutineManager.Reload
[04:28:35.884 D] Reloading AssemblyLoader<Buddy.CommonBot.ICombat> - RoutineManager.Reload !THROTTLED!
[04:28:35.884 D] Routines were reloaded. New routine list:
[04:28:35.885 D] DefaultCombat v1.0.963.353
[04:28:35.885 D] Routines were reloaded. New routine list:
[04:28:35.885 D] DefaultCombat v1.0.963.353
[04:28:35.885 D] Routines were reloaded. New routine list:
[04:28:35.885 D] DefaultCombat v1.0.963.353
[04:28:35.907 N] [DefaultCombat] Level: 12
[04:28:35.907 N] [DefaultCombat] Class: Trooper
[04:28:36.196 N] [DefaultCombat] Advanced Class: Commando (Gunnery)
[04:28:36.421 N] [DefaultCombat] Building method list
[04:28:36.422 N] [DefaultCombat] Added 338 methods
[04:28:36.432 N] [DefaultCombat] CommandoGunneryeOutOfCombat is a match!
[04:28:36.432 N] [DefaultCombat] Using CommandoGunneryeOutOfCombat for OutOfCombat (Priority: 0)
[04:28:36.566 N] [DefaultCombat] CommandoGunneryCombat is a match!
[04:28:36.566 N] [DefaultCombat] Using CommandoGunneryCombat for Combat (Priority: 0)
[04:28:36.667 N] [DefaultCombat] CommandoGunneryPull is a match!
[04:28:36.667 N] [DefaultCombat] Using CommandoGunneryPull for Pull (Priority: 0)
[04:28:36.671 N] Chose DefaultCombat as your combat routine.
[04:28:36.671 N] [DefaultCombat] Level: 12
[04:28:36.671 N] [DefaultCombat] Class: Trooper
[04:28:36.780 N] [DefaultCombat] Advanced Class: Commando (Gunnery)
[04:28:36.885 N] [DefaultCombat] CommandoGunneryeOutOfCombat is a match!
[04:28:36.885 N] [DefaultCombat] Using CommandoGunneryeOutOfCombat for OutOfCombat (Priority: 0)
[04:28:37.002 N] [DefaultCombat] CommandoGunneryCombat is a match!
[04:28:37.002 N] [DefaultCombat] Using CommandoGunneryCombat for Combat (Priority: 0)
[04:28:37.109 N] [DefaultCombat] CommandoGunneryPull is a match!
[04:28:37.109 N] [DefaultCombat] Using CommandoGunneryPull for Pull (Priority: 0)
[04:28:37.120 D] Reloading AssemblyLoader<Buddy.Common.Plugins.IPlugin> - Initializing
[04:28:37.123 D] There are 0 plugins.
[04:28:37.228 N] Sell quality set to Premium.
[04:28:37.238 N] Buddy Wing: The Old Robot is ready!
[04:28:49.974 D] Start/Stop Button Clicked!
[04:28:49.977 D] BotMain.Start() called
[04:28:51.488 D] System.Exception: There is no profile loaded. Please load a profile before starting the bot.
at Buddy.CommonBot.BotMain..(Object& , Arguments , Object )
at PostSharp.Aspects.Internals.MethodInterceptionArgsImpl.Proceed()
at Buddy.Common.Aspects.LogMethodAttribute.OnInvoke(MethodInterceptionArgs args)
at Buddy.CommonBot.BotMain.Start()
at Buddywing.MainWindow.HandleStartStopClicked(Object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
[04:29:01.807 D] [Trace] Element Grind is not supported yet!
[04:29:01.811 N] Current bot set to Grind Bot
[04:29:01.822 N] Loaded profile [R]10-14 Coruscant grind
[04:29:04.695 D] Start/Stop Button Clicked!
[04:29:04.695 D] BotMain.Start() called
[04:29:04.695 D] Forcing profile reload. -- Temporary fix for behavior cache issues during start/stop.
[04:29:05.354 D] [Trace] Element Grind is not supported yet!
