is it simply okay to add this to ANYWHERE on the profile? and what if i am using an online profile? the profile i was telling is the official Buddy Team, 1-100 Questing Profile Pack.
With the Avoidance behavior, it's
okay to put it anywhere in the profile - for as long as it's
before the code that will make the bot go near the mobs.
Unfortunately there's no way to edit profiles that are synced from the store. The only modifications you can make to them are the ones provided by your "Settings & Tools" menu under the "Override Profile Settings" section.
p.s. i am using your Azyul hall of lightning profile, is this avoidance also applicable to that for PVP? there are a lot of players on my realm simply waiting for people and when they attack bot tries to kill them instead of running in. how can i set it for your profile? (i apologize for all those questions, but i am new, and trying to learn to become self-sufficient in regards to profiles etc.)
The avoid behavior - no. However you can disable the bot's combat logic while exiting the dungeon.
Simply use
<DisableBehavior Name="Combat" /> before the DungeonExit line so that the combat behavior is disabled prior to the bot leaving the dungeon.
Doing so will make the bot ignore when it's attacked, therefor it'll carry out the profile logic as if it's not being attacked.
Re-enabling the combat won't be needed as there's logic in the actual dungeon run that controls that.
edit: after reading the actual codes you posted i noticed that avoidance behaviour is added right after <QuestOrder> tag and Blacklist Flag is right before <QuestOrder> tag so i assume order is important?
Anything within the <QuestOrder></QuestOrder> tag section is ran sequentially. Which simply means line-by-line.
Once line 1 executes the bot won't continue to line 2 until 1 is completely finished.
So having the avoid logic directly under <QuestOrder> simply means it will be the first thing activated when you start the bot.
The logic outside of the <QuestOrder></QuestOrder> tags are read when the profile
is first loaded.
only specific tags can be used here. You
cannot run <QuestOrder> code outside of the <QuestOrder> tag.
The tags outside of <QuestOrder> are mostly profile configurations. eg: Which mobs to blacklist, which item quantities to sell or mail, what the name of the profile is - etc.