I have watched swtor credits drop from $50 per million in december to $17 per million today.
We are our own worse enemy as the gold sellers continually try and get a lower price by $1 every week or so. They have been doing this for years and some botters can't help themselves and will agree to lowering prices if they cannot sell instantly.
WHO WANTS TO EARN MORE $$$ PER MILLION ? It will take ALL of us to do it. And because this is a supply vs demand economy we can DEFINITELY raise the price.
How do we do this you may ask ?
Stop being the gold producer and start being the gold SUPPLIER!!
If you do not understand what I mean I shall explain.
NEVER ask what price a seller / reseller is willing to pay.
This is how NOT to sell gold.
You: Hi, how much are you paying for credits today ?
Buyer: We pay $6/m
You: OK
Oh My God. If you do this you are contributing to the extremely low credit prices we are experiencing.
How to sell your gold.
SWTOR - US - Prophecy of the five - 10m - $15/m
SWTOR - US - The Shadowlands - 8m - $15/m
OMG why so high ? Can you sell for $6/m
No, If you need please let me know.
To raise the price of credits we need to work together. If the gold sellers/reseller CAN NOT GET GOLD the price WILL rise.
If you (ALL OF YOU) set your price and become a gold broker and not a gold begger we will see a big difference in what we can sell gold for.
I can tell you that I myself sell my gold at $10 - $12/m depending on how much stock I have. I would set my price way higher but I have heard that some of you are selling gold for $5/m. I almost fucking laughed and cried when I heard this. I might only get 1 sale a week at my price but I do not care because 1 sale at $10 - $12/m that cleans me out is much better than selling a couple mil per day at $5/m. If you want to know how I get these prices, it is simple supply vs demand. Once you all run out of credits and the sellers have demand that they cannot supply and I have 10m sitting on my characters they come begging me to lower my prices and all I say is "No thank you" and 1 minute later they reply OK I need 8m on X server pls and they WILL and DO pay my prices.
So My question to you all is, DO YOU WANT TO MAKE MORE MONEY ?
Please reply below and also show your friends who produce.
If we get enough producers wanting to get better $$$ for our work we really will, as the gold sellers are in the business of supplying customers, If they have to pay more for credits, they will charge more for credits. We have seen first hand that people are willing to pay $50/m and even though we wont see those prices again we will definitely see $25 - $30/m if we all work together.
If we get enough people in this thread. Next weekend starting on the 18th we will jack our prices up hardcore and the sellers will have to buy to fill orders and you will see prices on their websites instantly change because we have become strong economically by working together.
Let me know what you think ?
I have watched swtor credits drop from $50 per million in december to $17 per million today.
We are our own worse enemy as the gold sellers continually try and get a lower price by $1 every week or so. They have been doing this for years and some botters can't help themselves and will agree to lowering prices if they cannot sell instantly.
WHO WANTS TO EARN MORE $$$ PER MILLION ? It will take ALL of us to do it. And because this is a supply vs demand economy we can DEFINITELY raise the price.
How do we do this you may ask ?
Stop being the gold producer and start being the gold SUPPLIER!!
If you do not understand what I mean I shall explain.
NEVER ask what price a seller / reseller is willing to pay.
This is how NOT to sell gold.
You: Hi, how much are you paying for credits today ?
Buyer: We pay $6/m
You: OK
Oh My God. If you do this you are contributing to the extremely low credit prices we are experiencing.
How to sell your gold.
SWTOR - US - Prophecy of the five - 10m - $15/m
SWTOR - US - The Shadowlands - 8m - $15/m
OMG why so high ? Can you sell for $6/m
No, If you need please let me know.
To raise the price of credits we need to work together. If the gold sellers/reseller CAN NOT GET GOLD the price WILL rise.
If you (ALL OF YOU) set your price and become a gold broker and not a gold begger we will see a big difference in what we can sell gold for.
I can tell you that I myself sell my gold at $10 - $12/m depending on how much stock I have. I would set my price way higher but I have heard that some of you are selling gold for $5/m. I almost fucking laughed and cried when I heard this. I might only get 1 sale a week at my price but I do not care because 1 sale at $10 - $12/m that cleans me out is much better than selling a couple mil per day at $5/m. If you want to know how I get these prices, it is simple supply vs demand. Once you all run out of credits and the sellers have demand that they cannot supply and I have 10m sitting on my characters they come begging me to lower my prices and all I say is "No thank you" and 1 minute later they reply OK I need 8m on X server pls and they WILL and DO pay my prices.
So My question to you all is, DO YOU WANT TO MAKE MORE MONEY ?
Please reply below and also show your friends who produce.
If we get enough producers wanting to get better $$$ for our work we really will, as the gold sellers are in the business of supplying customers, If they have to pay more for credits, they will charge more for credits. We have seen first hand that people are willing to pay $50/m and even though we wont see those prices again we will definitely see $25 - $30/m if we all work together.
If we get enough people in this thread. Next weekend starting on the 18th we will jack our prices up hardcore and the sellers will have to buy to fill orders and you will see prices on their websites instantly change because we have become strong economically by working together.
Let me know what you think ?