[04:29:05.354 N] Current bot set to Grind Bot
[04:29:05.360 N] Loaded profile [R]10-14 Coruscant grind
[04:29:05.360 D] Starting bot Grind Bot
[04:29:05.549 D] Added new hook [RepopCorpse] 76652893-42b6-4fda-9976-4c68ee8384f1
[04:29:05.563 D] Added new hook [RoutineCombat] 170b9481-212e-49ae-ab7a-139fef5b399e
[04:29:05.579 D] Added new hook [HotspotPoi] ca019266-3ddd-4f0b-bf6c-c0390ba59a09
[04:29:05.587 D] Added new hook [SellVendorPoi] aabf7c4e-8440-4501-b6fd-8893aa222800
[04:29:05.595 D] Added new hook [SetLootPoi] ff739d66-c656-403e-97bb-7560fcedd41a
[04:29:05.595 D] Added new hook [SetCombatPoi] 4522020c-a77d-45c6-951a-771aff63825b
[04:29:05.595 D] Added new hook [SetVendorPoi] 6f3e6865-84b5-47c7-9240-f462bce35db9
[04:29:05.595 D] Added new hook [SetHotspotPoi] 2465ef7e-3db2-47df-a246-557b8e7c9007
[04:29:05.595 D] Added new hook [SelectPoiType] 113a08ee-2f51-4439-9ba2-0d69d72e3920
[04:29:05.599 D] Spooling up bot thread.
[04:29:05.599 D] Bot thread started.
[04:29:07.447 D] Can't run the CheckLootability script: Function CheckLootability does not exist.
[04:29:08.913 N] Pull Range set at 1.5
[04:29:08.914 N] Movement Toggle Key [Delete] HotKey Registered... You can edit the value in MercHelpers.cs if necessary (and then restart the .exe)
[04:29:08.914 N] Target-Weakest Toggle Key [Home] HotKey Registered... You can edit the value in MercHelpers.cs if necessary (and then restart the .exe)
[04:29:08.914 N] Do Random Grind Toggle Key [End] HotKey Registered... You can edit the value in MercHelpers.cs if necessary (and then restart the .exe)
[04:29:08.939 N] Weapon Proficiency: Assault Cannon
[04:29:08.991 N] Armor Proficiency: Light
[04:29:09.029 N] Accept Revive
[04:29:09.066 N] Armor Proficiency: Heavy
[04:29:09.100 N] Pride of the Cathar
[04:29:09.136 N] Field Revive
[04:29:09.173 N] Summon Companion
[04:29:09.232 N] Recharge Cells
[04:29:09.271 N] Revive Target
[04:29:09.308 N] Emergency Fleet Pass
[04:29:09.342 N] Armor Proficiency: Adaptive
[04:29:09.377 N] Mortar Volley
[04:29:09.428 N] Toggle Weapon
[04:29:09.468 N] Recharge and Reload
[04:29:09.505 N] Plasma Cell
[04:29:09.540 N] Armor Proficiency: Power Generator
[04:29:09.581 N] Hammer Shot
[04:29:09.636 N] Medical Probe
[04:29:09.670 N] Return to Medcenter
[04:29:09.745 N] Weapon Proficiency: Blaster Rifle
[04:29:09.780 N] Quick Travel
[04:29:09.815 N] Full Auto
[04:29:09.870 N] Switching Instances...
[04:29:09.906 N] Sprint
[04:29:09.942 N] Explosive Round
[04:29:09.978 N] Mortar Salvo
[04:29:10.012 N] Holoconference
[04:29:10.047 N] Mass Accelerator
[04:29:10.103 N] Loot
[04:29:10.140 N] Frontline Physician
[04:29:10.177 N] Armor Proficiency: Medium
[04:29:10.211 N] Charged Bolts
[04:29:10.246 N] Tenacity
[04:29:10.282 N] Stockstrike
[04:29:10.335 N] High Impact Bolt
[04:29:10.371 N] Fortification
[04:29:10.407 N] Revive
[04:29:10.442 N] Pulse Cannon
[04:29:10.481 N] Sticky Grenade
[04:29:10.514 N] Revive Companion
[04:29:10.564 N] Quick Travel
[04:29:10.604 N] Speeder Piloting
[04:29:10.641 N] Exit Area
[04:29:10.682 N] Summon Companion
[04:29:11.265 N] Uppercut
[04:29:11.303 N] Unity
[04:29:11.472 N] Companion Dance
[04:29:11.584 N] Punch
[04:29:11.761 N] Legacy Lightning Storm
[04:29:11.965 N] Jab
[04:29:12.168 N] Bash
[04:29:12.281 N] Sacrifice
[04:29:12.573 N] Legacy Flame Thrower
[04:29:12.641 N] Legacy Dirty Kick
[04:29:12.766 N] Check Abilities: Bio False Scav False Arch False Slicing False
[04:29:13.046 N] Moving to Guild Triggerman at 0.1276295 meters.
