Just because none have been posted I will post the one Iam using now which seems to work decently, allthough my coming bots wont be hunters when ranged fighting is not supported by GB.
Button 1: Mount
Button 2: Nothing
Button 3: Food
Button 4: Drink
Button 5 Food
Button 6:
Hope this only makes Mend pet beign cast every 15sec to save mana and to let all the healing tick in before its recast.
Button 7: Mongoose Bite
Button 8: Raptor Strike
Button 9:
Wont remove the Aspect but only apply it if you dont have it
Button 1: Mount
Button 2: Nothing
Button 3: Food
Button 4: Drink
Button 5 Food
Button 6:
/castsequence reset=15/target Mend Pet, !Auto Shot, !Auto Shot, !Auto Shot, !Auto Shot, !Auto Shot, !Auto Shot, !Auto Shot, !Auto Shot, !Auto Shot, !Auto Shot, !Auto Shot, !Auto Shot
Hope this only makes Mend pet beign cast every 15sec to save mana and to let all the healing tick in before its recast.
Button 7: Mongoose Bite
Button 8: Raptor Strike
Button 9:
/cast !Aspect of the Viper