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How to verify paypal account without credit card or bank account.


Jan 15, 2010
Yep, so you guys are worried about getting chargebacks on some gold your selling, or you dont know how to create a paypal, or your under age. This is for educational purposes only.

1. Make sure you have a PayPal account made. If you don't, go to www.paypal.com

2. Now go to Netspend and click the big green "Open Account" button.

3. Fill out the info you need the same name as the paypal name, for the address put in anything, could be your real one doesn't matter. They will send a card to that address most people will throw it out as junk mail if its a fake address.

4. Log in to your PayPal account. Hit the "Get verified" link (image provided)

5. When the new page comes up, hit "Add Bank Account".

6. Log into your Netspend account. Go to "Add/Manage Money", then "PayPal Transfers".

7. Copy and paste the necessary info from the Netspend account to the PayPal Verification fields. Wait 3-5 days for the deposit.

-Credit goes to adminbear on TC

to add a credit card without actually having one,

Step 1.

Go to your neighborhood gas station

Step 2. Look for "vanilla Visa" Gift cards. They are in 25$, 50$ , 100$ increments.

Step 3.

Buy it

Step 4.

On your paypal Account click, Add credit card

Step 5.

Fill out the info.

Step 6.

Wait a tiny bit, and it should be added, now you can go buy honorbuddy or gatherbuddy !

These should work considering i used them to verify my paypal account right now as it is. No limits have been touched as of now.

Credit goes to ME!


Step 1:
Go to http://PayPal.com

Step 2:
Create an account - For nationality, select Candian [MOST IMPORTANT PART]

Step 3:
Use http://FakeNameGenerator.com to find an address in Canada. Use the name if you like.

Step 4:
Verify Email

Step 5:
If you get to a page asking where you want to supply your account, just select "Go to account" link below it

You can now send money without any limits (*Except a $3,000 spending limit)

Credit goes to mike, TC

Please dont do anything fraud or illegal, i am not responsible for anything you do with this knowledge, I am just mainly providing this because quite alot of people here are wanting bots, and are either under 18, or do not have a credit card, so this information can help you buy services online.

This thread is my sole right, i first posted it on mmowned, so dont try to say i copy pasta'd this.
Oh lord... This guide has been out for over a year now.. Yes you did copy paste this because the MMOwned one was a repost from another forum..
Revelation no i did not copy and paste it.

The blue was created soley by me, the green and red i copied from the subscribers section of true cheaters

So no, i did not copy and paste it all. And you will see that i gave credit for the green and red, so i would very much appreciate it if you planned your accusations out before throwing them everywhere.
Don't listen the above poster pal, much apreciate your help.
Will defiantly come helpful in the near future :)
honestly dude this is awesome ty i need a fake paypal to keep my normal one safe, kinda like having a vanilla paypal account lawl... I've even thought about having a vanilla bank account lol but then that'll be using fake i.d's with the local bank which may get me arrested lol.... bit different online though huh...
netspend accounts tend to get limited pretty fast by paypal. but the can location idea seems really good. paypal hates me!
What happends if paypal takes you for being under age, will anything happend or will they just close the account? As in that I mean fake info
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Whenever i want to get some cash from my paypal account I withdraw it on my credit card and then i can go to an ATM to get the money. How can i get the cash on my PP account if i've been verified with a gift card?
I need to ask a couple things because this interests me (to make a second paypal to deal with gold buyers, and then have my real paypal request the money from the dummy paypal).

1. Will they check IP if i try to make a Canadian Paypal? If they see i log in always from another country, will it be a problem?
2. Will they allow the same IP to log two different accounts (based in different countries) in a matter of seconds?
3. Do Canadian Paypal accounts have a receiving limit per year/month? Will i need to provide proof of ID/address?
4. Is this legal or can they drag my ass in court?

Whenever i want to get some cash from my paypal account I withdraw it on my credit card and then i can go to an ATM to get the money. How can i get the cash on my PP account if i've been verified with a gift card?

Withdraw funds to your bank account Banks in New Zealand
5-7 Business Days Free
for $150.00 NZD or more

$1.00 NZD
for $149.99 NZD or less Banks in the U.S.
3-4 Business Days Free for banks in the U.S.
copied and pasted from paypal, if not the spend it on ebay or something lol

make a new bank account if you have to upto, borrow someones card or something lol make new identities 007
I need to ask a couple things because this interests me (to make a second paypal to deal with gold buyers, and then have my real paypal request the money from the dummy paypal).

1. Will they check IP if i try to make a Canadian Paypal? If they see i log in always from another country, will it be a problem?
2. Will they allow the same IP to log two different accounts (based in different countries) in a matter of seconds?
3. Do Canadian Paypal accounts have a receiving limit per year/month? Will i need to provide proof of ID/address?
4. Is this legal or can they drag my ass in court?


Well i think this works with canada anyway, They will allow the same ip to log into different ones, think. You have a wife etc, she logs in too.
3. Im not sure, but i dont think you need proof of id or address
4. It's perfectly legal to do this, just what you do with a verified paypal can be illegal. IE scamming etc.
honestly dude this is awesome ty i need a fake paypal to keep my normal one safe, kinda like having a vanilla paypal account lawl... I've even thought about having a vanilla bank account lol but then that'll be using fake i.d's with the local bank which may get me arrested lol.... bit different online though huh...

lol thanks :)

And i have been doing this for 1-2 years and im underaged, so i dont think they WILL do anything.
Hi guys, I used the netspend one to make a paypal, and I am waiting deposits.

I will be using the paypal for depositing money I make from gold selling, is this ok or will it get limited?

edit: is it illegal that i used an address of google maps since I live in the UK lol