[04:29:13.049 D] [POI Set] Type: Loot
[04:29:16.016 V] Blacklisting 7E908BA60E9 for 00:01:00
[04:29:16.016 V] [Poi.Clear] Reason: Done Looting.
[04:29:16.366 D] Hotspot changed to Guild Muscle(<249.1417, 46.701, 139.3173>)
[04:29:16.366 D] [POI Set] Type: Hotspot
[04:29:16.680 D] Generating path to Hotspot <249.1417, 46.701, 139.3173>
[04:29:16.689 E] Contacting nav server for path.
[04:29:18.179 D] Waiting for path request to finish...
[04:29:18.515 D] Generating path to Hotspot <249.1417, 46.701, 139.3173>
[04:29:18.515 D] Waiting for path request to finish...
[04:29:18.681 D] Nav callback called.
[04:29:18.816 D] Generating path to Hotspot <249.1417, 46.701, 139.3173>
[04:29:18.816 E] Got response from server, validating.
[04:29:18.816 E] Response has 7 hops. Converting to vectors and path queue.
[04:29:18.817 D] Nav Service path generated.
[04:29:18.817 D] Generated path to <249.1417, 46.701, 139.3173> (Hotspot) with 7 hops.
[04:29:19.085 D] Moving to next hop: <248.75, 46.6125, 133.3>, T: None (Hotspot) D: 0.3931468
[04:29:19.611 D] Moving to next hop: <248.7, 46.6125, 133.4>, T: None (Hotspot) D: 0.1244853
[04:29:19.964 D] Moving to next hop: <248.7, 46.6125, 134.825>, T: None (Hotspot) D: 1.42505
[04:29:22.186 D] [POI Set] Type: Kill
[04:29:22.305 N] Killing Guild Underboss with 100% health at 14.16 meters
[04:29:23.276 N] Initiating Combat with Guild Underboss InGroup: True
[04:29:27.155 N] RS: 100.0 THP: 100.00 Casting Hammer Shot
[04:29:27.872 N] Initiating Combat with Guild Triggerman InGroup: False
[04:29:31.325 N] RS: 100.0 THP: 100.00 Casting Sticky Grenade
[04:29:31.503 D] [POI Set] Type: Kill
[04:29:35.905 N] RS: 089.3 THP: 16.16 Casting Hammer Shot
[04:29:39.948 V] [Poi.Clear] Reason: Targeted unit is dead, clearing Poi and carrying on!
[04:29:40.282 N] Moving to Guild Underboss at 14.57965 meters.
[04:29:40.282 D] [POI Set] Type: Loot
[04:29:41.048 D] Generating path to Loot Target <248.7367, 46.601, 133.3675>
[04:29:41.090 E] Contacting nav server for path.
[04:29:41.556 D] Waiting for path request to finish...
[04:29:41.895 D] Generating path to Loot Target <248.7367, 46.601, 133.3675>
[04:29:41.936 D] Waiting for path request to finish...
[04:29:42.012 D] Nav callback called.
[04:29:42.298 D] Generating path to Loot Target <248.7367, 46.601, 133.3675>
[04:29:42.338 E] Got response from server, validating.
[04:29:42.338 E] Response has 3 hops. Converting to vectors and path queue.
[04:29:42.338 D] Nav Service path generated.
[04:29:42.338 D] Generated path to <248.7367, 46.601, 133.3675> (Loot Target) with 3 hops.
