Thanks for yet another link to the same thing previously. None of that does anything for the STASH itself. It merely stashes items, but it does not sort the stash or go through the stash other than to place items. If it has Stash Functionality, I'm not finding it.
Is there any plugins for the stash that you can predefine what you want it to go through and sell?
Additionally, any way to have it scour the Stash Tabs and go through and clean it up automatically? Selling all identified Magic/Rare?
Everyone is linking you the same thread because that is what is available. There is no plugin thats going to through your stash and start pulling shit out and selling it. Do you realize what kind of problems that would create and what kind of uproar there would be here if the bot pulled out your 6L mirrrored chest then sold it to the vendor?
There are solutions to pretty much everything you are asking for, but im not going to link that thread again for you, nor will i point you to advanced item filter again.
Lets just break down what problems you are having:
1. You have a stash full of blue / rare gear that you want a plugin to get rid of because its trash.
The question i ask you is why did you not set up your item filter to trash these items before the items made their way into your stash? There is no reason for these terrible items to be in your stash. Read the guide. Setup your filters.
2. You want something to sort your stash inventory.
There are no public plugins that will sort your inventory for you. If you are using Advanced Item Filter you can specify where
many of the items go. You can throw all your currency into a tab, all your cards into a tab, all your quality gems into a tab, 5 link items into a tab, etc, etc, etc. Again, set up the item filter. This should keep your inventory fairly well sorted.
"Most" people here are not trying to be mean by repeating the same answer over and over, but it is the correct answer.