found a bug or something, when i turn off the game with hack on. The system shows "auto restart in 1 mins" i cannot do anything for it. any solution for that ?
Can confirm, I believe it is because of how the BattlEye bypass works, if you want to stop this, exit the cheat from the menu, then close the game.
My suggestions:
Item ESP filters, different colours for rarer items, etc ** ADDED **
Player ESP name only mode
Skeleton size customization
Aimbot line of sight mode only
Box ESP?
Customisable Aimbot key (instead of right click)
Vehicle ESP doesn't seem to be working ** FIXED **
Sometimes it gets stuck on authenticating when you start the game
Sometimes the task bar is stuck on the bottom on borderless windowed and can't be fixed until the game is restarted
Sometimes the item ESP shows items, but then it will suddenly stop showing them. E.g. I saw a Kar98K in a nearby house, when I went into the house, it didn't show up anymore, but most other stuff did
Sometimes both player and item ESP arent accurate, off by a fair few pixels
Using 1080p monitor, 1920x1080p resolution ingame, usually happens if I press windows key and click back in. Perhaps related to the task bar issue I mentioned before, I tried dragging my task bar to the top and sides of the screen to remove it, probably caused the screen position to update slightly putting the positions off.
A problem if you close the game before exiting the hack, PC forces a restart (I imagine you are using lsass for handles? And if I were to have a guess, when the game closes the hack keeps trying to write to the handle, which doesn't exist)