[04:29:42.700 D] Moving to next hop: <248.7, 46.6125, 133.4>, T: None (Loot Target) D: 1.42505
[04:29:46.721 V] Blacklisting 7E908CF6630 for 00:01:00
[04:29:46.721 V] [Poi.Clear] Reason: Done Looting.
[04:29:47.033 D] [POI Set] Type: Hotspot
[04:29:47.320 D] Generating path to Hotspot <249.1417, 46.701, 139.3173>
[04:29:47.320 E] Contacting nav server for path.
[04:29:47.778 D] Waiting for path request to finish...
[04:29:48.072 D] Generating path to Hotspot <249.1417, 46.701, 139.3173>
[04:29:48.072 D] Waiting for path request to finish...
[04:29:48.233 D] Nav callback called.
[04:29:48.380 D] Generating path to Hotspot <249.1417, 46.701, 139.3173>
[04:29:48.380 E] Got response from server, validating.
[04:29:48.380 E] Response has 5 hops. Converting to vectors and path queue.
[04:29:48.380 D] Nav Service path generated.
[04:29:48.380 D] Generated path to <249.1417, 46.701, 139.3173> (Hotspot) with 5 hops.
[04:29:48.700 D] Moving to next hop: <248.7, 46.6125, 134.825>, T: None (Hotspot) D: 1.18301
[04:29:50.358 D] Moving to next hop: <249.55, 46.6125, 138.9>, T: None (Hotspot) D: 4.162721
[04:29:51.003 D] [POI Set] Type: Kill
[04:29:51.077 N] Killing Guild Scout with 100% health at 42.22 meters
[04:29:51.785 D] Generating path to Kill Target <249.7402, 46.69952, 139.4679>
[04:29:51.822 D] Raycast path generated.
[04:29:51.822 D] Generated path to <249.7402, 46.69952, 139.4679> (Kill Target) with 1 hops.
[04:29:53.970 N] Initiating Combat with Guild Scout InGroup: False

[04:23:57.209 N] Starting Buddy Wing v1.0.1074.472
[04:28:06.695 N] Logging in...
[04:28:11.464 N] Login Success!
[04:28:13.389 D] First CPU: Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-4700MQ CPU @ 2.40GHz
[04:28:13.391 D] OS Version: Windows NT 6.2.9200.0
[04:28:13.391 D] App Path: C:\Users\choco_000\Desktop\New folder (4)\Buddywing.exe
[04:28:14.140 D] Current build number: 987086
[04:28:14.142 D] Loading client.gom..
[04:28:14.372 D] Loaded client.gom!
[04:28:15.136 D] Took 622ms to get the nodes list.
[04:28:15.136 D] There are 32817 nodes.
[04:28:15.136 D] DomList has 33084/49157
[04:28:15.329 D] spnOracle handled.
[04:28:15.329 D] ablOracle handled.
[04:28:15.329 D] cnvOracle handled.
[04:28:15.330 D] ctlOracle handled.
[04:28:15.331 D] _InputHandler handled.
[04:28:15.344 D] mapOracle handled.
[04:28:15.344 D] scSpaceCombatOracle handled.
[04:28:15.345 D] Debug Draw Oracle added.
[04:28:15.345 D] dbgDrawOracle handled.
[04:28:15.698 D] ablTrainerOracle handled.
[04:28:15.700 D] prfOracle handled.
[04:28:16.379 D] guiApiGfx handled.
[04:28:16.493 D] Adding input layer ctlInputCamera - 3BA75C93
[04:28:16.494 D] sysInputLayer handled.
[04:28:16.495 D] Adding input layer ctlInputMouse - 3BA75CA0
[04:28:16.495 D] sysInputLayer handled.
[04:28:16.496 D] Adding input layer ctlInputMovement - 3BA75CA4
[04:28:16.496 D] sysInputLayer handled.
[04:28:16.498 D] Adding input layer ctlInputVehicle - 3BA75CB9
[04:28:16.498 D] sysInputLayer handled.
[04:28:16.500 D] Adding input layer ctlInputTargetting - 3BA75CC8
[04:28:16.500 D] sysInputLayer handled.
