Your recent CAPTCHAs (max. 6) Uploaded CAPTCHAs statistics chart [next renewal in: 66]
Renew every:
5 s. 10 s. 30 s. 60 s. 5 m. Your key: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
CAPTCHAs, last hour 1
You’ve spent this/previous hour, $ 0.00299/0.00299
CAPTCHAs solved for the last 24 hrs 1
You’ve spent for the last 24 hrs, $ 0.00299
CAPTCHAs solved today 1
You’ve spent today, $ 0.00299
CAPTCHAs solved yesterday 0
You’ve spent yesterday, $ 0
Balance 9.99701 $.
Your balance will be over in about, days 3343 day
System Load, % / Price, $ 100 % / 0.00187