I've dropped plugin.cs files into plugin folder , but can't see any of them in settings, just auto-equip there and a profile helper.
Though so, but didn't try. Thanks a lot
Is there a grinding plugin?
ProfileBot is currently the grinding default. Although AvoidCreature does not work, so be careful when making profiles. There are a few profile examples in the profile section that should get you started.I mean, how do I set it to grind. Not sure how it works yet.
Thanks! I've figured it out a bit and made some grind profiles. I've noticed that creatreID doesn't work at all, bot attacks everything it sees, no matter if u add creatreIDs to your XML.
CreatureIds is not an element.
HTML:<Grind CreatureIds="26000, 39994, 61882">
Also, place your AvoidCreature tag before your Grind tag. It does not belong inside the tag. (Profiles execute top to bottom)
Thanks. But AvoidCreature tag works or needs to be fixed?
When I add AvoidCreature tag above Grind tag, I get a lot of errors.
Could you show me an example of how this all should look like?
<AvoidCreature Radius="15" CreatureId="xxxx" MapId="xxxx" Remove="false" />
<CreatureIds>xxx, xxx, xxxx</CreatureIds>
<Hotspot X="4749.49756" Y="-985.2985" Z="-1817.52246" Timeout="750" Range="55" />
<AvoidCreature Radius="15" CreatureId="xxxx" MapId="xxxx" Remove="false" />
<Grind CreatureIds="xxx, xxx, xxxx">
<Hotspot X="4749.49756" Y="-985.2985" Z="-1817.52246" Timeout="750" Range="55" />
Could you tell me what's the purpose of SVN and how to use it?
Setting game spell cast behavior to Normal
Buddy.Wildstar.BotCommon.ProfileTags.AvoidTag (<Avoid X="2344.048" Y="-758.3445" Z="-2869.302" Radius="15" MapId="22" /> (Line #4)) has finished. Moving to the next...
Attempting to generate path to X:2356.029 Y:-759.8391 Z:-2835.615 from X:2344.243 Y:-758.3724 Z:-2865.067
Successfully generated path to X:2356.029 Y:-759.8391 Z:-2835.615
That means it will only avoid this place once?
No. When the Avoid tag runs, it adds the location to the global list of "avoid this spot" basically. Once it runs, it stays there until you tell it to be removed (with the same tag plus 'Remove="true"')