[04:28:16.504 D] Adding input layer ctlInputGame - 3BA75CEB
[04:28:16.504 D] sysInputLayer handled.
[04:28:16.515 D] Adding input layer ctlInputUI - 3BA75D4A
[04:28:16.515 D] sysInputLayer handled.
[04:28:16.520 D] Adding input layer ctlInputConvo - 3BA75D7C
[04:28:16.520 D] sysInputLayer handled.
[04:28:16.522 D] Adding input layer ctlInputCharacterSelection - 3BA75D8E
[04:28:16.522 D] sysInputLayer handled.
[04:28:16.523 D] Adding input layer ctlInputCreditsScreen - 3BA75D94
[04:28:16.523 D] sysInputLayer handled.
[04:28:16.523 D] Adding input layer ctlInputUtility - 3BA75D96
[04:28:16.523 D] sysInputLayer handled.
[04:28:16.524 D] Adding input layer ctlInputLoadingScreen - 3BA75DA1
[04:28:16.525 D] sysInputLayer handled.
[04:28:16.525 D] Adding input layer ctlInputMacroBinoculars - 3BA75DA3
[04:28:16.525 D] sysInputLayer handled.
[04:28:16.526 D] Adding input layer ctlInputSCFFVehicle - 3BA75DAF
[04:28:16.526 D] sysInputLayer handled.
[04:28:16.850 D] _BaseClient handled.
[04:28:16.850 D] utlStaticDefinitions handled.
[04:28:16.852 D] strOracle handled.
[04:28:16.852 D] gmOracle handled.
[04:28:16.853 D] chrOracle handled.
[04:28:16.853 D] qstOracle handled.
[04:28:16.866 D] Took 1729ms to process the node list
[04:28:18.520 N] User is a Trooper
[04:28:18.522 V] Routine Path: Routines
[04:28:21.908 D] Reloading AssemblyLoader<Buddy.CommonBot.ICombat> - Initializing
[04:28:26.975 D] Reloading AssemblyLoader<Buddy.CommonBot.ICombat> - RoutineManager.Reload
[04:28:35.884 D] Reloading AssemblyLoader<Buddy.CommonBot.ICombat> - RoutineManager.Reload !THROTTLED!
[04:28:35.884 D] Routines were reloaded. New routine list:
[04:28:35.885 D] DefaultCombat v1.0.963.353
[04:28:35.885 D] Routines were reloaded. New routine list:
[04:28:35.885 D] DefaultCombat v1.0.963.353
[04:28:35.885 D] Routines were reloaded. New routine list:
[04:28:35.885 D] DefaultCombat v1.0.963.353
[04:28:35.907 N] [DefaultCombat] Level: 12
[04:28:35.907 N] [DefaultCombat] Class: Trooper
[04:28:36.196 N] [DefaultCombat] Advanced Class: Commando (Gunnery)
[04:28:36.421 N] [DefaultCombat] Building method list
[04:28:36.422 N] [DefaultCombat] Added 338 methods
[04:28:36.432 N] [DefaultCombat] CommandoGunneryeOutOfCombat is a match!
[04:28:36.432 N] [DefaultCombat] Using CommandoGunneryeOutOfCombat for OutOfCombat (Priority: 0)
[04:28:36.566 N] [DefaultCombat] CommandoGunneryCombat is a match!
[04:28:36.566 N] [DefaultCombat] Using CommandoGunneryCombat for Combat (Priority: 0)
[04:28:36.667 N] [DefaultCombat] CommandoGunneryPull is a match!
[04:28:36.667 N] [DefaultCombat] Using CommandoGunneryPull for Pull (Priority: 0)
[04:28:36.671 N] Chose DefaultCombat as your combat routine.
[04:28:36.671 N] [DefaultCombat] Level: 12
[04:28:36.671 N] [DefaultCombat] Class: Trooper
[04:28:36.780 N] [DefaultCombat] Advanced Class: Commando (Gunnery)
[04:28:36.885 N] [DefaultCombat] CommandoGunneryeOutOfCombat is a match!
