Basically what I want to do is have something that says
"Use Gatherbuddy2 on current profile for 2 hours"
Logout for 45 minutes
Switch toons
"Use Questing bot on set profile for 1 1/2 hours"
Logout for 1 hour and 10 minutes
Switch toons
"Use Gatherbuddy2 on set profile for 4 hours"
Is their anything that I can do to set this up like this? I don't just want to bot 10 hours a day, I'd like to schedule it to some degree.

Basically what I want to do is have something that says
"Use Gatherbuddy2 on current profile for 2 hours"
Logout for 45 minutes
Switch toons
"Use Questing bot on set profile for 1 1/2 hours"
Logout for 1 hour and 10 minutes
Switch toons
"Use Gatherbuddy2 on set profile for 4 hours"
Is their anything that I can do to set this up like this? I don't just want to bot 10 hours a day, I'd like to schedule it to some degree.