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How to not get banned(from experience)


New Member
Feb 18, 2013
Hey, ive using this bot for awhile(under an another account for the ppl who wanna QQ about that) ive seen many bans, checking this section every 2 hours and made much experience out of that, just seeing how people got banned what they were doing, how they where using it. Personally ive got 4 accounts, 1 main 1 alt and 2 farmers, made over 6000euros, the past year(2012) without getting banned, the main problem is letting your bots unattended ive seen many cases, people stuck running circles for 4 hours, bgbotters spazzing on the battlefield, gatherbots that fly the same patern 12 nonstop hours(even multi zone)

Or people using the same public profiles at the same time same plays look at kickz quest profiles(great profiles btw!)
Those profiles are a great succes, but theres always a downside, ive seen many cases of players(using a bot) running the same route 3-4 people in a row(no it wasnt a multiboxer) or getting stuck at a quest giver, or bugged quest when your supervising no problem, when your not watching is when the most people get banned because they werent there to put theyre bot on the right path again

People who are doing this manually will find out and report you and thats the main problem since its so easy now these days.

The main problem especially new people, dont expect to much from your bot at the beginnin take it slow and watch your bot learn what hes doing not for 1 day, but 1 month so you really know what your doing, and then let it go to work.
BUT! Your not there yet: this doesnt mean you need to leave your bot whole day working without supervising it, take natural breaks like real players.

People can see you botting, but its just the matter of time they have or mood to report you.

The main lession is watch your bot, learn the way it operates and make private profiles.

(I dont wanna call anyone out, or give bad names i just wanna tell you guys this from my experience)
Not botting for to long, take breaks day to day that's helps a lot and try to create your own profiles so blizzard doesn´t matches your pattern with the many others, for example if you use a public profile.
If I have to sit and watch my bot all the time I would not bot. I bought this bot so it can play WoW for me and I can do other stuff
Why do you want the bot to play WoW for you? Do you have a goal in mind? When you reach level 90 will you quit botting? What is the objective if you only have the bot play for you? I guess I don't get it. If you don't like the game, then why mess with botting the game? Why pay $15 per month for something that you don't enjoy?
Im not saying you have to watch it all day, just in the beginning to see and learn how it works.
I've been using kick's profile while 100% baby sitting it. I just ran wow in 800x600 windowed and was doing some reading or home work next to it. It didnt got stuck once, no bugs, no other people following the same path. I did manually some dungeons and some quests every hour and I still got perma banned. After the appeal it was only a 72h ban but still, I believe they are detecting it some how. I never missed a whisper etc etc. Never ran it over night, I can play 10 hours a day manually when not botting so my on-line time wasnt increased.
Why do you want the bot to play WoW for you? Do you have a goal in mind? When you reach level 90 will you quit botting? What is the objective if you only have the bot play for you? I guess I don't get it. If you don't like the game, then why mess with botting the game? Why pay $15 per month for something that you don't enjoy?

I dont like farming gold. I think honor grind is boring after you done it on multiple characters. There are many things I enjoy, but like in any MMORPG there is this farming that is so boring
Why do you want the bot to play WoW for you? Do you have a goal in mind? When you reach level 90 will you quit botting? What is the objective if you only have the bot play for you? I guess I don't get it. If you don't like the game, then why mess with botting the game? Why pay $15 per month for something that you don't enjoy?
to make money