[04:28:36.885 N] [DefaultCombat] Using CommandoGunneryeOutOfCombat for OutOfCombat (Priority: 0)
[04:28:37.002 N] [DefaultCombat] CommandoGunneryCombat is a match!
[04:28:37.002 N] [DefaultCombat] Using CommandoGunneryCombat for Combat (Priority: 0)
[04:28:37.109 N] [DefaultCombat] CommandoGunneryPull is a match!
[04:28:37.109 N] [DefaultCombat] Using CommandoGunneryPull for Pull (Priority: 0)
[04:28:37.120 D] Reloading AssemblyLoader<Buddy.Common.Plugins.IPlugin> - Initializing
[04:28:37.123 D] There are 0 plugins.
[04:28:37.228 N] Sell quality set to Premium.
[04:28:37.238 N] Buddy Wing: The Old Robot is ready!
[04:28:49.974 D] Start/Stop Button Clicked!
[04:28:49.977 D] BotMain.Start() called
[04:28:51.488 D] System.Exception: There is no profile loaded. Please load a profile before starting the bot.
at Buddy.CommonBot.BotMain..(Object& , Arguments , Object )
at PostSharp.Aspects.Internals.MethodInterceptionArgsImpl.Proceed()
at Buddy.Common.Aspects.LogMethodAttribute.OnInvoke(MethodInterceptionArgs args)
at Buddy.CommonBot.BotMain.Start()
at Buddywing.MainWindow.HandleStartStopClicked(Object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
[04:29:01.807 D] [Trace] Element Grind is not supported yet!
[04:29:01.811 N] Current bot set to Grind Bot
[04:29:01.822 N] Loaded profile [R]10-14 Coruscant grind
[04:29:04.695 D] Start/Stop Button Clicked!
[04:29:04.695 D] BotMain.Start() called
[04:29:04.695 D] Forcing profile reload. -- Temporary fix for behavior cache issues during start/stop.
[04:29:05.354 D] [Trace] Element Grind is not supported yet!
[04:29:05.354 N] Current bot set to Grind Bot
[04:29:05.360 N] Loaded profile [R]10-14 Coruscant grind
[04:29:05.360 D] Starting bot Grind Bot
[04:29:05.549 D] Added new hook [RepopCorpse] 76652893-42b6-4fda-9976-4c68ee8384f1
[04:29:05.563 D] Added new hook [RoutineCombat] 170b9481-212e-49ae-ab7a-139fef5b399e
[04:29:05.579 D] Added new hook [HotspotPoi] ca019266-3ddd-4f0b-bf6c-c0390ba59a09
[04:29:05.587 D] Added new hook [SellVendorPoi] aabf7c4e-8440-4501-b6fd-8893aa222800
[04:29:05.595 D] Added new hook [SetLootPoi] ff739d66-c656-403e-97bb-7560fcedd41a
[04:29:05.595 D] Added new hook [SetCombatPoi] 4522020c-a77d-45c6-951a-771aff63825b
[04:29:05.595 D] Added new hook [SetVendorPoi] 6f3e6865-84b5-47c7-9240-f462bce35db9
[04:29:05.595 D] Added new hook [SetHotspotPoi] 2465ef7e-3db2-47df-a246-557b8e7c9007
[04:29:05.595 D] Added new hook [SelectPoiType] 113a08ee-2f51-4439-9ba2-0d69d72e3920
[04:29:05.599 D] Spooling up bot thread.
[04:29:05.599 D] Bot thread started.
[04:29:07.447 D] Can't run the CheckLootability script: Function CheckLootability does not exist.
[04:29:08.913 N] Pull Range set at 1.5
[04:29:08.914 N] Movement Toggle Key [Delete] HotKey Registered... You can edit the value in MercHelpers.cs if necessary (and then restart the .exe)
[04:29:08.914 N] Target-Weakest Toggle Key [Home] HotKey Registered... You can edit the value in MercHelpers.cs if necessary (and then restart the .exe)
[04:29:08.914 N] Do Random Grind Toggle Key [End] HotKey Registered... You can edit the value in MercHelpers.cs if necessary (and then restart the .exe)
[04:29:08.939 N] Weapon Proficiency: Assault Cannon
[04:29:08.991 N] Armor Proficiency: Light
[04:29:09.029 N] Accept Revive
[04:29:09.066 N] Armor Proficiency: Heavy
[04:29:09.100 N] Pride of the Cathar
[04:29:09.136 N] Field Revive
[04:29:09.173 N] Summon Companion
[04:29:09.232 N] Recharge Cells
[04:29:09.271 N] Revive Target
[04:29:09.308 N] Emergency Fleet Pass
[04:29:09.342 N] Armor Proficiency: Adaptive
[04:29:09.377 N] Mortar Volley
[04:29:09.428 N] Toggle Weapon
[04:29:09.468 N] Recharge and Reload
[04:29:09.505 N] Plasma Cell
[04:29:09.540 N] Armor Proficiency: Power Generator
[04:29:09.581 N] Hammer Shot
[04:29:09.636 N] Medical Probe
[04:29:09.670 N] Return to Medcenter
[04:29:09.745 N] Weapon Proficiency: Blaster Rifle
[04:29:09.780 N] Quick Travel
[04:29:09.815 N] Full Auto
[04:29:09.870 N] Switching Instances...
[04:29:09.906 N] Sprint
[04:29:09.942 N] Explosive Round
[04:29:09.978 N] Mortar Salvo
[04:29:10.012 N] Holoconference
[04:29:10.047 N] Mass Accelerator
[04:29:10.103 N] Loot
[04:29:10.140 N] Frontline Physician
[04:29:10.177 N] Armor Proficiency: Medium
[04:29:10.211 N] Charged Bolts
[04:29:10.246 N] Tenacity
[04:29:10.282 N] Stockstrike
[04:29:10.335 N] High Impact Bolt
[04:29:10.371 N] Fortification
[04:29:10.407 N] Revive
[04:29:10.442 N] Pulse Cannon
[04:29:10.481 N] Sticky Grenade
[04:29:10.514 N] Revive Companion
[04:29:10.564 N] Quick Travel
[04:29:10.604 N] Speeder Piloting
[04:29:10.641 N] Exit Area
[04:29:10.682 N] Summon Companion
[04:29:11.265 N] Uppercut
[04:29:11.303 N] Unity
[04:29:11.472 N] Companion Dance
[04:29:11.584 N] Punch
[04:29:11.761 N] Legacy Lightning Storm
[04:29:11.965 N] Jab
[04:29:12.168 N] Bash
[04:29:12.281 N] Sacrifice
[04:29:12.573 N] Legacy Flame Thrower
[04:29:12.641 N] Legacy Dirty Kick
[04:29:12.766 N] Check Abilities: Bio False Scav False Arch False Slicing False
[04:29:13.046 N] Moving to Guild Triggerman at 0.1276295 meters.
[04:29:13.049 D] [POI Set] Type: Loot
[04:29:16.016 V] Blacklisting 7E908BA60E9 for 00:01:00
[04:29:16.016 V] [Poi.Clear] Reason: Done Looting.
[04:29:16.366 D] Hotspot changed to Guild Muscle(<249.1417, 46.701, 139.3173>)
[04:29:16.366 D] [POI Set] Type: Hotspot
[04:29:16.680 D] Generating path to Hotspot <249.1417, 46.701, 139.3173>
[04:29:16.689 E] Contacting nav server for path.
[04:29:18.179 D] Waiting for path request to finish...
[04:29:18.515 D] Generating path to Hotspot <249.1417, 46.701, 139.3173>
[04:29:18.515 D] Waiting for path request to finish...
[04:29:18.681 D] Nav callback called.
[04:29:18.816 D] Generating path to Hotspot <249.1417, 46.701, 139.3173>
[04:29:18.816 E] Got response from server, validating.
[04:29:18.816 E] Response has 7 hops. Converting to vectors and path queue.
[04:29:18.817 D] Nav Service path generated.
[04:29:18.817 D] Generated path to <249.1417, 46.701, 139.3173> (Hotspot) with 7 hops.
[04:29:19.085 D] Moving to next hop: <248.75, 46.6125, 133.3>, T: None (Hotspot) D: 0.3931468
[04:29:19.611 D] Moving to next hop: <248.7, 46.6125, 133.4>, T: None (Hotspot) D: 0.1244853
[04:29:19.964 D] Moving to next hop: <248.7, 46.6125, 134.825>, T: None (Hotspot) D: 1.42505
[04:29:22.186 D] [POI Set] Type: Kill
[04:29:22.305 N] Killing Guild Underboss with 100% health at 14.16 meters
[04:29:23.276 N] Initiating Combat with Guild Underboss InGroup: True
[04:29:27.155 N] RS: 100.0 THP: 100.00 Casting Hammer Shot
[04:29:27.872 N] Initiating Combat with Guild Triggerman InGroup: False
[04:29:31.325 N] RS: 100.0 THP: 100.00 Casting Sticky Grenade
[04:29:31.503 D] [POI Set] Type: Kill
[04:29:35.905 N] RS: 089.3 THP: 16.16 Casting Hammer Shot
[04:29:39.948 V] [Poi.Clear] Reason: Targeted unit is dead, clearing Poi and carrying on!
[04:29:40.282 N] Moving to Guild Underboss at 14.57965 meters.
[04:29:40.282 D] [POI Set] Type: Loot
[04:29:41.048 D] Generating path to Loot Target <248.7367, 46.601, 133.3675>
[04:29:41.090 E] Contacting nav server for path.
[04:29:41.556 D] Waiting for path request to finish...
[04:29:41.895 D] Generating path to Loot Target <248.7367, 46.601, 133.3675>
[04:29:41.936 D] Waiting for path request to finish...
[04:29:42.012 D] Nav callback called.
[04:29:42.298 D] Generating path to Loot Target <248.7367, 46.601, 133.3675>
[04:29:42.338 E] Got response from server, validating.
[04:29:42.338 E] Response has 3 hops. Converting to vectors and path queue.
[04:29:42.338 D] Nav Service path generated.
[04:29:42.338 D] Generated path to <248.7367, 46.601, 133.3675> (Loot Target) with 3 hops.
[04:29:42.700 D] Moving to next hop: <248.7, 46.6125, 133.4>, T: None (Loot Target) D: 1.42505
[04:29:46.721 V] Blacklisting 7E908CF6630 for 00:01:00
[04:29:46.721 V] [Poi.Clear] Reason: Done Looting.
[04:29:47.033 D] [POI Set] Type: Hotspot
[04:29:47.320 D] Generating path to Hotspot <249.1417, 46.701, 139.3173>
[04:29:47.320 E] Contacting nav server for path.
[04:29:47.778 D] Waiting for path request to finish...
[04:29:48.072 D] Generating path to Hotspot <249.1417, 46.701, 139.3173>
[04:29:48.072 D] Waiting for path request to finish...
[04:29:48.233 D] Nav callback called.
[04:29:48.380 D] Generating path to Hotspot <249.1417, 46.701, 139.3173>
[04:29:48.380 E] Got response from server, validating.
[04:29:48.380 E] Response has 5 hops. Converting to vectors and path queue.
[04:29:48.380 D] Nav Service path generated.
[04:29:48.380 D] Generated path to <249.1417, 46.701, 139.3173> (Hotspot) with 5 hops.
[04:29:48.700 D] Moving to next hop: <248.7, 46.6125, 134.825>, T: None (Hotspot) D: 1.18301
[04:29:50.358 D] Moving to next hop: <249.55, 46.6125, 138.9>, T: None (Hotspot) D: 4.162721
[04:29:51.003 D] [POI Set] Type: Kill
[04:29:51.077 N] Killing Guild Scout with 100% health at 42.22 meters
[04:29:51.785 D] Generating path to Kill Target <249.7402, 46.69952, 139.4679>
[04:29:51.822 D] Raycast path generated.
[04:29:51.822 D] Generated path to <249.7402, 46.69952, 139.4679> (Kill Target) with 1 hops.
[04:29:53.970 N] Initiating Combat with Guild Scout InGroup: False
